There are lots of reasons why you might want a credit card, this site primarily focuses on credit card rewards. If you’re reading this site then it’s assumed that you will always pay your credit card bill on time and and in full to avoid late payment fees and the high interest rates that credit cards charge. If you can do that then credit cards can be extremely lucrative. A lot (but not all) credit cards offer a rewards program these days, but the difference between the best and worse cards is huge.
Generally there are two main types of credit card bonuses:
- Sign up bonuses. These are a one time reward you receive for signing up for a card and meeting a minimum spend requirement (e.g spend $1,000 within your first three months of being a card member and receive a sign up bonus of $200).
- On going spend/category bonuses. These reward you every time you spend one dollar, in some cases you’ll earn the same rate on all purchases but some cards offer spending bonuses for specific categories (e.g earn 1% cash back on all purchases and 3% cash back on grocery store purchases)
Sign up bonuses are typically the most lucrative and you can earn enough from a single sign up bonus for a round trip flight or multiple nights at a hotel. That being said if you spend a lot of money in a specific category it might make sense to get a card that earns at a high rate in that category. Or if you just spend a lot of money in general then you could get a card that earns at a high rate on all purchases. It’s important to remember that you still want to be able to pay your card off in full every month to avoid any interest charges otherwise any rewards you earn are quickly counteracted. It’s also a good idea to remember that some cards also come with annual fees.
The Doctor of Credit Difference
Unlike other sites we take putting our readers first seriously. One of the ways we do this is by not using credit card affiliate links, this means we don’t have any incentive to suggest one credit card or the other and will always share the best deals with our readers.
Helpful Resources
If you’re just getting started in the credit card rewards hobby or your a seasoned veteran then chances are we have some useful information for you.
General Information
- All of our credit card reference pages can be found here. If you have a question, chances are that it’s answered here.
- View Your Pre-Approved & Pre-Qualified Credit Card Offers
- Comprehensive information for individual card issuers:
Sign Up Bonuses
We keep a few pages regularly updated that you’ll find useful if you chase sign up bonuses.
- Best Current Credit Card Sign Up Bonuses. Useful if you want to know what the best credit card offers are at a quick glance.
- Spreadsheet containing a list of all the current sign up bonuses and their historical highs. Very useful if you want to sign up for a credit card and want to ensure you’re getting the best deal.
- Best Cash Credit Card Sign Up Bonuses. Don’t care about travel rewards? Only care about cash? This is for you.
- Credit Card Bonuses With No Minimum Spend Requirements. Struggling to meet minimum spend requirements? These cards don’t have any, the sign up bonus will post after your first purchase.
- Credit Card Bonuses With Low Minimum Spend Requirements (Under $500 & $1,000). Same as above but focuses on cards with low minimum spend requirements.
- What’s The Best Credit Card For People With Very High Spend? If you spend a lot of money then this card shows you the best options.
- Best Chase Credit Card Offers For Cards That Don’t Follow 5/24 Rule. If you’re not familiar with the Chase 5/24 rule, I’d recommend reading up on it here. If you are then this post should make sense.
- Best Store Credit Cards – Get Up To 10x Points With No Cap. A lot of people chasing rewards completely discount store cards as they are not known for offering good rewards but this isn’t always the case.
- Best Secured Credit Cards. If you have bad credit then getting a rewards card can be difficult, but you still have options. I’d also recommend reading our post on the easiest cards to get.
Ongoing Spend
If you spend a lot of money in a specific category, then these posts will show you what the best card is for each category:
- Best Credit Cards For Every Day Purchases. If you don’t spend a lot of money in any single category, this post will show you the cards that earn at the highest rate on all purchases.
- Best Credit Cards For Restaurant Spend.
- Best Credit Card For Grocery Store Purchases.
- Best Credit Cards For Office Supply Purchases.
- Best Credit Cards For Home Improvement Stores.
- Best Credit Cards For Telecommunication Expenses.
- Best Credit Card For Department Store Purchases.
- Best Credit Card For Drugstore Purchases.
- Best Credit Card For Charity Donations.
- Best Gas Credit Cards
- Best Credit Cards For Amazon Purchases – Up to 5x Points/5% Cash Back. I’d also recommend reading our complete guide to saving money on Amazon.
Do you have any questions? If so feel free to ask them in the comments and I’ll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible, although you’re probably find that most questions have already been answered on the site (using the search bar is your friend). If you like credit card rewards then chances are you will probably like bank account bonuses and high interest savings accounts as well, so be sure to check out those sections on our website.
Is there a to do list in order for credit cards can bank accounts sing up bonuses?
Like a way to follow and initiate. thanks!
Any downside of using “0” percent Direct deposit cash advance ( 3 percent transaction fee) to out into CD that pays 5.25 for a year to earn the spread?
William Charles Chuck
Thank you
You have to pay tax on the interest but can’t deduct the 3% fee. Depending on your tax bracket, the gain may not be worth the drop in your credit score.
Better to buy T bills or use the extra cash to earn SUBs on bank accounts. That’s what I do.
Hey, seems like it would be helpful if this article to the list above?
3/24, 800, w/ 2 Chase Ink – used SSN, SP, real name on both Ink apps.
Does maintaining a balanced owed $6k on each INK card(CIC, CIU) impact new biz card app?
*Applied CIC-Dec 22)’, (CIC 90k SUB-JAn 23′, posted); Applied CIU-Jan 23′–CIU 90k SUB Feb 23′ to most Mar 5.)
1. Would like to re-apply for 2nd CIC in Apr 23′—4 months from CIC app
Possible with balances on card
2. When could I reapply for CIU?.
Prefer to not pay off INK cards in full since have 0%, 12 mo option with Chase.
3. If not possible to get a new INK card is there another chase biz card like IHG would be easier for approval?
4. Another option C1 Venture(Have Vx card) if I ned to go outside but that makes me. 4/24. Jul 23′ I drop one inquiry.
So I prefer a business to get back to 2/24 by JUL 23′
5. Pushing 1 more additional card now since I have 2 large payment to make by Apr and would like new SUB.
So need an opinion of the velocity to open, impact of balances.
Thanks – great newsletter.
Do you do anything with business credit?
@doc is there a write up anywhere of best balance transfer/ 0% intro apr cards?
Yes, check nerdwallet. Search “best 0 apr credit cards” and it’s probably the first one on the list.
I signed up for the Chase Sapphire Preferred about a year ago, and I had my wife as an authorized user. I met the requirements for the bonus and closed the account a couple months ago before the next AF kicked in.
The question is whether she could apply for the same card now as the primary, or is she on the same 24 month clock that I am? I haven’t been able to find the answer anywhere.
Andy Looks like this was not answered. 1) AU status has zero impact in P2’s ability to get the cared, but AU does count as a 5/24 spot with Chase. If she is under 5/24, she can get the same card. 2) Sapphire cards have a 48 month waiting period between SUBs, not 24 month.
FWIW, I was told that Chase is offering $250 bonus after $500 spend on the Freedom Flex card if opened in branch. (It’s $200 if opened online.)
US Bank Business Card and Plastiq
The Plastiq fee is waived on your first $5,000 in Plastiq payments – a savings of up to $142*.
Enroll by 12/31/2021
*Savings will be automatically reflected when making a Plastiq payment for new Plastiq customers only.
with the new contactless debit card, when and how do you enter your security code?
I have only done it once or twice, but IIRC it runs it like a signature transaction, not a debit PIN. You don’t enter your PIN or CVV code, which is “more secure” and can’t get spied on/skimmed.
Basically, anyone with your card can buy stuff…. it’s how we do things!