Update 12/28/22: Deal is back for 2023.
The Offer
- DCU is offering a 0% APR on balance transfers to existing DCU credit cardholders (must be an active cardholder as of 12/31/2022). You have between 1/1 – 2/28/2023 to make the transfers and 0% period is until August statement. They also charge no balance transfer fees. They also offer no retroactive charge, this means that if the entire balance transfer amount has not been paid by the June due date the remaining balance will start accruing interest as of June.
The Fine Print
- Any purchases made during the promotional period (1/1/20 – 1/31/20) will be subject to your regular APR if the ending statement balance (which includes the balance transfer amount) is not paid in full. The balance transfer itself will remain at 0% APR until repaid in full or at the end of the DCU Visa billing cycle ending in June 2020, whichever occurs first.
Our Verdict
DCU offer this annually in January each year. For more credit cards with $0 in balance transfers and 0% APR periods click here.
Hat tip to reader HarryTheFirstHarry
- Update 1/1/2020: Deal is back for 2020, must be paid off by June due date (previously it was July) so worse than previous deals. Hat tip to reader Paul & HarryTheFirstHarry
- 1/5/19: Deal is back for 2019. Thanks to all the readers who alerted us to this one.
And it is not back in 2025 — 9.99% APR again.. It was not worth for me to open the card in 2023.
is this back for 2024 ?
I don’t see it yet. They haven’t posted it yet I think. Usually when do they post it ?
Last year I got the email on 1/5. So, there is still hope. But given the high interest rates, they may not do it this year.
Seems like it’s only 9.99% APR this year instead of the usual 0% APR.
Damn that sucks
Per DSP below, its not going to come back. Sad, was good when it lasted.
I called today and the representative told me that DCU will be doing another promotion again for 2024, BUT the interest rate is 9.99% APR for balance transfers and the typical 0% fee.
Not worth doing this year to extend any debt.
thanks for sharing this, was kind of waiting for this but no point now
While it is mentioned above though it contradicts the fine print section which is from previous years, I just want to point out that this time this offer goes till end of Feb (usually ends end of Jan) and also gives a full 2 months more for the balance to be paid off (Usually ends billing cycle in June ..this time billing cycle in August).
Does anyone get problem with the online balance transfer? I had done those promotions in previous 2 years, it was fast and smooth. This year they changed the system, when I submitted the request, it automatically refused the submission, I found out by going down the bottom of submission list, then there was always a new checkbox came up “check this box if need help with customer service or support”, it was neutral “-” by default, if I unchecked it, it refused the submission, I checked it, it accepted the submission, but there was no hold on the credit card or any indication other than it showed the submission status “accepted” on the submission list. I did it on 1/12, it is 1/16, there is no payment, no hold on my CC, it is so broken after this new system. If nothing tomorrow, I have to call.
I don’t recall any of my BT being instant (if that’s what you were expecting).
IIRC, there’s no hold on your card until they actually review and approve the BT.
You submitted it on Thu. With the weekend and holiday, you’ll likely get the confirmation email tomorrow.
I had this happen earlier for P2. I checked the VISA card which was sock-drawered and found that it had not been activated (the newest one they had sent in the mail) and then proceeded to activate it and then retried the transfer and this time presto – it worked without any need to contact anybody.
Now when I make a BT, it shows up on the list instantly.
Perhaps not the best place to post this but, according to their terms, Orion FCU also appears to be offering a 6 month 0% APR $0 fee period for balance transfers.
I wanted to add just how fast this whole process was! I put in a balance transfer request for my American Express card on 1/2, the amount showed on my DCU card on 1/3, and on 1/4 American express already sees the payment! I was a bit hesitant since general wisdom says balance transfers can take weeks.
And here I was waiting for 2023 to start for them to launch the offer.
Looks like its not allowing single large transfers at least for my account. Tried 8K did not go to final accept in the last page. Did 4K and it went through.
What is the best way to cash this out? Transfer to credit card, which easily refund positive balance? What CC cards do it easily? Capital One? Amex?
Wondering the same thing.
Generally I do low & slow on this type of activity. Cards/banks do not like this behavior especially if you request a refund too fast (viewed as “scam like”, under the assumption that the payment will be reversed and they would be out the money). I usually do not ask for a refund and normal spend the negative balance down to zero over the next 3 months (note most will automatically refund any remaining negative balance after 90 days). I also have waited 30+ days to request a refund without issues.
IMO avoid Amex, as they aggressively search for all types of abuse & close cards, who knows how their risk analysis views this activity?
From reading past comments it appears you can transfer to your DCU checking account without need to actually balance transfer to a card. Not sure if this still works. We will have to wait and see.
Which comments? One of the comments has the terms, which say that it applies to bal “transferred through DCU’s online balance transfer tool” and “0% APR is not eligible on other types of cash advances”.
You can do a small $100 test (which is the min). DCU updates your acct daily to show interest charges. So, you can see if you were charged interest.
Also, all of my xfers from my DCU CC to CK/SAV are posted as “LOAN ADVANCE-SHARE TRANS”.
I did try to post a link to the comment, but it keeps getting deleted, just croll below and you can see the comment from
BTW the transfers I made this week are all posting as Cash Advance. So I doubt there is any difference between cash advance and balance transfer and both appear to be 0%. I cannot confirm this though as I have not done an actual transfer to checking.
Thanks for being the DP.