Update 11/20/22: XBOX gift cards are back (affiliate link)
Original Post 11/17/22:
Dell.com stopped carrying XBOX gift cards for sale. We don’t know if the change is permanent or temporary.
XBOX gift cards were very popular with American Express Business Platinum cardholders as a means of using up their $400 in annual Dell credits. Instead of buying products directly from Dell.com, we were able to buy XBOX gift cards which can then be loaded to your Microsoft account and used to buy things like the Surface laptop or anything else. People often had issues with Dell not processing their orders, etc., but the XBOX option was one that a lot of people at least attempted to use.
Hat tip to hyungjoh
Xbox gift cards are gone again.
Still gone, as of 3/25
still gone
Gift cards are back today but Dell refuses to take my money, even getting an invoice & purchase link from sales chat results in instant order cancellation. Fuck you, Dell, and the AmEx credit you rode in on.
Wow, I should have been more patient. I gave up about a week ago and bought actual physical items.
What did you buy? They’re out of stock on my ink cartridges and Xbox. Bought a monitor and ssd recently
Bought ecobee thermostat and surge protector
Dell is so weird. Multiple orders were auto cancelled for me in January before gift cards disappeared. Yesterday I made five orders and they all were not auto cancelled. Went through confirmation and it’s looking good that they may go through in the end.
Finally got through to dell verification, I’ve been tagged as a reseller, apparently for all the gift cards they’ve refused to sell me for the the last year. I haven’t had a successful order of anything since last June. Between this and and the repeated failure of Verizon charges to get the wireless credit, this card is cancelled.
Are they gone for good. I see the 1/16 comment and haven’t been able to find any the last few days.
I placed 2 orders back in November for 6 $100 xbox giftcards split between 2 accounts. Both orders were cancelled within a day or two (1 got cancelled immediately so I tried another in my other account). I got an email this morning from both accounts thanking me for my purchase and saying that my product is available in my Dell Digital Locker. I just checked my Dell accounts and both orders still show as cancelled, but there is an xbox giftcard in both digital lockers (it doesn’t specify a quantity). Checked my credit card and there aren’t any purchases showing on there as of yet.
Haven’t clicked to redeem either card(s) yet as I’m going to wait to see if any purchases show up on my card in case I have to dispute the charges.
Posted now https://www.doctorofcredit.com/dell-cancelled-xbox-giftcard-orders-showing-up-today-developing/
Purchase 2 $100 and 1 $50 GC on Jan 2. Even got the 2% bonus from Rakuten showing up in my account. On Jan 3, got emails and text from Dell saying the orders were canceled. I have an annual fee due on Jan 14 which I was going to close the Amex bus card since I am working to get the bonus on another Amex Bus card. Hoping to purchase something random today and still get the credit.
Oh no. They stopped selling again and I still have $200 left in credit to spend.
Any ideas?
Looks like it was removed again
ugggggg.. just noticed this too. approved for a biz plat today and now this.
My initial orders got cancelled too, here’s how I fixed it:
1) Call Dell sales team (initially you’ll probably get connected to a regular customer service rep, ask to speak to someone in sales)
2) Tell the Dell salesperson you’re calling about an order that you placed that was cancelled, they’ll look up your order and see that it likely failed due to a “verification” issue
3) The Dell salesperson will then connect you to the department that handles verifications
4) The person I spoke with in verifications said they had to open an IT ticket to unblock my account, they told me I had to wait 4-6 hours for the IT ticket to be completed, and emailed me his contact info so I could email him once I placed the new orders (after 4-6 hours)
5) Luckily the verification person got confirmation of the IT ticket being resolved within 30 min after our call, so he emailed me to let me know I could place the orders
5) The first replacement order I placed went through, but the 2nd one got held up, so I had to email him again
Note: If they try to tell you it’s because AmEx declined the charges, call AmEx to confirm that they didn’t receive or decline the charges, and then tell the Dell salesperson that. That’s a typical customer service move, trying to pass the buck to the credit card company when it’s their fault.
This was all pretty annoying. Each order was for just $100 of gift cards, and there were no issues with my AmEx payment details. Just Dell’s system being overly stringent. Really annoying dealing with companies like Dell & Verizon whose systems are way too restrictive. Feels like they are run by overly cautious accountants.
Both of my orders were canceled this morning. I finally got through to rep #4 who manually processed the orders. I received order confirmations, but so far nothing in the Digital Locker.
Talked to verification (rep #6), they said all good. Two hours later, orders were again canceled. Now I’m on hold with rep #7. Not sure, but I think saving $30 on Xbox gift cards might not be worth hours of my life on the phone with these morons…
For those getting cancelled, see my post here — essentially do new account and change all info (including an AU card associated to that account): https://www.doctorofcredit.com/dell-get-11-via-topcashback-or-10x-via-rakuten/#comment-1497666
I will try this.. Thank you..!!