Citi Will Reduce The Amount Of ThankYou Points Earned From Your Banking Relationship

Starting December 2014, Citi will be reducing the amount of ThankYou points you earn from your banking relationship with them. If you’re not familiar with this program, we’d recommend reading this first.

The Changes

  • Basic banking & student accounts will no longer earn any ThankYou points
  • Citigold, Citi Private Bank Account, and The Citibank Account will now earn less points

To see the full changes we’d recommend having a look at the chart below, which can be found on this page.

citi thank you changes

Our Thoughts

I’ve always thought that this promotion was too much work for not enough payoff. With the announcement that ThankYou points could be converted into airline miles at a 1:1 ratio I was rethinking whether it was worth the effort or not. This seals the fate of this program for me, I definitely won’t be bothering. Instead I’ll be sticking to regular bank account bonuses that pay cash out as a lump sum (similar to a credit card bonus, but without the hard pull). If you’re looking for a bank account that earns at an on going rate I’d recommend the Santander account which pays $20/month currently with a few requirements.

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