The Offer
- Coinbase Earn is offering $3 Numeraire (NMR) for watching short videos on the cryptocurrency [$1 x 3 videos]. Answers are as follows:
- What is Numerai? Community of data scientists
- What is Numeraire (NMR)? To back up predictions
- Who can participate in Numerai? Nothing
Our Verdict
Might end up on the wait list, you can view more coinbase earn opportunities here and more free cryptocurrency opportunities here.
got it tks
Worked flawlessly for me. Thanks Doc!
It asked me to verify again, even though I have an active portfolio on coinbase.
Easy $2 (after selling fee) for 30 seconds of answering questions.
You liquidated right away?
And only fir $2?
Why not hold onto it?
Direct link:
1. Community of data scientists
2. To back up predictions
3. Nothing
not eligible as usual waitlist
It always does that true – but it usually opens up eventually and doesn’t seem to take a long time
I call bull on this. I did the first three back a couple of years ago and the rest since have been on waitlist until they run out of coins.
Similar experience. Also, not sure why they want to verify identity again, they already did that twice.
I’m on the wait-list, but I can do it sooner if I verify, which I already did with my ID? Wtf do they want? Lmao