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fdic (@guest_2018679)
March 7, 2025 11:56

Does anyone know if Customers offers free checks for the checking account? thanks

007 (@guest_2018689)
March 7, 2025 12:02

I thought their checking account was in branch only. Or do you already have one?

fdic (@guest_2018796)
March 7, 2025 14:17

I got mine online in late 2022. I started with max and then got hyds and I think I got checking together with that. I recently started to use Customers as my main account for everything (was using Citi so far), so thats why was wondering about checks

007 (@guest_2018893)
March 7, 2025 15:26

Got it, thanks so much!

midas89 (@guest_2018927)
March 7, 2025 15:49

007 No free checks allowed when I opened my Customers Bank checking account. So I just paid about $6 to SuperValueChecks online for an order of plain blue checks.

fdic (@guest_2018957)
March 7, 2025 16:11

midas89 Thanks, made a note of that website, $2 + $4 shipping for 40 checks is pretty good. 40 will last forever.

midas89 (@guest_2018966)
March 7, 2025 16:17

Fdic You’re welcome. That’s the same as I did. Like you, I hardly write any checks. The last check I wrote was to just get a small amount of money into my Roger account the day it was opened.

Thanks for the Roger update. I am sure you saw Frugal posted he or she was declined from getting a temporary Roger ACH increase. We’ll see if the same happens to you, of course.

midas89 (@guest_2013310)
February 27, 2025 12:58

Customers Bank Max Savings Account increased from 3.91% APY to 4.02% APY today. (Still remains very disappointing, of course.)

Grateful (@guest_1993567)
January 29, 2025 13:46

The 4 highest APYs for accounts opened through Maxmyinterest as of today are Veritex Community Bank 4.34%*, UFB Direct, a division of Axos Bank 4.31%*, Fieldpoint Private 4.02%*, Customers Bank 3.91%.

vic torr
vic torr (@guest_1991655)
January 25, 2025 17:15

PaulinTexas The linking by account number by Plaid is gone! It seems just a test/tease that you caught?

midas89 (@guest_1991658)
January 25, 2025 17:21

vic torr After seeing your posting above, I logged into Customers Bank online, and the ability to link with just routing number & account number is also no longer an option on my screen. If it stays gone permanently, thank goodness for PaulinTexas posting his comment yesterday so I could at least get the account I linked yesterday.

PaulinTexas (@guest_1991660)
January 25, 2025 17:30

vic torr Well that’s disappointing 🙁

gchope2k6 🔗
gchope2k6 🔗 (@guest_1985533)
January 15, 2025 08:40

Just opened a new Customers Bank account through MMI as a joint account with P2 with frozen Chex for both. The account opened with no Chex pull. Is there anything else I need to do after the 30 days waiting period to enable same-day ACH or will it be enabled automatically? At what point can I close my MMI account or should I just keep it open without the optimization step?

vic torr
vic torr (@guest_1985540)
January 15, 2025 08:52

ACH should show up automatically. What did you use for the MMI checking requirement?

gchope2k6 🔗
gchope2k6 🔗 (@guest_1985570)
January 15, 2025 09:37

US Bank checking

gchope2k6 🔗
gchope2k6 🔗 (@guest_1985636)
January 15, 2025 11:03

Hmm, I was able to link my external account to Customers AND submit a same day pull transfer request. Wasn’t this supposed to be blocked for the first 30 days? PaulinTexas

midas89 (@guest_1985647)
January 15, 2025 11:18

Could be that Customers Bank rescinded the 30-day delay policy after they saw that only allowing Plaid direct linking to confirm external accounts and not allowing trial deposits reduced the chance of fraud. I don’t know for sure, of course.

PaulinTexas (@guest_1985662)
January 15, 2025 11:39

gchope2k6 🔗 That’s fantastic! Maybe they have a different arrangement with MMI?because the 30 day wait is still in their new account disclosures. It’s also great that they opened with Chex frozen!

vic torr
vic torr (@guest_1985671)
January 15, 2025 11:47

CB has been lenient with Chex for long since they are very involved with EWS, including reporting every transaction on the account!

gchope2k6 🔗
gchope2k6 🔗 (@guest_1986212)
January 16, 2025 07:28

Oh wow, that was fast. I did a test with $10, pulled them from my other bank yesterday at 11:01 AM into the CB joint account and pushed them to P2s Wells Fargo at 4:39 PM. The amount shows as Pending in WF as of this morning. Anyone knows the same-day transfer windows? Would it be possible to pull/push an amount the same day? This would be a great way to transfer from P1 to P2 and vice versa using a CB joint account in between. Would you risk trying this with 250k and a new CB account? Wonder if there is a risk of extended holds for larger amounts… Thanks again

PaulinTexas (@guest_1986469)
January 16, 2025 13:27

gchope2k6 🔗 Here are the transfer windows that I’ve identified all EST.

Same Day – M-F

AM Windows – before 8 & 9 AM – funds arrive between 12:00 – 1:00 PM
PM Windows – after 9 AM to 2 PM – funds arrive around 6:30 PM

I push/pull the same day all the time because there are no holds on pulled funds. That’s one of the primary reasons I use CB because you can move funds between accounts w/o losing any interest. The $250K daily/$1.5M Monthly limits are based on the combined CB scheduled push/pulls. This means you have to plan out larger transfers.

  • $125K push/pull same day ($250K total)
  • $250K push or pull same day

Let’s say you need to pull $250K from Bank A and push it to Bank B. Based on the limits above it would take two days; however, there is a work around using an overnight pull. Why? because the pull is scheduled the prior afternoon (2:30PM to 7:00 PM), and it will count towards that day’s limit. In the morning the $250K will be at CB and you can then push out the $250K same day.

Overnight Window – After 2:30 PM to 7 PM

Useful if your pulling funds – counts towards the current day transfer limits and funds are sitting in your account in the morning. It’s a win-win because you don’t lose any interest, and the funds are available to cover any scheduled debits or to transfer out in the AM window.

After 7:00 PM Window – you can schedule same-day transfers that will be processed the next business day during the 8 AM window. So, any time after 7 PM on Friday through 8 AM the next business day, you can schedule same-day transfers in advance. Very helpful when you have a lot of transfers to do so you aren’t rushing against the clock in the morning to get everything scheduled.

Another note: P1 & P2 need their own logon credentials to link individual accounts to push/pull funds. The CB daily/monthly limits are shared & based on the account, not the individual profiles.

Considering they had a 30-day moratorium on transfers, I’d be cautious the first month, but you have the ability to do same-day transfers now, so use it!! If it were me, I’d schedule a $250K transfer just to test the waters, but I wouldn’t go hog wild with a lot of large transfers the first month.

vic torr
vic torr (@guest_1986502)
January 16, 2025 13:52

“Overnight Window – After 2:30 PM to 7 PM
… the funds are available to cover any scheduled debits…” –
Did you have much experience about this? For example covering a scheduled credit card payment that normally post very early in the day?
I have always worried about such. Any DP is appreciated.

PaulinTexas (@guest_1986545)
January 16, 2025 14:53

vic torr Yes, I have used this with credit card payments but mostly with T-Bills. Like you, I was nervous about doing it. But I took the plunge and confirmed that it works. The overnight ACH credits are processed before overnight ACH debits. So, it works like a charm and I use it when needed.

gchope2k6 🔗
gchope2k6 🔗 (@guest_1986544)
January 16, 2025 14:52

PaulinTexas this is awesome information as always, thanks again!!! I only need to do a single 250k transfer from my account to P2s at Wells Fargo for the premier bonus. I was planning on wiring those, but if you think there won’t be hold issues in the first 30 days, I can just give it a try, just don’t want to lock 250k at CB and miss my WF premier window

PaulinTexas (@guest_1986580)
January 16, 2025 15:53

gchope2k6 🔗 Yes, I get it, I wouldn’t want to miss out on the bonus either. Like I said, CB provisionally credits a pull, making it immediately available (based on arrival window) and has never put a hold on any funds.

However, I’d definitely test/verify that CB hasn’t imposed a limit on what you can/can’t transfer. To do that, I’d schedule a $250K pull, using a future date. If it is approved, it will appear as a pending “Authorized” transfer. As long as it’s in this status you cancel it or make changes to it. To do that go to E-Banking Activity tab, click on the 3 vertical dots. Now you can “Cancel” it. The “Edit” option lets you change the “Amount”, the “From Account” or “To Account” or even the “Send On” date. I have fat fingers and have used both “Cancel” & “Edit” options.

So, with all that said, you need to do what is most comfortable for you.

gchope2k6 🔗
gchope2k6 🔗 (@guest_1986868)
January 16, 2025 21:31

No luck… maximum I could schedule was 3000… so there still seem to be some limits in place for the first 30 days 🙁

PaulinTexas (@guest_1986948)
January 16, 2025 23:21

gchope2k6 🔗 It’s good that you tested. Now you can just execute your original plan. Still, at least you can connect banks and do some transfers, although $3,000 is pretty sad ☹️

gchope2k6 🔗
gchope2k6 🔗 (@guest_1979421)
January 5, 2025 10:36

I don’t have a Customers Bank account. Do I need to open one through Maxmyinterest to get same-day ACH with high limits? Or would opening the account directly will work too? It seems that opening with Customers is currently 4.23% APY while through Maxmyinterest is only 4.11% APY. Thank you

PaulinTexas (@guest_1979431)
January 5, 2025 11:15

gchope2k6 🔗 You can open up the Yield Shield Savings directly.

  • They pull Chex if you don’t currently have an account
  • $25K opening deposit ($50K max) & $25K balance required to get the interest rate
  • Inital funding won’t be available for 10 business days
  • 30 day waiting period before you can use external transfer (ACH) capabilities
  • Can only connect banks via Plaid, no trail deposit method
gchope2k6 🔗
gchope2k6 🔗 (@guest_1979432)
January 5, 2025 11:19

PaulinTexas thank you. Will opening it through Maxmyinterest skip the Chex pull and the minimum 25k balance requirements? I mostly need a good HUB account with fast and high ACH limits, so I can live with the lower APY as I am planning to use this just to move money back and forth between accounts…

PaulinTexas (@guest_1979446)
January 5, 2025 11:39

gchope2k6 🔗 Chex will still get pulled, but there is no minimum balance requirement. Although most banks can connect to Customers via Plaid, there are some that don’t. However, it’s still a great Hub account 🙂

midas89 (@guest_1979726)
January 5, 2025 22:34

gchope2k6 🔗 A possible option for people who want big money ACH transfer amounts while waiting for the Customers Bank month-long ACH lockout to expire: One could open a CIT Bank Savings Account at the same time as a Customers Bank account.

It would be nice if Customers Bank would adopt CIT Bank’s continued policy of allowing trial deposits as an option to link external accounts, and not making people wait a month before they can even utilize ACH transfers.

It would be nice if CIT Bank would adopt Customers Bank’s policy of the option for same-day ACH, and not having to wait 5 business days before money pulled into CIT can be withdrawn. (At least CIT will pay interest during the hold time, and they do offer next-day ACH transfer speed.) (No hold time if money is pushed into CIT.)

CIT Bank offers free wire transfers ($1,000 minimum transfer amount) if one’s balance is $25K+. CIT ACH Limits: $250K per day push, $500k per day pull, no monthly maximum.
ACH Transactions per month: Unlimited
Number of linked accounts: 10
CIT current APY is 4.35% for balances $5,000+.

I was fortunate to open my Customers Bank accounts before the month-long ACH lockout for newbies, and before they forced Plaid-direct external account linking without the trial deposit option. But I’ve run into the frustrating problem of having opened up a new account that is not listed with Plaid, so I cannot link Customers Bank to it. I have to use my CIT Bank account to do the transfers instead.

I hope your opening up of your new Customers Bank account goes well for you.

gchope2k6 🔗
gchope2k6 🔗 (@guest_1979802)
January 6, 2025 07:47

midas89 I do have a CIT account, but like you said, it does not have same-day ACH, that’s why I think Customers is better as a HUB account and want to open it

fdic (@guest_1978490)
January 3, 2025 13:59

Wondering if anyone set up any ACH today? My pull from LC showed up very early this morning, I think I checked around 2 or 3 this morning. So I took a risk and decided to push it out to the destination bank. It was debited immediately (as usual) but hasnt shown up at the destination yet. I hope I dont lose the weekend interest 🙂

PaulinTexas (@guest_1978500)
January 3, 2025 14:14

Fdic All of yesterday’s Same Day ACHs processed overnight. I did submit 10+ pulls after 11:00 AM EST, which is in the last Same Day ACH window. So, your push should arrive early evening – maybe around 6:30 PM EST, give or take.

fdic (@guest_1978503)
January 3, 2025 14:17

Thank you as always!

PaulinTexas (@guest_1978510)
January 3, 2025 14:30

Fdic My pleasure 🙂 Did your WMPXX order get executed?

fdic (@guest_1978520)
January 3, 2025 14:39

Yes, I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason. Checked the Customers transfer status first and that had shown up and then checked the WF account and everything had settled and it was showing I have 226.5k of WMPXX. In hindsight, it was good that my Customers limit ran out the previous week and I wasnt relying on that to the transfer to Wells 🙂
Thanks for answering all my questions related to that, I know I asked a lot.

midas89 (@guest_1978451)
January 3, 2025 12:54

Today, I inquired again about the lack of the trial deposits option when trying to link an external account that is not listed with Plaid. I was told they had a meeting about re-adding the feature and decided they will not add this option back. So, it appears the Plaid-instant-linking-only option is permanent. If you happen to have an account at a bank that is not listed in the Plaid list, it will be impossible to link your account at Customers in order to do ACH push or pulls.

JasonJ (@guest_1978471)
January 3, 2025 13:26

Amex savings is listed in Plaid but still could not be linked.

midas89 (@guest_1978561)
January 3, 2025 15:26

Frustrating for sure, JasonJ. Customers Bank used to be a perfect hub bank until they eliminated the option to send the two trial deposits to successfully link any and all external bank and credit union accounts. They are still a great hub bank, just not perfect anymore for all people.

PaulinTexas (@guest_1990869)
January 24, 2025 09:44

midas89 Wanted to share the good news & to thank you for being persistent with Customers about Plaid & manual linking. Periodically I go to Plaid to see if an unsupported bank is now on the list. Today I tried using Penn (for Pennsylvania in PSECU), scrolled down to the bottom and there it was: “Link with account numbers”. Plaid will send a $.01 transaction to the account. My guess is they’ll leave it there & not pull it back but I can’t confirm until the process is complete. 🙂 Fdic gchope2k6 🔗

fdic (@guest_1990872)
January 24, 2025 09:51

Cool, thanks for the good news, that means we can link Zynlo now. I guess enough people complained for them to make the change

vic torr
vic torr (@guest_1990939)
January 24, 2025 11:29

Unfortunately Fidelity still can not be linked.

fdic (@guest_1990943)
January 24, 2025 11:36

vic torr Just curious what happens when you try? I just tried Zynlo and it said it will send the trial deposits

fdic (@guest_1990948)
January 24, 2025 11:39

I just checked my list of external accounts and I only have Fidelity CMA and that is already linked and I dont remember if I linked that before or after Plaid

vic torr
vic torr (@guest_1990975)
January 24, 2025 12:10

Fidelity used to work with Plaid until sometime 2023, stopped citing security reasons.

PaulinTexas (@guest_1990945)
January 24, 2025 11:36

vic torr Is the account a brokerage or checking account? Where did it fail? Entering the Routing number? Also, the name on the account must match exactly or it will reject (at least that’s the impression I get from the wording).

vic torr
vic torr (@guest_1990971)
January 24, 2025 12:07

Just show “Something went wrong” after clicking the “Authorize” button.

midas89 (@guest_1990957)
January 24, 2025 11:50

PaulinTexas Thank you very much, Paul, for sharing the good news. It’s appreciated. Like you, I too was periodically checking the Plaid box over at Customers to see if an unsupported bank was added to the list, including just earlier this week. Not that long ago I also called Customers Bank Digital Banking Dept. and was told they had a meeting and decided that the trial deposit option was not going to return. I asked to log my complaint. I am surprised it’s back, but happy, of course. Perhaps quite a few others also complained/requested.

Regarding pulling the penny back: Earlier this week I did the $.01 via Plaid at another bank to link that bank with 3 different externals, and the $.01 was not pulled back for those. Thank you again.

midas89 (@guest_1991147)
January 24, 2025 16:00

PaulinTexas At 8:26am PST this morning, thanks to your posting, I initiated the manual linking at Customers Bank to an external bank acct. of mine I was previously unable to do. Just about 4 hours 20 minutes later, I received notice from the external bank that the $.01 arrived. There is a 3-Letter Code listed with the $.01 deposit transaction. I put those 3 letters into my Customers Bank online, and the linking succeeded. The $.01 has not been taken back.

Assuming someone at Customers Bank occasionally reads the comments about them at sites like DoC, I’d like to express thank you for restoring the manual linking option, and for the same-day delivery when we get the requests in before the cut-off time.

fdic (@guest_1991154)
January 24, 2025 16:07

H midas89 I just came back here to report the same. To me this looks like a new functionality from Plaid and if thats true I hope it shows up with other banks thats use Plaid as well. I was able to link my Zynlo checking and saving

midas89 (@guest_1991159)
January 24, 2025 16:14

Fdic Hi back. You might be right that it was Plaid themselves that added the new manual linking with $.01 option at Customers Bank. If it remains an option, I guess we can dislike Plaid a little less, while still choosing never to utilize Plaid instant linking, of course.

PaulinTexas (@guest_1991176)
January 24, 2025 16:44

midas89 Yes, mine were also deposited today and are now linked. This was the same process Plaid used to link my HSBC account.

fdic (@guest_1977910)
January 2, 2025 14:48

Just FYI for Customers Bank users.. I was going crazy thinking why my funds werent showing up and it was already past 2, was looking up the number to call and then saw the banner at the top
We are currently experiencing issues processing ACH and Wire Transfers. Please refrain from initiating additional transactions at this time as we work to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. We will update you once functionality resumes. We apologize for any inconvenience.

PaulinTexas (@guest_1977919)
January 2, 2025 15:06

Fdic I noticed the same thing as I scheduled around 20 transfers & nothing showed up. This will be the third time they’ve had ACH issues in the last two years. I initiated a transfer on the 31st & it showed up this morning – good thing or a CC payment would have bounced.

Last time everything was delayed a full day.

fdic (@guest_1977934)
January 2, 2025 15:26

Looks like too late for them to sort out anything today. I had a 24k pull into Cust but I dont see it debited form the other bank yet. I wish US had a decent instant money movement system like other countries accessible to everyone with any bank account/s.

Anyways, just to update you on my attempt to get funds to WellsFargo. Since I had used up all of my Customers monthly limit, I couldnt rely on Cust and knowing that they are having issues today, maybe someone was looking out for me 🙂
So I pulled the money into LC from Marcus on Friday and then early this morning around 1-2 AM, the hold was over and I set up Wire Transfer from LC to WF Premier (only that one gets free incoming WT). I thought I will be the first in queue when they start sending wires at 9M but nothing till a little bit after 12. Got a call from their number and no one on the other side and then it disconnected. So I called right back and as I was talking to a rep, got email that my wire was sent and logged into WF after hanging up with the rep and the money was there. Left $1 in Premier and $25,010 in Platinum Savings, and moved everything else to Trade (approx 226.5k) and did my order for WMPXX. My order status still says “Open”, I guess that is expected and will change after 4PM?


PaulinTexas (@guest_1977955)
January 2, 2025 15:45

Fdic Glad the wiring approach worked w/o any issues! I don’t know when Wells Trade processes the order or updates their system, but you should be good to go. Tomorrow morning you’ll know for sure. 🙂

vic torr
vic torr (@guest_1977982)
January 2, 2025 16:18

I know the daily limit but what is Customers monthly limit?

midas89 (@guest_1977984)
January 2, 2025 16:21

vic torr $1,500,000 monthly

midas89 (@guest_1977937)
January 2, 2025 15:27

fdic & PaulinTexas, I too had an ACH transfer that should have gone out today, but did not due to the outage.

PaulinTexas (@guest_1977957)
January 2, 2025 15:48

midas89 Just curious. Have you run into this problem before?

midas89 (@guest_1977964)
January 2, 2025 15:54

PaulinTexas Yes, I did run in to this problem before, however I recall that back then the transfer did go out late in the day. I had put it in early as same-day, and due to the outage it failed to go out in time for same-day. But whatever happened got fixed late in the day, transfer was ultimately processed, and arrived next day. I guess there is still a little time left for the breakage to be fixed before end of biz today, but most likely not till tomorrow, of course (hopefully).

fdic (@guest_1978049)
January 2, 2025 17:37

PaulinTexas midas89 Still no movement, I am guessing someone will be staying up tonight to fix this.

I wonder if they will just cancel these or schedule them for tomorrow? My pull hasnt showed up at the external bank yet

midas89 (@guest_1978079)
January 2, 2025 18:20

Fdic The transfer I initiated today is still listed in my account transactions as pending. I would bet that since it is still listed as pending, it will be processed once whatever is broken is repaired. Of course, if the whole system goes to s*%t, there is the possibility that all pendings could cancel, and then we’d have to initiate brand-new.

fdic (@guest_1978081)
January 2, 2025 18:22

Thanks for the info. Mine was setup at around 3 AM and says processed

PaulinTexas (@guest_1978087)
January 2, 2025 18:28

Fdic Like you all of mine have been processed. Even the ones I submitted between 1:16 and 1:28 PM EST. I really hope I’m not forced to resubmit all of my transfers. midas89

Grateful (@guest_1973595)
December 21, 2024 18:15

The 4 highest APYs for accounts opened through Maxmyinterest as of today are Veritex Community Bank 4.41%*, Fieldpoint Private 4.40%*, UFB Direct, a division of Axos Bank 4.31%*, Customers Bank 4.11%.