[Expired] Citi ThankYou Points 15% Transfer Bonus To Cathay Pacific Asia Miles (1:1.15)

Deal has ended, view more Cathay Pacific deals by clicking here.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Citi are offering a 15% transfer bonus when you transfer your Citi ThankYou points to Cathay Pacific Asia Miles program through 7/22.

The Fine Print

  • Valid until 7/22

Our Verdict

This is the first transfer bonus we’ve seen from Citi for Cathay Pacific. We saw the same bonus in 2018. Worth transferring if you have an immediate use of the points. You can see other Citi transfer bonuses by clicking here.

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Jay (@guest_1639071)
June 21, 2023 12:52

So many errors in this post…

1. The transfer bonus is 15%, not 25%
2. The expiration date is 7/22 not 6/22 (6/22 would be tomorrow lol)
3. The “Direct link to offer” URL is wrong, as several other readers have already pointed out
4. “This is the first transfer bonus we’ve seen from Citi for Cathay Pacific” No actually it is not, they had the same exact 15% bonus back in 2018

Deo (@guest_1639059)
June 21, 2023 12:36

Looks 15% rather than 25%?

Jed (@guest_1639053)
June 21, 2023 12:23

Fix the “direct link to offer”!

Yosef (@guest_1639043)
June 21, 2023 12:10

Link is for Lifemiles. Cathay is 15% bonus.

lanslort (@guest_1639040)
June 21, 2023 12:02

The link is for a LifeMiles deal back from 2020

Peter (@guest_1639039)
June 21, 2023 12:02

Carpet airline?

Msrecord1 (@guest_1639065)
June 21, 2023 12:42

Here at DoC, the readers are the copy editors