Citi Refreshes Online Login, Shows Reward Details On Each Transaction

Citicards has released a refresh to their online login. As part of the change, they now show the rewards points earned next to each transaction. It’ll now be easier than every to know what was categorized for a bonus multiplier whereas previously you had to do the math yourself. (I don’t have any recent transactions with Citi to show an image; this info comes via ITS_A_FIRE______sale on Reddit.)

As part of the refresh, they system now allows password managers to be used when logging in (ht MtM); for as long as I can remember, password managers simply did not work with Citi credit cards. Some of the other cookie issues that people have had in the past with Citi have been resolved as well.

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Sideshowbob233 (@guest_982916)
May 19, 2020 10:59

The new website is great. Now I can login with only 2-3 tries versus 6 on the old website. 🙄🙄🤯🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

lilurbanachiever (@guest_984871)
May 22, 2020 12:52

Funny, I have the same problem with the login – makes me do at least two tries. But I just saw that my expected citi ty points include the 60k bonus for crossing the spending threshold. Nice job Citibank !

sg77 (@guest_982903)
May 19, 2020 10:38

I see the Rewards column on my Rewards+ card, but not on my Dividend Platinum Select card.

The login is still a little flaky in another way: I logged in and it immediately said something about the session timing out; logged in again and it worked.

Jenny (@guest_982618)
May 18, 2020 20:14

Not with AAdvantage cards

Mike (@guest_982544)
May 18, 2020 18:16

Looks like it depends on the card, even within TYP-earning cards.

My Prestige and Rewards+ cards show points earned per transaction, but my ATT Access More card does not. Of course, the last one is the one I really want enabled, given the vagaries of what codes as an online shopping purchase.

Nick (@guest_982341)
May 18, 2020 14:24

It still doesn’t work with Dashlane. Where is the new login? I try and always have to manually enter my username.

OMallee (@guest_982279)
May 18, 2020 12:27

I have booked hotels using prestige card via, it turns out to award me 5X points

OMallee (@guest_982430)
May 18, 2020 16:07

and I applied for prestige card a month ago, I thought the password manager always works fine with me

KT (@guest_982231)
May 18, 2020 11:10

You can see it in the Citi App now as well. Only on TY Cards for me (not Costco or AA) but if you click on a posted transaction and scroll to the bottom it will tell you the earned “rewards”

bl (@guest_982211)
May 18, 2020 10:49

Anyone know a way to see points earned by transaction for USBank?

SamL (@guest_982021)
May 17, 2020 23:07

I don’t see any change at all. I’ve been able to use stored passwords for about a year.

Matthew (@guest_982022)
May 17, 2020 23:08

Same here. I did have trouble doing it, but got it working in Chrome eventually.

grrizzly (@guest_982028)
May 17, 2020 23:19

I’ve been able to use a password manager with Citi for the last 15 years or so. It always worked. I always used Roboform.

DestinyFalls (@guest_982150)
May 18, 2020 08:59

Same. Lastpass on Firefox worked for me for the past 3 years or so.

e* (@guest_982285)
May 18, 2020 12:36

I’ve had the rewards line for my Citi Premier for over a year now, but no change to AT&T, where it really matters 🙁 I’ve also been able to use a password manager (1Password) for years, no change there.

Vic (@guest_983456)
May 20, 2020 05:42

Citi’s site is probably the worst for 1Password though. I am able to auto-fill, but I can’t press enter after autofill is done as I do on other sites. (need to move cursor and click)

Josh (@guest_982018)
May 17, 2020 22:59

Any thoughts on how to combine my ThankYou accounts? I have two different ThankYou numbers and when I click to combine on, it only shows me one account but not the other. Help?

Karen in Florida
Karen in Florida (@guest_982116)
May 18, 2020 05:53

I had that happen once. I had to call in and found out something was different about the names or addresses that didn’t match (I don’t remember) but it caused it to not combine online. But they were able to do it over the phone.

thiseye (@guest_982183)
May 18, 2020 10:10

Change your personal information so they both match exactly. Then it should allow you to merge (may take a few days to register)

Josh (@guest_982557)
May 18, 2020 18:31

It was an old address. Updated it and was able to combine right away. Thank you!