Citibank Credit Card Funding Appears to be Dead

Multiple reports in the DoC comments, Flyertalk, and Reddit indicate that Citi stopped accepting credit card funding for their checking and savings accounts.

As of yesterday, it was still going, but it appears that it died today.


HT: milesperday on Twitter

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Tim (@guest_308840)
October 24, 2016 16:13

has anyone else tried since February?

Superman (@guest_809517)
September 12, 2019 20:13

Tried to fund with Discover CB Debit and registered Metabank VGC, both failed.

Fahad Shareef
Fahad Shareef (@guest_227732)
February 22, 2016 17:52

Was anyone able to successfully fund by credit card???

Kristina (@guest_226845)
February 18, 2016 16:16

Just found out today that Citi also won’t let you transfer available balance between credit cards anymore. Not sure if this was known, but it sucks. Now instead of soft pull (if any pull), it’s a hard to increase a credit line on one of their cards. Hmmmph!

Tim (@guest_224941)
February 11, 2016 17:41

Just applied for the CitiGold via phone (sales, not new accounts). Was told that I could fund the account one time only using a credit card and that new accounts would be unable to process a credit card if I chose to find later (which is where the faxed sheets go). So, evidently, there is still a one-time option, it just needs to be phones in through a sales rep.

William Charles
February 11, 2016 18:13

Let us know if you try it and it actually works.

Tim (@guest_224975)
February 11, 2016 18:57

Turned in the application, we’ll see if everything goes through. The only downside to applying via phone is that the application takes longer to be processed (7-10 days in some cases).

Eric (@guest_225054)
February 11, 2016 20:58

If/when you confirm that you successfully fund by credit card the blogosphere will explode (again).

bellevuemike (@guest_224376)
February 10, 2016 14:34

If you want to feel really bad, Citi allowed 5 accounts to be funded with c cards. Then, if you canceled the account and reupped under a new account, you got 5 more, and so on, and so on.

Jake (@guest_224248)
February 10, 2016 10:53

Okay everyone. I got the worst end of this situation.

I opened a Citgold checking account last week and then opened an Alaska credit card. The Alaska credit card instantly gave me a number to start using the account. So i thought perfect, let me fill out the credit card deposit form with these numbers and fax it over same day. So Citi waits until yesterday to process the form and Bank of A calls me yesterday and says they used the wrong expiration date.

So my plan was to call Citi as soon as the actual Alaska card comes in which is 3-5 days but i guess because of some error, i wont get 10k deposit.

Kevin (@guest_224229)
February 10, 2016 09:38

Not even slightly surprised. The banks are shutting down these avenues left and right.

jasony (@guest_224225)
February 10, 2016 09:11

OMG…….data point: used bofa alaska to fund citigold on FEB 8. even cash limit lower to 200. still went through as cash advance and was charged a whopping 200 usd fee….

William Charles
February 10, 2016 20:00

Should be able to fight that easily.

Ian (@guest_224659)
February 10, 2016 23:51

How do you fight it? What do you tell them? If the transaction was coded as cash advance or cash advance disbursement or equivalent, then the transaction stands as a CA. You can go over your limit with credit cards.

William Charles
February 10, 2016 23:56

I’d say I set the cash advance limit for a reason. Should be an easy CFPB complaint if they don’t reverse it.

Kent C
Kent C (@guest_224187)
February 10, 2016 02:35

I see it two ways. You can:

1. Use the generous unselfish information from the blogs and strike while the iron is hot. Know the deals will end and expect the worst, be happy while it lasts

– or –

2. Find deals on your own and keep it a secret to satisfy your sense of entitlement and greed

I think most are too lazy to do #2, especially the complainers. Blogsuckers. You suck the life out of the blog for free then blame the blog for the deaths of deals. I think the last thing anyone should do is tell DOC how to run his business. Pathetic.

RAUL (@guest_224210)
February 10, 2016 05:32

1. Oh please I know Doc does a service but he is making it too easy, not just him but most bloggers. This info has been out there for a long time Doc did not pull this out of his butt so get off his jock. First place I read about this was frugal travel guy some 5 years ago. What I’m saying is that the game is too easy now due to all the hat tipping and linking to each other’s sites and then spelling it all out step by mother F ing step. These sites are now pretty big so this info gets back to the card companies and if you don’t think so then u must not pay attention to the commercials where they say that they were ranked #1 card by the points guy. I’m serious too they mention the website in the commercials. Like I said I know these guys do a service but they are doing too good a job. the blog posts should be a little more vague and then they should go into the details in the comments section. There are too many players in the game that would not be in it without being spoonfed and a lot of these guys are too dumb to follow rules like don’t call the bank.

2. People like u Kent r part of the problem also i guess. U know nothing Kent. U really think barclays is the winner if I charge $10,000 to fund a bank account and you think this is y this was shut down? How does barclays win if they have to pay out $200 plus some when I use the points for travel?

RAUL (@guest_224172)
February 10, 2016 01:21

We need to go back to using more code words and not make everything so simple to follow so these deals can last longer. seems like the top 5 sites are too interrelated and always linking to each others sites. usually doc or frequentmiler will be the first to post something then it gets picked up by everyone else. the solution is ultimately going to come from the problem which are the bloggs. We all benefit from the blogs since No one has the time to search and find these deals but the blogs have to b responsible and not spell out every little detail. I wouldn’t have included how to fund the citi accounts in the posts just said it was an available option and let everyone find it by doing a lil digging. my 2 cents