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The Offer
- Costco is offering $50 off $150+ when you use promo code EASTER22
The Fine Print
- Limit 1 per membership
- Valid until 4/16/22
Our Verdict
Should be a useful offer for a lot of readers. Stack with these deals (these purchases code as Instacart):
This is the first time that I use this same day delivery service. I used this promo and stacked it with instacart push via cashapp. The Costco online receipt says total=136$ (no sign of discount), the email from Costco says total=166$ (-50$ discount –> 116$). I compared a few items in both receipts and it looks like the prices are slightly higher (~10-20%), if using the same day delivery service.
The Cashapp also says that I paid 109$. Not sure what is going on with this app. But I do not see signs that cashapp could apply its 30$ discount for Instacart correctly. They may send update later but this app.
Thanks for your DP,
Kristen . Hope that you were able to get the 30% off from the Cash App Boost
The prices for this service are 17% higher than normal warehouse prices. I just used this for the first time and the savings ended up being $20, not $50 due to the jacked up prices. Defo not worth it. Not doing this again
It’s 17% higher because they have to pay the shoppers to pick up and deliver your order, brah
They’re not charity or your caretakers
Promo is Invalid
Stacked with CashApp 30% off, the 8TB Seagate drive I ordered should only be about $60 after tax and tip once the final purchase settles in CashApp. Really great deal on that HD.
Thats a really bad drive imo, not worth the bargain you are getting.
I’d buy electronics with an Amex card which offers extended warranty
External hard drives are not indicated under electronics and therefore are under Costco’s liberal lifetime return policy. Feel free to return your 20 year old Christmas tree and cooked raw chicken too. Oh the things you see in Costco’s long ass return line.
Good to know. Thanks,
ieatdogfood ! What were the most expensive items you returned to Costco?
I dont know why my order was canceled. and it shows Your account has been deactivated.
same here, I used a card with different billing address. Delivery address was different too. no idea!
How does the return work in this case?
Easy. Keep the return. Just report the issue and they will refund you
Off topic, has any of you noticed that some items in Costco, in the stores, have increased the price since early this year?
I’m not talking about the pricing on this same-day delivery but in the stores in general.
you mean…the 10% inflation?
Only 10%?
Is the difference between the Costco receipt vs. the price you paid online just the added cost of using the Instacart service premium? Or will they eventually charge us what’s on the receipt? I had $160 on the receipt vs. $180 online.
The difference is the added cost for Instacart, so there won’t be any further adjustment.
I’m not sure if it varies by region, but for me, it was 16.x%.
IMO, between this and delivery/tip/fees, Instacart is too expensive, so I don’t use it. I’m happy to use this discount stacked with Cash app 30% off, but other than in situations like this, I’m not a customer.
There are some people who don’t mind paying for the convenience. Nothing wrong with that — I just don’t happen to be one of them.
Yea Instacart is a pretty garbage service. Maybe its useful for the elderly but it pretty much ends there. The deal when it stacked was ok, I paid $95 all in for what the receipt said $160. I was charged $180 though.
I have been unable to get the site to work at all since yesterday. I tried mobile app, mobile website, regular website and nothing. Anyone with similar issues?
“Your items will stay temperature-controlled until delivery.” sounds high-tech. Do the drivers have a mini fridge in their cars, powered by automobile power sockets?
It’s mean nothing. I got same verbiage and the driver deliver it using his Sienna.
For meat or anything sell by weight, folks should leave a little wiggle in case the shopper pick a smaller package. In my case shopper pick a few bigger packages and decrease my saving significantly.