Deal has now ended, view more checking bonuses by clicking here.
Update 1/14/20: Deal is back. You can signup through February 10, 2020. Cashback match is for cashback earned through July 30, 2020. New offer code is: CBMB120 (ht uscreditcardguide)
Update 11/12/19: Deal has been extended
Update 10/1/19: Deal has been extended
Update 9/10/19: Deal has been extended.
Update 8/14/19: Deal has been extended.
Update 6/28/19: Deal has been extended.
Update 6/2/19: Deal has been extended.
The Offer
- Signup for a new Discover Cashback Debit checking account and get a cashback match/double on all cashback earned through 5/29/20. Use offer code
The Fine Print
- Offer valid through December 9th, 2019
Our Verdict
The Cashback Debit account earns 1% cashback on debit purchases on up to $3,000 in purchases. They do exclude certain transactions from earning cashback. Under this signup offer, any cashback earned through 4/30 will be doubled.
The cashback match should work for any cashback earned on the checking account. Far as I know, earning 1% on the debit card, up to $30 cashback per month, is the only way to earn cashback. If you max out the 7 months with $30 cashback each month, you’ll end up with $210 cashback. That will be matched with an additional $210 cashback match. And of course you can continue earning up to $30 each month on the account afterward, just it won’t be matched after that.
All-in-all, if you’re interested in the account and are able to max it out easily, this can amount to a $210 signup bonus which is pretty good, especially given the fact that the rewards are likely non-taxable and not 1099ed. And that’s on top or the ordinary $210 earn you’ll get as well. On the other hand, if you find the debit spend difficult, it may not be worth it.
Discover has offered a bonus of $300 for the checking account which is superior to this cashback match offer. However, that has not been offered in years. From memory, there hasn’t been any signup bonus at all for the checking account in years. They do currently offer a bonus of up to $200 on their savings account.
Hat tip to Uscreditcardguide
Does anyone know what the original match period was? They state that it was 5/29/19 – 11/29/19. However, that would only be 6 months (and max $180 instead of $210)…??
has anyone actually had their cashback doubled? I signed up in August 2019 and haven’t gotten any matching
Anything yet?
can 1 person have 2 of these cards or does discover limit to one debit per person
Any DP’s on if MO’s will work or if discover is capable of determining a MO?
This will be great for rent since I can only pay by check. Thanks!
Anyone had luck with USPS? Or any recent DPs with WM MOs?
why not just use double cash card?
Using credit cards charges 2.x% fee on paying tax
Any luck for existing discover checking account holders?
I’d recommend this if you don’t have 2% cashback credit cards or if you can pay rents or other big bucks with this ‘Discover’ debit card. (Note some places charge you extra because this card reads as a credit card)
I applied this so I can pay rent with this card and get some cashback but I found out my apartment’s rent-paying system marks discover as a credit card (3% fee, rather than a fixed fee for debit card) so I can’t really use anywhere. I already do have my Discover credit card that makes 2% on all purchases. So… I don’t know what to do with this card.
Thanks for the DP! If it’s an outsourced system, could you share the name of your rent portal so we know to avoid applying if ours is the same?
It’s from
Same issue – using this debit card also would trigger 3% for my rent payments…
would you get the 1% for google wallet payments to friends?
It’s probably excluded under the P2P but be the DP you want to see.
Hi Jason, Have you found out if it counts?
I started paying rent ($1880) with this card on September 1. I am eating a flat $6.95 service fee from my apartment complex’s serving application, however the standard 1% ($18.87) credited on October 02 (now set to auto deposit to the linked Discover Savings). Anticipating the bonus 1% after February. This is a win over the 0% I make off cutting a paper check or free recurring ACH payments, the $2.95 they’d charge for each one-time ACH payment or the $3.50 PLUS 2.95% they charge for each credit card payment.
The debit shows on the Discover app immediately after initiating a payment via the complex’s mobile app.
I didn’t realize Discover places up to a 4 day hold on in bound funds from external banks initiated through Discover. Luckily, I was only $10 short (due to ACH’ing a few dollars over to a new Chase account) and was able to instantly transfer the cash back bonus over to checking to cover the delta and make rent payment #2 on October 3rd (within the grace period, so no late payment fee from complex’s end).
With this in mind, I recommend building in a few extra days prior to any scheduled payment to ensure the required funds are available when needed. I could likely avoid the hold period delay by parking the funds in the Discover Savings (@ 1.90%?) in advance, moving the funds to checking in real-time, and then initiating the mobile rent payment.
(My other comments seem to get deleted on the regular, so consider this data point while you can).
What payment processor does your complex use? rentpayment. com? Thanks!
^ That’s the system our complex uses. It won’t take Discover Debit as debit card purchase.