Credit Cards That Offer Priority Pass Memberships Compared – What Are The Differences?

Updated page for 2021, including the Capital One Venture X.

It’s becoming increasingly common for premium credit cards to offer priority pass lounge access. For those not familiar Priority Pass is a network of over 800 airport loungesReader Eric asked if we could create a post comparing the differences and we aim to please so here we are! Below is a list of credit cards that offer priority pass lounge access as a benefit, this is then followed by a comparison table.

Cards That Offer This Benefit

Comparison Table

Free Access# Of GuestsAuthorized UsersMobile AppAnnual feeRestaurant Access
American Express PlatinumYes$27 per guestYes (normally $175 for three additional cardholders)YesVaries ($550 normally)No
Hilton Honors Ascend10 free visits, then $27 per visit32 per guest (can use the 10 free visits)NoYes$95.00No
Hilton Honors AspireYesTwo guests freeNo fee, but no access to Priority Pass loungesYes$450No
American Express Bonvoy BrilliantYes$27 per guestNoYes$450No
Business Hilton Honors10 free visits, then $27 per visit$32 per guest (can use the 10 free visits)NoYes$95No
Barclaycard Gold & BlackYesNo limitUnknown ($195 for black & $295 for gold)?$495, $995Yes
Chase Ritz-CarltonYesNo limit*Yes (no fee)Yes$450.00Yes
Chase Sapphire ReserveYesTwo guests freeYes ($75 per cardholder)Yes$550.00Yes
City National Bank Visa InfiniteYes$32 per guestYes, doesn’t have to be authorized^Yes$400Yes
Citi PrestigeYesTwo guests or immediate familyYes ($75 per cardholder)Yes$350-$450Yes
UBS Visa InfiniteNoNoneNo?$495Yes
U.S. bank Altitude ReserveFour free visits for primary cardholder, four free for guests then $27No limit*NoYes$400Yes
Capital One Venture XYesTwo guestsYesYes$395No

This table contains four columns:

  • Free access: This is whether the primary cardholder receives free access or not.
  • # Of Guests: This includes the number of free guests you’re allowed to bring into lounges. You can bring in additional guests for a cost of $27 per person if you want to exceed these limits. Note some lounges also have a restriction on the total amount of guests you can bring in (this is also relevant to the Chase Sapphire Reserve)
  • Authorized users: This indicates whether authorized user cardholders also receive this benefit or not. Unless otherwise noted if they do receive this benefit it’s the same as the primary cardholder.

*Some lounges have a restriction on the total amount of guests you can bring in, this limit still applies to cards that have no hard limits on the amount of guests that can be brought in.

^This card lets you choose one other person to receive this benefit, they don’t have to be an authorized user.


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Dd (@guest_1919060)
September 25, 2024 12:32

Us bank altitude connect/business and altitude reserve get a certain amount of visits per year, the visits can be used at restaurants

James (@guest_1821456)
March 28, 2024 12:40

Really helpful post but seems quite outdated. Would be great to update it!

Kyle (@guest_1738008)
November 16, 2023 10:57

Is it possible to add the BOA Premium Rewards Elite card to this list? I’m having a hard time figuring out what access it offers and AU access looks like. Thanks!

Yoshi (@guest_1842404)
May 9, 2024 12:07
  1. The Terms and Conditions DOES NOT specify a guest limit unlike other cards that do have a guest limit, which means “UNLIMITED” guests for lounges unless restricted by lounge
  2. Access to restaurants ($28 credit for yourself and 1 guest, so $58 total) and other non-lounge experiences
  3. You DO NOT get a Physical Priority pass card, only virtual card.
  4. Unlike other cards that give both cardholder and AU’s PP access, the BoA PRE only has 4 full Priority Pass memberships that you can assign to anyone you want, even zero for yourself and 4 to a random dude on the street. However you cannot reassign the passes once set.
Pikachoose ⚡️
Pikachoose ⚡️ (@guest_1706186)
September 30, 2023 05:00

Capital One Venture X no longer has restaurant access as of 1 Jan 2023, as covered by DoC themselves:

LintonDrOfCredit (@guest_1641092)
June 24, 2023 18:16

Capital One Venture X allows unlimited guests.

TomT (@guest_1568797)
March 4, 2023 10:28

Be aware that the non-lounge restaurants accepting Priority Pass (even the one from the Chase Ritz card with unlimited guests) can limit the number of guests per visit. At SFO, all of the restaurants accepting Priority Pass, Lark Creek Grill, Mustards Bar and Grill, SF Giants Clubhouse and Yankee Pier, limit you to one guest getting the $28 discount.

Dheeraj (@guest_1356887)
April 1, 2022 11:49

Ritz Carlton is the best card for Priority Pass:

1. Unlimited guests
2. Free priority pass for your authorized users (which are free to add, with no limit on AUs)
3. Priority Pass restaurant access

Jack (@guest_1285019)
November 17, 2021 14:45

According to the terms and conditions, Amex Plat includes 2 free guests.

Tyler (@guest_1309120)
January 4, 2022 16:50

Just came to add the same. I got my PP in the mail for my new Amex Platinum and it also lists 2 guests (3rd is $32 billed to your card).

vagniphor (@guest_1283849)
November 15, 2021 18:19

What is restaurant access? Free pass to dine in a restaurant outside of the lounge?

Kyle808 (@guest_1326358)
February 4, 2022 13:27

Priority Pass has a select list of participating restaurants in which a member is eligible for up to $28 to $30 per guest for credits on food/drinks.

Ben (@guest_1282997)
November 13, 2021 23:14
