Discover: 20% Discount When Redeeming Cashback For Chipotle Giftcards

The Offer

  • Discover is offering cardholders a 20% discount when using cash back for Chipotle giftcards. For example a $10 gift card for $8.

Our Verdict

A 20% discount on Chipotle is always great value.

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Jack (@guest_1438331)
September 5, 2022 11:03

This seems redundant on Discover’s side. Raise’s straight up discount is much more practical.
Sometimes Best Buy, PayPal or other retailers offer discounts for Chipotle gift cards too.

Chris (@guest_1438411)
September 5, 2022 13:36

On Raise it looks like the highest discount on chipotle is just under 10%

Still need to factor in missing the potential rewards of using a 5% card when purchasing the GC through Discover, so this is basically an equivalent of buying it Best buy/PPDG at 15% off. Not bad but not the best. I used to wait for the $2.50 TCB bonuses to buy Chipotle GCs off Slide, but now with TCB no longer paying out rewards for Slide/Raise need to find a new method.

Not to mention Chipotle has been raising their prices lately in response to inflation, but who hasn’t.

ror (@guest_1438426)
September 5, 2022 13:52

at 20%?