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Erik (@guest_933819)
March 10, 2020 22:40

Does anyone know what the original match period was? They state that it was 5/29/19 – 11/29/19. However, that would only be 6 months (and max $180 instead of $210)…??

Nate8 (@guest_941865)
March 18, 2020 13:48

has anyone actually had their cashback doubled? I signed up in August 2019 and haven’t gotten any matching

Aloha808 (@guest_970521)
May 2, 2020 22:11

Anything yet?

AD (@guest_916211)
February 21, 2020 21:32

can 1 person have 2 of these cards or does discover limit to one debit per person

JohnyBGood (@guest_884044)
January 21, 2020 22:33

Any DP’s on if MO’s will work or if discover is capable of determining a MO?

SF (@guest_876167)
January 14, 2020 16:47

This will be great for rent since I can only pay by check. Thanks!

RD (@guest_840883)
November 13, 2019 10:47

Anyone had luck with USPS? Or any recent DPs with WM MOs?

Jim (@guest_840670)
November 12, 2019 19:58

why not just use double cash card?

shadow (@guest_876345)
January 14, 2020 20:32

Using credit cards charges 2.x% fee on paying tax

Googlre10 (@guest_840617)
November 12, 2019 18:20

Any luck for existing discover checking account holders?

SpicyPadThai (@guest_840542)
November 12, 2019 16:40

I’d recommend this if you don’t have 2% cashback credit cards or if you can pay rents or other big bucks with this ‘Discover’ debit card. (Note some places charge you extra because this card reads as a credit card)

I applied this so I can pay rent with this card and get some cashback but I found out my apartment’s rent-paying system marks discover as a credit card (3% fee, rather than a fixed fee for debit card) so I can’t really use anywhere. I already do have my Discover credit card that makes 2% on all purchases. So… I don’t know what to do with this card.

Trevor (@guest_840568)
November 12, 2019 17:17

Thanks for the DP! If it’s an outsourced system, could you share the name of your rent portal so we know to avoid applying if ours is the same?

SpicyPadThai (@guest_840586)
November 12, 2019 17:31

It’s from

Tom (@guest_840805)
November 13, 2019 07:54

Same issue – using this debit card also would trigger 3% for my rent payments…

Jason (@guest_824202)
October 12, 2019 20:58

would you get the 1% for google wallet payments to friends?

Trevor (@guest_840570)
November 12, 2019 17:17

It’s probably excluded under the P2P but be the DP you want to see.

John (@guest_1015278)
July 13, 2020 00:33

Hi Jason, Have you found out if it counts?

Midn02 (@guest_819572)
October 6, 2019 12:18

I started paying rent ($1880) with this card on September 1. I am eating a flat $6.95 service fee from my apartment complex’s serving application, however the standard 1% ($18.87) credited on October 02 (now set to auto deposit to the linked Discover Savings). Anticipating the bonus 1% after February. This is a win over the 0% I make off cutting a paper check or free recurring ACH payments, the $2.95 they’d charge for each one-time ACH payment or the $3.50 PLUS 2.95% they charge for each credit card payment.

The debit shows on the Discover app immediately after initiating a payment via the complex’s mobile app.

I didn’t realize Discover places up to a 4 day hold on in bound funds from external banks initiated through Discover. Luckily, I was only $10 short (due to ACH’ing a few dollars over to a new Chase account) and was able to instantly transfer the cash back bonus over to checking to cover the delta and make rent payment #2 on October 3rd (within the grace period, so no late payment fee from complex’s end).

With this in mind, I recommend building in a few extra days prior to any scheduled payment to ensure the required funds are available when needed. I could likely avoid the hold period delay by parking the funds in the Discover Savings (@ 1.90%?) in advance, moving the funds to checking in real-time, and then initiating the mobile rent payment.

(My other comments seem to get deleted on the regular, so consider this data point while you can).

Redux (@guest_824190)
October 12, 2019 20:15

What payment processor does your complex use? rentpayment. com? Thanks!

SpicyPadThai (@guest_840587)
November 12, 2019 17:32

^ That’s the system our complex uses. It won’t take Discover Debit as debit card purchase.