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Slick Nick
Slick Nick (@guest_1860973)
June 17, 2024 23:45

 William Charles This offer is back for 35,000 points or 50,000 points depending on the debit checking account. Please scroll to bottom to see terms. Expires 12/31/2024.

turtledude (@guest_1828677)
April 10, 2024 02:02

Not sure how targeted this is, but just got a email on April 8 from Firstrust offering a $5 Amazon gift card for enrolling in online statements. From the promotional email: “In celebration of Earth Month, we’re giving you the opportunity to make double the impact when going paperless, all while getting rewarded for it! When you switch to online statements this April, you will receive a $5.00 Gift Card, and we’ll plant 5 trees for every customer who switches.”

BACON (@guest_1803086)
February 26, 2024 07:30

Household limit is not enforced. P1 and P2 same address, different last name.

Mika (@guest_1790998)
February 1, 2024 23:26

I found 1099-INT in Statements

Techant (@guest_2017447)
March 5, 2025 18:52

The points bonus are taxable?

Mrs. Gee
Mrs. Gee (@guest_1783765)
January 23, 2024 09:14

Offer is now valid though 2/29/2024 using the same link.

14lopeza (@guest_1747796)
November 29, 2023 15:37

Looks like its a points based bonus now  William Charles  Chuck

Dom (@guest_1705831)
September 29, 2023 14:34

8/17 – Opened account
9/28 – $400 Western Union MO
9/29 – 35,000 Rewards Points Available

Dom (@guest_1719399)
October 20, 2023 09:44

@guest_1672666 Yes I was required to fill out the signature card (also my first time seeing one of those.) I didn’t mail it in though, I just filled it out electronically and submitted via SM in online banking.

Theo2 (@guest_1948364)
November 10, 2024 14:50

Can you cancel account right away?

anything worth doing...
anything worth doing... (@guest_1684153)
September 1, 2023 11:15

Any data points on funding with a US bank credit card (i have biz leverage)?

Axl (@guest_1677609)
August 22, 2023 15:57

I received a bonus last year for a different promo and eventually closed out. This new promo says one per household. Does that mean one per household for this new one or one per household for all promo’s, past included? I emailed them but no reply.

Dom (@guest_1673976)
August 17, 2023 11:23

I got denied for this account back in January due to Chex (8/3 & 14/6), but I was approved this time around (3/3 & 8/6)

PSA – If you are getting an “unable to validate your info” error when trying to enroll in online banking via web browser, try downloading their app and using that for enrollment. For whatever reason, this was successful for me.