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DP719 (@guest_1906915)
September 7, 2024 11:28

For the $100 or $200 bonus, just a reminder that deposits have to be NEW FUNDS. Do not deposit into Discover Checking and transfer to Savings. It will not count.

munsie (@guest_1905129)
September 4, 2024 11:38

if i initiate a pull via discover account(pull funds from other bank to discover via discover app),it should count right for bonus?

Ymmv (@guest_1904954)
September 4, 2024 03:06

Thanks received this offer

calwatch (@guest_1903955)
September 2, 2024 16:19

This is basically 10.75% annualized interest. Worth moving any funds in other banks for.

RM (@guest_1903634)
September 2, 2024 05:16

Does anyone have any insight whether the funds have to be deposited by the deadline, or available by the deadline? Not sure what to make of the cryptic warning to “allow for deposit processing and hold times as it may result in not meeting the offer end date.”

Sammy (@guest_1904200)
September 3, 2024 01:52

I was the one that sent this offer in. You’ll need to have the $15,000/$25,000 in the account depending on the bonus you are going for by 9/16/2024 with the current funds amount in the Discover Savings account (that day must reflect at least the balance per the email). In my case I’d need at least $15,000 + the $0.39 currently in the account on 9/16/2024. There’s still a good amount of time to deposit the funds.

Making a ACH transfer to the account as a pull that same day will definitely make you miss the deadline. There’s always a risk of a push into the account not making that day, especially if you do it 1-3 days before as banks sometimes wait on transfers if the dollar amount is large as these and it’s something one does not recurrently do.

Give yourself more leeway than you need is what I’d advise.

Celia 🔗
Celia 🔗 (@guest_1908956)
September 10, 2024 16:49

RM This is a good question as I am in the process of moving funds in slowly. I made a transfer yesterday for initiation today and available 9/13. Also made one today that says it’ll be initiated tomorrow and available 9/16, presumably because of weekend. I have more to make tomorrow for the last 10k so hoping that it will still have the available date of 9/16.

RM (@guest_1909346)
September 11, 2024 03:37

Celia 🔗 I think I am just going to wire the money, as I just happen to have funds at the moment somewhere that does not charge for wires.

On a completely different subject, since I know you shop at Jewel, physical Alberstons GCs are back on Amazon.

Celia 🔗
Celia 🔗 (@guest_1909420)
September 11, 2024 09:27

RM I have to deal with the transfer time, this morning’s transfer says it’s available 9/17 so not sure it’ll play out on my end but I’ll have a DP on the initial question 🙂

Thanks for the Amazon note. Just no fun without being able to use discounted AGC.

LolSeth (@guest_1902738)
August 30, 2024 20:09

DP: Targeted with 0.00 in my account.

Ken L.
Ken L. (@guest_1902724)
August 30, 2024 19:38

i didnt opened their saving account cus i’m still waiting for their 500$ bonus with 50k deposit !

PJ (@guest_1902492)
August 30, 2024 13:30

i wonder if i reopen and only put $2, will i get targeted?

Brad (@guest_1902440)
August 30, 2024 12:13

Just to add a DP about balances and receiving the offer…

P1 – $6.40
P2 – $2684.24

We both received the offer

Summer (@guest_1902158)
August 30, 2024 00:50

Datapoint: I was targeted with 0.05 cents in my account. Glad I left that nickel in there.