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Golden Tiger
Golden Tiger (@guest_1933948)
October 17, 2024 20:06

Received an email today saying
“You’ve been pre-approved for a AAA Visa Signature® credit card of your choice.* Accept this offer and, for a limited time, you can earn $300 in statement creditst in the first 90 days of your account opening. 1. Earn a $100 statement credit after you spend $1,000 on your card. 2.
Earn an additional $200 statement credit after you spend an additional $2,000 on your card. Plus, $0 annual fee and 0% foreign transaction fee.*”
applied and was auto approved for $24,300 with no credit inquiry while currently at 8/24!

rita (@guest_1814928)
March 16, 2024 15:38

so I just tried applying for the Daily Advantage (I already have the Travel Advantage) and it gave me the following message:

Welcome Back
It looks like you already have an account. If you don’t have your card, need a replacement or need help with locating your account, contact Customer Service for help. Here’s their number: 1-855-585-8852 (TDD/TTY: 1-888-819-1918).

AAllen (@guest_1835447)
April 24, 2024 17:04

Yes if you have one you can not open a 2nd. You can however change which card you have based on what is best for your spending habits.

Amanda (@guest_1792157)
February 3, 2024 17:22

FYI I did a little research and a few sites mentioned that you don’t have to be a AAA member. They said the app has an optional field for AAA member number.

Zenster (@guest_1759395)
December 16, 2023 01:26

What is the point reward structure for this card?

Bob (@guest_1751851)
December 5, 2023 16:54

PSA: The top of the Rewards page for my AAA Daily Advantage Card now has the notice:
“We’re making some updates to your reward terms. You can review your updated Rewards Terms & Conditions on this page starting Dec. 10, 2023.”

Might want to hold off on applying for these cards until then

Amanda (@guest_1735759)
November 13, 2023 00:15

Wow, I’m just discovering these cards—not sure why I missed them earlier on the best cards for groceries and gas posts. What have people’s experiences been like with them? How is their customer service?

Dean (@guest_1801512)
February 22, 2024 13:32

Amanda I was transitioned to Comenity from BofA. I use it for gas and airfares, and once last year for an AAA purchase. The main advantage is that there is no longer a minimum redemption, which I believe was $25 at BofA. I haven’t needed to call customer service, so can’t comment.

The one caveat – for me at least on the West Coast – is that the payment deadline is 6pm ET, so I have to be careful to pay up the day before.

With regard to the perennial question of whether Travel includes hotels, that’s a dicey option for all cards. Best bet is NOT to book through expedia and the like.

Amanda (@guest_1801939)
February 23, 2024 08:28

Thanks that’s all helpful to hear.

That’s so petty of them to have the payment deadline be 6 pm Eastern, rather than being midnight in one’s own time zone or, I guess, a specific time zone, thanks for the heads up.

I usually try to find a list of the credit card codes that qualify, or otherwise get customer service to delineate the categories for me. Will keep in mind to do that if I get the travel card.

Mahlen Petry
Mahlen Petry (@guest_1651690)
July 11, 2023 17:18

Are the cost of hotels included in the Travel category of the Travel Advantage Card?

kathy (@guest_1617852)
May 14, 2023 10:15

when do you get the ‘cash back’? and did I see that there is no purchase protection, aka extended warranties?

Dean (@guest_1801509)
February 22, 2024 13:24

kathy Each month, and there’s no minimum requirement for redemption.

Richard (@guest_1602287)
April 20, 2023 00:19

Anybody else getting billed now from Comenty for paid B of A statements last year? Found out there’s no dispute department phone number and some stalling tactics when calling customer service

NK (@guest_1589148)
March 31, 2023 14:33

Does anyone know what the heck counts as “travel” purchase for the Travel Advantage card??? I can’t find this information anywhere.

Chet (@guest_1589677)
April 1, 2023 10:14

5% is just “gas and electric-vehicle charging purchases”, not all “travel”

> “3% back in Cash Back […] on grocery store, restaurant, travel, and AAA purchases. Grocery store, restaurant and travel purchases are as identified by Merchant Classification Codes”

> “Cash Back Merchant Classification Codes: Merchants who accept Visa are assigned a merchant classification code (“MCC”), which is determined by the merchant or its processor in accordance with Visa procedures based on the products and/or services they primarily sell. Comenity Capital Bank and AAA do not control the assignment of these codes and are not responsible for incorrectly coded purchases. Even though a merchant or some of the items it sells may appear to fit within a certain Cash Back category, the merchant may not have a code in that category.”

Soooo, it depends entirely on how the merchant is classified.