When you open a new savings or checking account, some banks give you the option of using your credit card for the initial deposit. On this page we’ve got a number of data points for which banks (and credit cards) count as cash advances and which don’t.
Avoid cash advance fees by setting your cash advance limit to $0. You can call up your bank and request your cash advance limit be set to $0. Also remember that this is just a collection of data points and by no means means that your transaction will not be coded as a cash advance.
- 1 Popular Banks
- 2 Smaller Banks
- 2.1 1st Financial Federal Credit Union
- 2.2 1st Mariner Bank
- 2.3 1st United Credit Union
- 2.4 3Rivers Federal Credit Union
- 2.5 4Font Credit Union
- 2.6 7 17 Credit Union
- 2.7 A+ Federal Credit Union (A+FCU)
- 2.8 Abington Bank
- 2.9 Achieva
- 2.10 Addition Financial
- 2.11 Advance Financial Federal Credit Union (AFFCU
- 2.12 Advantis Credit Union
- 2.13 Adventure Credit Union
- 2.14 Adventure Credit Union
- 2.15 Advia Credit Union
- 2.16 AFFCU
- 2.17 Affinity Federal Credit Union
- 2.18 Agriculture Federal Credit Union
- 2.19 Alabama Credit Union
- 2.20 Allegacy Credit Union
- 2.21 AllTru Credit Union
- 2.22 Altra Federal Credit Union
- 2.23 Amalgamated Bank
- 2.24 Amerant Bank
- 2.25 American Bank & Trust
- 2.26 American Eagle Financial Credit Union
- 2.27 America’s Christian Credit Union
- 2.28 America’s Credit Union
- 2.29 American Heritage Credit Union
- 2.30 Andigo Credit Union
- 2.31 Arapahoe Credit Union
- 2.32 Ardent Credit Union
- 2.33 Arizona Federal Credit Union
- 2.34 Arizona Financial Credit Union
- 2.35 Arizona State Credit Union (now OneAZ Credit Union)
- 2.36 Armed Forces Bank
- 2.37 Arrowhead Credit Union
- 2.38 Arundel Federal Savings Bank
- 2.39 Aspire Credit Union
- 2.40 Associated Bank
- 2.41 Bankers Trust
- 2.42 bankESB (East Hampton Savings Bank)
- 2.43 BankHometown
- 2.44 Bank of Colorado
- 2.45 Bank Independent
- 2.46 Bank of Maine
- 2.47 Bank of the West
- 2.48 Bank & Trust
- 2.49 Bankwell
- 2.50 BayCoast Bank
- 2.51 BB&T
- 2.52 BBVA Compass
- 2.53 Beacon Credit Union
- 2.54 Bell Bank
- 2.55 Berkshire Bank
- 2.56 BethPage Credit Union
- 2.57 Blaze Credit Union
- 2.58 BluPeak Credit Union
- 2.59 Blue Hills Bank
- 2.60 Blue Federal Credit Union
- 2.61 BMI Federal Credit Union
- 2.62 BMO Harris
- 2.63 Boulder Valley Credit Union
- 2.64 Brilliant Bank
- 2.65 Broadway Bank
- 2.66 Busey Bank
- 2.67 California Coast Credit Union
- 2.68 Callaway Bank
- 2.69 Cambridge Savings Bank
- 2.70 Camden National Bank
- 2.71 Capital Bank
- 2.72 Capital One
- 2.73 CEFCU
- 2.74 Centra Credit Union
- 2.75 Central Bank (OK & MO)
- 2.76 Central Bank (Iowa, Minnesota, and the Dakotas)
- 2.77 Central Minnesota Credit Union
- 2.78 Central Willamette Credit Union
- 2.79 Chartway Credit Union
- 2.80 Charter One
- 2.81 Christian Credit Union
- 2.82 Citadel Credit Union
- 2.83 Citizens Bank
- 2.84 Clearview Federal Credit Union
- 2.85 Clinton Savings Bank
- 2.86 Coastal Credit Union
- 2.87 Collins Community Credit Union
- 2.88 Columbia Bank (NJ)
- 2.89 Columbia Credit Union
- 2.90 Communication Federal Credit Union
- 2.91 CommunityAmerica Credit Union
- 2.92 Community Choice Credit Union
- 2.93 Community Financial Credit Union
- 2.94 Community First Credit Union – CA
- 2.95 Community First Credit Union of Florida
- 2.96 Compass Credit Union
- 2.97 Consumers Credit Union
- 2.98 Cornerstone Bank
- 2.99 Country Bank For Savings
- 2.100 Credit Human
- 2.101 Credit Union One
- 2.102 Credit Union SoCal
- 2.103 Credit Union of Texas
- 2.104 Dearborn Savings Bank (DSB)
- 2.105 Del Norte Credit Union
- 2.106 Delta Community Credit Union
- 2.107 Desert Financial Credit Union
- 2.108 Destinations Credit Union
- 2.109 Digital Federal Credit Union
- 2.110 Dupaco Credit Union
- 2.111 Earn Bank
- 2.112 Eastern Bank
- 2.113 East Cambridge Savings Bank
- 2.114 ECCU
- 2.115 Educational Systems Federal Credit Union
- 2.116 Excite Credit Union
- 2.117 Elevations Credit Union
- 2.118 Emprise Bank
- 2.119 ENT Credit Union
- 2.120 Equity Bank
- 2.121 Evansville Teachers Credit Union
- 2.122 Fairwinds Credit Union
- 2.123 Farmers Insurance Federal Credit Union
- 2.124 Farmington Bank
- 2.125 Fidelity Bank (PA)
- 2.126 Firefly Credit Union
- 2.127 First Advantage Bank
- 2.128 First American Bank
- 2.129 First Bank (VA)
- 2.130 FirstBank
- 2.131 First Citizen’s Bank
- 2.132 First City Credit Union
- 2.133 First Commerce Credit Union
- 2.134 First Commonwealth Bank
- 2.135 First Entertainment Credit Union
- 2.136 First Federal Bank
- 2.137 First Federal Bank of Kansas City
- 2.138 First Financial Bank (IL, IN, KY, OH)
- 2.139 First Flight Credit Union
- 2.140 First Florida Credit Union
- 2.141 First Home Bank
- 2.142 First Horizon Bank
- 2.143 First Internet Bank of Indiana
- 2.144 First Interstate Bank
- 2.145 First-Lockhart National Bank
- 2.146 First Mark Credit Union
- 2.147 First Merchants Bank
- 2.148 First MidWest Bank
- 2.149 First Merit Bank
- 2.150 First National Bank
- 2.151 First National Bank and Trust Company
- 2.152 First Niagara
- 2.153 Firstrust Bank
- 2.154 First State Bank Of Illinois
- 2.155 First State Community Bank
- 2.156 First Tennessee
- 2.157 First United Bank
- 2.158 Fitness Bank
- 2.159 Flagship Bank
- 2.160 Florence Bank
- 2.161 Florida Credit Union
- 2.162 F&M Bank (OH, IN)
- 2.163 Freedom Credit Union
- 2.164 Fremont Bank
- 2.165 Frontwave Credit Union
- 2.166 FSB Bank
- 2.167 Fulton Bank
- 2.168 Gate City Bank
- 2.169 Genisys Credit Union
- 2.170 Gesa Credit Union
- 2.171 Greater Nevada Credit Union
- 2.172 Great Southern Bank
- 2.173 Great Western Bank
- 2.174 Grow Financial Credit Union
- 2.175 GTE Financial Credit
- 2.176 Hanscom Federal Credit Union
- 2.177 HarborOne Bank
- 2.178 Harborstone Credit Union
- 2.179 Harvard Federal Credit Union
- 2.180 Hawthorn Bank
- 2.181 Heritage Bank
- 2.182 Hiway Federal Credit Union
- 2.183 Honor Credit Union
- 2.184 Horizon Credit Union (WA, ID, MT)
- 2.185 Hudson Valley Federal
- 2.187 IBM Southeast FECU
- 2.188 Ideal Credit Union
- 2.189 Independent Bank
- 2.190 Indiana Members Credit Union
- 2.191 InRoads Credit Union
- 2.192 Interior Federal Credit Union
- 2.193 JSC Federal Credit Union
- 2.194 Justice Federal Credit Union
- 2.195 KeyBank
- 2.196 KeyPoint Credit Union
- 2.197 Kirkpatrick Bank
- 2.198 Kitsap Credit Union
- 2.199 KS State Bank
- 2.200 Lafayette Federal Credit Union
- 2.201 Â Lakeland Bank
- 2.202 Lake Michigan Credit Union (LMCU)
- 2.203 Landmark Credit Union
- 2.204 Langley Federal Credit Union
- 2.205 LBS Financial Credit Union
- 2.206 Liberty Bank
- 2.207 Los Angeles Federal Credit Union
- 2.208 Macatawa Bank
- 2.209 Mainstreet Credit Union
- 2.210 Mazuma Credit Union
- 2.211 Members Cooperative Credit Union
- 2.212 Memory Bank
- 2.213 Meriwest Credit Union
- 2.214 Metro Credit Union
- 2.215 Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union
- 2.216 Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union
- 2.217 Midland States Bank
- 2.218 MinnWest Bank
- 2.219 Mission Federal Credit Union
- 2.220 MIT Federal Credit Union
- 2.221 Mountain America Credit Union
- 2.222 MountainOne Bank
- 2.223 Montgomery County EFCU
- 2.224 Morrill & Janes
- 2.225 mph.bank
- 2.226 M&T Bank
- 2.227 NASA Federal Credit Union
- 2.228 Nassau Financial Federal Credit Union
- 2.229 NorthPointe Bank
- 2.230 My NorthWest Savings Bank
- 2.231 MyUSA Credit Union
- 2.232 Navy Federal Credit Union
- 2.233 Newtown Savings Bank (NSB)
- 2.234 New England Federal Credit Union
- 2.235 Northeast Credit Union
- 2.236 North Shore Bank of Commerce
- 2.237 Northwest Federal Credit Union
- 2.238 Numerica Credit Union
- 2.239 NuVision Federal CU
- 2.240 NWSB Bank
- 2.241 Ocean Financial Bank
- 2.242 OceanFirst Bank
- 2.243 Old National Bank
- 2.244 OnPath Credit Union
- 2.245 OnPoint Community Credit Union
- 2.246 On Tap Credit Union
- 2.247 Option 1 Credit Union
- 2.248 Orange County’s Credit Union
- 2.249 P1FCU
- 2.250 Partner Colorado Credit Union
- 2.251 Pelican State Credit Union
- 2.252 Penn Community Bank
- 2.253 PenFed
- 2.254 Pentucket Bank
- 2.255 PeoplesBank (Bankatpeoples)
- 2.256 People First Federal Credit Union
- 2.257 Peoples Credit Union
- 2.258 Picatinny Credit Union
- 2.259 Pima Federal Credit Union
- 2.260 Pinnacle Bank
- 2.261 Pioneer Valley Credit Union
- 2.262 PlainsCapital Bank
- 2.263 Portland Federal Credit Union (PFCU)
- 2.264 Premier America Credit Union
- 2.265 Premier Bank – OH
- 2.266 Premier Members Credit Union
- 2.267 ProFed
- 2.268 Provident Bank
- 2.269 Provident Credit Union
- 2.270 PSECU
- 2.271 Purdue Federal Credit Union
- 2.272 Quorum Federal Credit Union
- 2.273 Radius Bank (Now LendingClub)
- 2.274 Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union (RBFCU)
- 2.275 Redstone Federal Credit Union
- 2.276 Redwood Credit Union
- 2.277 Reliant Community Credit Union
- 2.278 Regions Bank
- 2.279 Republic Bank
- 2.280 REV Financial Credit Union
- 2.281 Rivermark Community Credit
- 2.282 Rockland Trust Bank
- 2.283 Royal Credit Union
- 2.284 Sacramento Credit Union
- 2.285 SAFE Credit Union
- 2.286 San Diego Credit Union (SDCCU)
- 2.287 Sandy Spring Bank
- 2.288 San Mateo Credit Union
- 2.289 Sauk Valley Bank
- 2.290 Seacoast Bank
- 2.291 Security Plus
- 2.292 Service Credit Union
- 2.293 SF Fire Credit Union
- 2.294 Signature Bank of Georgia
- 2.295 Signature Federal Credit Union
- 2.296 SkyOne Federal Credit Union
- 2.297 Sound Credit Union
- 2.298 South Shore Bank
- 2.299 South State Bank
- 2.300 S&T Bank
- 2.301 Starion Bank
- 2.302 Star One Credit Union
- 2.303 State Bank Of India (California)
- 2.304 State Department Federal Credit Union
- 2.305 State Employees Credit Union (SECU) Of Maryland
- 2.306 St Mary’s Credit Union
- 2.307 Stoneham Bank
- 2.308 St Paul Federal Credit Union
- 2.309 Suffolk Federal Credit Union
- 2.310 Sun East Federal Credit Union
- 2.311 Sunmark Credit Union
- 2.312 SunTrust
- 2.313 SunWest Credit Union
- 2.314 TCF Bank
- 2.315 TD Bank
- 2.316 TDECU
- 2.317 Teachers Credit Union
- 2.318 Teachers Federal Credit Union
- 2.319 Tech Credit Union
- 2.320 The State Bank Group
- 2.321 Tompkins VIST Bank
- 2.322 Tower Federal Credit Union (TFCU)
- 2.323 Travis Credit Union
- 2.324 TruChoice Federal Credit Union
- 2.325 Truist
- 2.326 Truliant Federal Credit Union
- 2.327 TruMark Financial
- 2.328 TruStone Financial
- 2.329 TruWest Credit Union
- 2.330 UFB Direct
- 2.331 Umpqua Bank
- 2.332 UniBank
- 2.333 Unify Financial Credit Union
- 2.334 Union Bank & Trust
- 2.335 Union Bank & Trust (NE & KS)
- 2.336 Union Square Credit Union
- 2.337 United Community Bank (NC, TN, SC, GA)
- 2.338 University of Wisconsin Credit Union
- 2.339 United Bank
- 2.340 United Federal Credit Union
- 2.341 United Heritage Credit Union
- 2.342 United States Senate Federal Credit Union
- 2.343 Unitus Community Credit Union
- 2.344 University Credit Union
- 2.345 University Federal Credit Union
- 2.346 University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union
- 2.347 Upgrade
- 2.348 USAA
- 2.349 US Alliance Financial
- 2.350 USE Credit Union
- 2.351 USF Federal Credit Union
- 2.352 Utah First Credit Union
- 2.353 UW Credit Union
- 2.354 U$X Federal Credit Union
- 2.355 Valley First Credit Union
- 2.356 Valley Strong Credit Union
- 2.357 VantageWest Credit Union
- 2.358 Varo Money
- 2.359 Verity Credit Union
- 2.360 Virginia Credit Union
- 2.361 VirtualBank
- 2.362 Visions Federal Credit Union
- 2.363 Washington Trust
- 2.364 Wauna Federal Credit Union
- 2.365 WECU
- 2.366 Weokie Federal Credit Union in Oklahoma
- 2.367 Wesbanco
- 2.368 Wescom Credit Union
- 2.369 Westfield Bank
- 2.370 Westerra Credit Union
- 2.371 Wings Financial Credit Union
- 2.372 Zeal Credit Union
- 2.373 ZYNLO Bank
- 3 Banks That Don’t Allow Credit Card Funding
- 3.1 1st Constitution Bank
- 3.2 1st Source Bank
- 3.3 ableBank
- 3.4 Achieva Credit Union
- 3.5 ACNB Bank
- 3.6 All America Bank
- 3.7 Alliant Credit Union
- 3.8 Ally Bank
- 3.9 Amegy Bank
- 3.10 American Pride Bank
- 3.11 Ameris Bank
- 3.12 Andrews Federal Credit Union
- 3.13 APGFCU
- 3.14 Apple Bank
- 3.15 AnchorBank
- 3.16 Arsenal Credit Union
- 3.17 Arvest Bank
- 3.18 Astoria Bank
- 3.19 Avidia Bank
- 3.20 Axos Bank
- 3.21 Ballston Spa National Bank (BSNB)
- 3.22 BancorpSouth
- 3.23 Bank Direct
- 3.24 Bank Mutual
- 3.25 Bank of Canton
- 3.26 Bank of Elk River
- 3.27 Bank of Galesville
- 3.28 Bank of Hope
- 3.29 BOKF (Bank of Albuquerque, Bank of Oklahoma, Bank of Texas, Colorado State Bank and Trust)
- 3.30 BankPurely (1)
- 3.31 Bask Bank
- 3.32 BECU
- 3.33 Bellco Credit Union
- 3.34 BMT (Bryn Mawr Trust)
- 3.35 Bridge Credit Union
- 3.36 Bridgeview Bank Group
- 3.37 Brightpeak Financial
- 3.38 Campus USA Credit Union
- 3.39 Cap Ed Credit Union
- 3.40 Carver Federal Savings Bank
- 3.41 CCFBank
- 3.42 Central Illinois Bank
- 3.43 Century Bank
- 3.44 Charles Schwab Checking
- 3.45 Cheese
- 3.46 Chesapeake Bank
- 3.47 Chief Financial Credit Union
- 3.48 CIBC US
- 3.49 Cincinnati Federal
- 3.50 CIT Bank
- 3.51 C&N Bank
- 3.52 CNote
- 3.53 Columbia Bank (WA, OR, ID)
- 3.54 Comenity [Bread Savings]
- 3.55 Commerce Bank (MO, KS, IL, OK & CO)
- 3.56 ConnectOne (at least for CDs)
- 3.57 ConnexUs Credit Union
- 3.58 Â Credit Union 1
- 3.59 CrossPoint Federal Credit Union
- 3.60 Customers Bank (1)
- 3.61 Dedham Savings Bank
- 3.62 DimeDirect
- 3.63 Dollar Bank
- 3.64 Dollar Savings Bank
- 3.65 Dundee Bank
- 3.66 EBSB Direct
- 3.67 EECU
- 3.68 Elements Financial (1)
- 3.69 ESL Federal Credit Union
- 3.70 ESSA Bank & Trust
- 3.71 Eureka Savings Bank
- 3.72 Farm Bureau Bank
- 3.73 Farmers & Merchants Bank
- 3.74 Farmers & Merchants State Bank
- 3.75 Fidelity Bank (Online, MA)
- 3.76 Fidelity Bank (Brokerage)
- 3.77 Financial Resources Credit Union
- 3.78 FirstBank [TN, GA, AL]
- 3.79 First Bank and Trust
- 3.80 First Bank Financial Centre (FBFC)
- 3.81 First Fidelity Bank
- 3.82 FCB South County Bank
- 3.83 Fifth Third (5/3rd)
- 3.84 Figure Pay
- 3.85 First Bank (CA, IL & MO)
- 3.86 First Community Credit Union
- 3.87 First Federal Credit Union
- 3.88 First Federal of Washington
- 3.89 First National Bank (IA)
- 3.90 First National Bank [UT]
- 3.91 First National Bank [NE]
- 3.92 First National Bank of Long Island
- 3.93 First Republic Bank
- 3.94 First Tech Federal Credit Union
- 3.95 First Trade Union Bank (FTUB)
- 3.96 Five Star Bank (only been tested in branch)
- 3.97 Flagstar Bank
- 3.98 Flushing Bank
- 3.99 FNBO
- 3.100 Focus Federal Credit Union
- 3.101 Found
- 3.102 Four Points Federal Credit Union
- 3.103 Freedom Federal Credit Union
- 3.104 Frontier Bank
- 3.105 Gateway First Bank
- 3.106 Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union
- 3.107 Georgia Banking Company (GBC)
- 3.108 Global Credit Union
- 3.109 Go2Bank
- 3.110 Grasshopper
- 3.111 Greater Iowa Credit Union
- 3.112 Guilford Savings Bank
- 3.113 Heartland Credit Union
- 3.114 Heritage Credit Union
- 3.115 Home Savings Bank
- 3.116 HomeStreet Bank
- 3.117 HomeTrust Bank
- 3.118 HSBC (1)
- 3.119 Huntington Bank
- 3.120 ICBC USA
- 3.121 IC Federal Credit Union
- 3.122 Incredible Bank
- 3.123 Industrial Bank (1)
- 3.124 INOVA Federal Credit Union
- 3.125 Integrity Bank
- 3.126 Investor Bank
- 3.127 Iowa State Bank (1)
- 3.128 Johnson Bank
- 3.129 Kearny Bank
- 3.130 Kemba Financial Credit Union
- 3.131 Kentucky Bank
- 3.132 Kinecta
- 3.133 Langley Credit Union
- 3.134 LegacyTexas
- 3.135 Level One Bank
- 3.136 Liberty Savings Bank
- 3.137 Lili Bank
- 3.138 Live Oak Bank
- 3.139 Marcus Bank
- 3.140 Marine Bank
- 3.141 MB Financial Bank
- 3.142 Mango Bank
- 3.143 Middlesex Federal
- 3.144 MidFirst Bank
- 3.145 MidWestOne Bank
- 3.146 Midwest Regional Bank
- 3.147 Monifi
- 3.148 MSUFCU
- 3.149 Mutual Security Credit Union
- 3.150 My Banking Direct
- 3.151 My eBanc
- 3.152 MVB Bank
- 3.153 NASB
- 3.154 Nationwide Bank
- 3.155 NBC Oklahoma
- 3.156 NBT Bank
- 3.157 Nearside
- 3.158 Nevada State Bank
- 3.159 New Buffalo Savings Bank
- 3.160 Newton Federal Bank
- 3.161 Northfield Bank
- 3.162 North Shore Bank (MA)
- 3.163 NorthShore Credit Union
- 3.164 NRLFCU
- 3.165 Nutmeng State Financial Credit Union
- 3.166 NYCB Family Of Banks
- 3.167 Old Hickory Credit Union
- 3.168 Old Missouri Bank
- 3.169 Old Second Bank
- 3.170 One American Bank
- 3.171 Orion Federal Credit Union
- 3.172 Pacific Service Credit Union
- 3.173 Parke Bank
- 3.174 Parkside Credit Union
- 3.175 Patelco Credit Union
- 3.176 Pathways Financial Credit Union
- 3.177 People Driven Credit Union
- 3.178 PeoplesBank
- 3.179 Peoples United Bank
- 3.180 Pinnacle Financial Partners
- 3.181 Polam Federal Credit Union
- 3.182 Popular Bank
- 3.183 Popular Direct
- 3.184 PurePoint Financial
- 3.185 Quontic Bank
- 3.186 Republic Bank (IL only)
- 3.187 Republic Bank (NY) only
- 3.188 Salal Credit Union
- 3.189 Salem Five Bank
- 3.190 Scient Federal Credit Union
- 3.191 Scott Credit Union
- 3.192 Security Service Federal Credit Union
- 3.193 SENB Bank
- 3.194 Simple Bank (BBVA)
- 3.195 Solvay Bank
- 3.196 Sound Community Bank
- 3.197 Southside Bank
- 3.198 Space Coast Credit Union
- 3.199 St. Mary’s Bank
- 3.200 Sun Canyon Bank
- 3.201 Sunflower Bank
- 3.202 TAB Bank
- 3.203 Talmer Bank & Trust
- 3.204 TBK Bank
- 3.205 Texas Capital Bank
- 3.206 Texas Trust Credit Union
- 3.207 Texell Credit Union
- 3.208 Thrivent Federal Credit Union
- 3.209 TIAA Direct
- 3.210 Town Bank
- 3.211 Town and Country Bank
- 3.212 Traditional Bank
- 3.213 Trustco Bank
- 3.214 UFirst Credit Union
- 3.215 UMB Bank
- 3.216 Union Bank
- 3.217 Union Plus Prepaid
- 3.218 Union Savings Bank
- 3.219 United Roosevelt Savings Bank
- 3.220 Unity Bank
- 3.221 Univest
- 3.222 Wealthfront
- 3.223 Webster Bank
- 3.224 Western State Bank
- 3.225 Whitney Bank
- 3.226 Winden
- 3.227 Wintrust Bank
- 3.228 Woori America Bank
- 3.229 WyHy FCU
- 3.230 Valley National Bank
- 3.231 VyStar Credit Union
- 4 Banks That We Aren’t Sure About
- 4.1 121 Financial Credit Union
- 4.2 1st Advantage Federal Credit Union
- 4.3 1st Colonial Community Bank
- 4.4 1st Security Bank
- 4.5 5Point Credit Union
- 4.6 AAA
- 4.7 AAC Credit Union
- 4.8 Acorns
- 4.9 Adirondack Bank
- 4.10 Advance Financial Federal Credit Union (AFFCU
- 4.11 Advantage Bank
- 4.12 Advantage Credit Union
- 4.13 Aero Federal Credit Union
- 4.14 Affiliated Bank
- 4.15 Air Academy Federal Credit Union
- 4.16 Albert Neobank
- 4.17 Allegiance Credit Union
- 4.18 Allegius Credit Union
- 4.19 Allied First Bank
- 4.20 Aloha Pacific Federal Credit Union
- 4.21 AltaOne Federal Credit Union
- 4.22 Amboy Direct
- 4.23 American Bank Center
- 4.24 American Bank & Trust
- 4.25 American Commerce Bank
- 4.26 America First Credit Union
- 4.27 American Bank
- 4.28 American Enterprise Bank
- 4.29 American Investors Bank & Mortgage (AIBM)
- 4.30 American Trust & Savings Bank
- 4.31 American United Federal Credit Union
- 4.32 AmeriCU Credit Union
- 4.33 American Heritage Credit Union
- 4.34 American Savings Bank (ASB) Hawaii
- 4.35 Ameriprise Financial
- 4.36 ANB Bank
- 4.37 ANECA Credit Union
- 4.38 Anoka Hennepin Credit Union
- 4.39 Apple Federal Credit Union
- 4.40 Arizona Central Credit Union
- 4.41 Arkansas Federal Credit Union
- 4.42 Arrha Credit Union
- 4.43 Ascend Federal Credit Union
- 4.44 Ascent Credit Union
- 4.45 Ashland Credit Union
- 4.46 Aspiration
- 4.47 Associated Credit Union
- 4.48 Associated Credit Union of Texas (ACUTX)
- 4.49 Austin Bank
- 4.50 Bank7
- 4.51 BankFinancial
- 4.52 Bank Midwest
- 4.53 Bank of Blue Valley
- 4.54 Bank of Elk River
- 4.55 Bank Five Nine
- 4.56 BankNewport
- 4.57 Bank Novo
- 4.58 Bank of Greene County
- 4.59 Bank Of Lee’s Summit
- 4.60 Bank of Montgomery (BOM)
- 4.61 BankPlus
- 4.62 Bank of Hawaii
- 4.63 Bank of Ruston
- 4.64 Bank Of Sun Prairie
- 4.65 Bank of Tennessee
- 4.66 Bank of The Blue Grass
- 4.67 BankOrion
- 4.68 Bank OZK
- 4.69 Banner Bank
- 4.70 Banterra
- 4.71 Barclays
- 4.72 Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
- 4.73 Baselane
- 4.74 Baton Rouge Telco Federal Credit Union
- 4.75 Beartooth Bank
- 4.76 Belco Community Bank
- 4.77 Belmont Savings Bank
- 4.78 Beneficial Bank
- 4.79 Berkshire Bank
- 4.80 Better Banks
- 4.81 Beverly Hill Bank
- 4.82 BHCU
- 4.83 BiddefordSavings
- 4.84 Blackhawk Bank & Trust
- 4.85 Blue Foundry Bank
- 4.86 BMI Federal Credit Union
- 4.87 Bravera Bank
- 4.88 Brentwood Bank
- 4.89 BrightStar Credit Union
- 4.90 Brio Direct Bank
- 4.91 Broadview Federal Credit Union
- 4.92 Bryon Bank
- 4.93 Byline Bank
- 4.94 Buckeye State Bank
- 4.95 Buckeye State Credit Union
- 4.96 Bull’s Eye Credit Union
- 4.97 California Bank & Trust
- 4.98 California Credit Union
- 4.99 Cape Cod 5
- 4.100 Capital City Bank
- 4.101 Capital Credit Union
- 4.102 CBT Bank
- 4.103 CenterBank
- 4.104 Center Parc
- 4.105 Charter Oak
- 4.106 CinFed Credit Union
- 4.107 City Mark Federal Credit Union
- 4.108 Clifton Savings Bank (CSBK)
- 4.109 CNB Bank & Trust
- 4.110 Comerica Bank
- 4.111 Commerce Bank (MA)
- 4.112 Commonwealth Central Credit Union
- 4.113 CommonWealth Credit Union
- 4.114 Community Alliance Credit Union
- 4.115 Community Bank & Trust
- 4.116 Community State Bank
- 4.117 Community West Credit Union
- 4.118 Compass Federal Credit Union
- 4.119 ConnectOne Bank
- 4.120 Connex Credit Union
- 4.121 Consumers Credit Union (MI)
- 4.122 Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod
- 4.123 Coors Credit Union
- 4.124 Crane Credit Union
- 4.125 Credit Union of Ohio
- 4.126 Credit Union One
- 4.127 Credit Union of the Rockies
- 4.128 Credit Union West
- 4.129 Crystal Lake Bank
- 4.130 Cambridge Trust Company
- 4.131 Capitol Bank
- 4.132 Capital One 360
- 4.133 Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust
- 4.134 Centier
- 4.135 Central Pacific Bank
- 4.136 Cincinnatus Savings & Loan
- 4.137 The Citizens Bank
- 4.138 Citizens First Bank
- 4.139 City & County Credit Union
- 4.140 City National Bank (Bankatcity)
- 4.141 Cobalt Credit Union
- 4.142 CODE Credit Union
- 4.143 Community Credit Union Florida
- 4.144 Community Resource Credit Union
- 4.145 Compass Community Credit Union
- 4.146 Consolidated Community Credit Union
- 4.147 Control Card
- 4.148 Corda Credit Union
- 4.149 Cornerstone Financial Credit Union
- 4.150 Country Bank
- 4.151 Credit Union of America
- 4.152 Credit Union of Southern California
- 4.153 Cyprus Credit Union
- 4.154 CSE Federal Credit Union
- 4.155 Current
- 4.156 Darien Rowayton Bank
- 4.157 Denmark State Bank
- 4.158 Devon Bank
- 4.159 Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union
- 4.160 Denver Community Credit Union
- 4.161 Dort Federal Credit Union
- 4.162 DuGood Federal Credit Union
- 4.163 DuPage Credit Union
- 4.164 Eagle Federal Credit Union
- 4.165 East Boston Savings Bank
- 4.166 Eastern Savings Bank
- 4.167 East Idaho Credit Union
- 4.168 Eastman Credit Union
- 4.169 East Wisconsin Savings Bank
- 4.170 Educators Credit Union (ECU)
- 4.171 Edwards Federal Credit Union
- 4.172 Element Federal Credit Union
- 4.173 Elite Community Credit Union
- 4.174 Elko Federal Credit Union
- 4.175 Empire State Bank
- 4.176 Energy Federal Credit Union
- 4.177 Energy One Credit Union
- 4.178 Essex Bank
- 4.179 E*Trade
- 4.180 EverBank
- 4.181 Exchange Bank
- 4.182 Expedition Credit Union
- 4.183 Extraco Banks
- 4.184 Family Trust Federal Credit Union
- 4.185 FAST Credit Union
- 4.186 FCB Banks
- 4.187 FCNB Bank
- 4.188 FEDCOM Credit Union
- 4.189 Fidelity Bank (Bank With Fidelity)
- 4.190 Fidelity Bank [KS, OK, MO]
- 4.191 Fierce Finance
- 4.192 Financial Builders
- 4.193 Financial Partners Credit Union
- 4.194 Financial Plus Credit Union
- 4.195 Finex Credit Union
- 4.196 First Bank of Manhattan
- 4.197 First Bank & Trust Company Illinois
- 4.198 First Basin Credit Union Checking
- 4.199 First Citrus Bank
- 4.200 First Entertainment Credit Union
- 4.201 First Federal Bank (FL)
- 4.202 First Financial Federal Credit Union
- 4.203 First General Credit Union
- 4.204 First Green Bank
- 4.205 First Community Bank (AR/MO)
- 4.206 First Federal Bank of Wisconsin
- 4.207 First Financial Bank (AR/MS)
- 4.208 First Financial Bank (TX)
- 4.209 First Financial Federal Credit Union (MD only)
- 4.210 First Financial Northwest Bank
- 4.211 First Hawaiian Bank
- 4.212 First Internet Bank
- 4.213 First Jersey Credit Union
- 4.214 FirstLight Federal Credit Union
- 4.215 First National 1870
- 4.216 First National Bank of Texas
- 4.217 First National Bank in Staunton
- 4.218 First National Bank of Waterloo
- 4.219 First Nebraska Educators Credit Union
- 4.220 First Northern Credit Union
- 4.221 First Savings Bank of Hegewisch
- 4.222 First Service Bank
- 4.223 First Service Credit Union
- 4.224 First Southern Bank
- 4.225 First South Financial
- 4.226 First United Credit Union
- 4.227 First US Community Credit Union
- 4.228 Fitzsimmons Credit Union
- 4.229 Florida Community Bank
- 4.230 Florida West Coast Credit Union
- 4.231 FNCB (maybe up to $499 including Amex)
- 4.232 F&M Bank
- 4.233 F&M Bank (VA Only)
- 4.234 Focus Bank
- 4.235 Forcht Bank
- 4.236 Fort Bragg Federal Credit Union
- 4.237 Fort Financial Credit Union
- 4.238 Fort Worth Community Credit Union
- 4.239 Freedom First Credit Union
- 4.240 Fremont Bank
- 4.241 Gain Federal Credit Union
- 4.242 Garden Savings Federal Credit Union
- 4.243 Georgia’s Own Credit Union
- 4.244 Giftsforbanking
- 4.245 GNO Federal Credit Union
- 4.246 GO Federal Credit Union
- 4.247 GOLD Credit Union
- 4.248 Granite Credit Union
- 4.249 Great Plains Bank
- 4.250 GR Consumers Credit Union
- 4.251 Great River Federal Credit Union
- 4.252 Green State Credit Union
- 4.253 Grove City Area Federal Credit Union
- 4.254 Guardian Credit Union
- 4.255 Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Company
- 4.256 Gulf Coast Federal Credit Union
- 4.257 Hanmi Bank
- 4.258 Harford Bank
- 4.259 HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union
- 4.260 Heartland Bank
- 4.261 Hercules First Federal Credit Union
- 4.262 Heritage Bank NW
- 4.263 Heritage Bank of St. Tammany
- 4.264 Heritage Financial Credit Union
- 4.265 HeritageWest Credit Union
- 4.266 Hibernia Bank
- 4.267 Highmark Federal Credit Union
- 4.268 Holyoke Credit Union
- 4.269 Home National Bank
- 4.270 Home Federal Savings Bank
- 4.271 Home State Bank
- 4.272 Hometown Community Banks
- 4.273 Hopewell Federal Credit Union
- 4.274 Horizon Bank
- 4.275 Horizon Federal Credit Union
- 4.276 Houston Metropolitan Federal Credit Union
- 4.277 Hudson River Community Credit Union (HRCCU)
- 4.278 Idaho Central Credit Union (ICCU)
- 4.279 Independent Financial
- 4.280 Illinois National Bank
- 4.281 Illinois State Credit Union
- 4.282 Inspire Federal Credit Union
- 4.283 Interra Credit Union
- 4.284 InTouch Credit Union
- 4.285 Jovia Financial Credit Union
- 4.286 KaiPerm
- 4.287 Kalsee Credit Union
- 4.288 Katahdin Trust Company
- 4.289 Keen Bank
- 4.290 Keesler Federal Credit Union
- 4.291 Kinderhook Bank
- 4.292 La Capitol Federal Credit Union
- 4.293 LA Financial Credit Union
- 4.294 Lake Ridge Bank
- 4.295 Lake Shore Savings
- 4.296 La Loma Federal Credit Union
- 4.297 Land of Lincoln Credit Union
- 4.298 Las Colinas Federal Credit Union
- 4.299 Laurel Road
- 4.300 Ledyard Bank
- 4.301 Legacy Bank (KS)
- 4.302 LGE Community Credit Union
- 4.303 Liberty Bank For Savings
- 4.304 Liberty First Credit Union
- 4.305 Linn Area Credit Union
- 4.306 LM Federal Credit Union
- 4.307 Lone Star National Bank
- 4.308 Long Game
- 4.309 LorMet Community Federal Credit Union
- 4.310 Lyons National Bank
- 4.311 Magnolia Federal Credit Union
- 4.312 MainSource Bank
- 4.313 Main Street Bank [of Virginia]
- 4.314 Marathon Bank
- 4.315 MarketUSA Federal Credit Union
- 4.316 Marquette Bank
- 4.317 Mars Bank
- 4.318 MAX Credit Union
- 4.319 Mcfarland State Bank
- 4.320 MECU Credit Union
- 4.321 Melrose Bank
- 4.322 Member One Federal Credit Union
- 4.323 Members Choice Credit Union
- 4.324 Members Source Credit Union
- 4.325 Memphis City ECU (MCECU)
- 4.326 Mercer Savings Bank
- 4.327 Mercury
- 4.328 Meridian Bank
- 4.329 Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union
- 4.330 Meritrust Credit Union
- 4.331 Metro Credit Union (NE)
- 4.332 Metro Credit Union (MA)
- 4.333 M&F Bank
- 4.335 Mid Minnesota Federal Credit Union
- 4.336 Mid Penn Bank
- 4.337 Middlesex Bank
- 4.338 MidUSA Credit Union
- 4.339 Midwest Bank
- 4.340 Minnequa Works Credit Union
- 4.341 Mint Valley Federal Credit Union
- 4.342 Mobiloil Credit Union
- 4.343 MoneyLion
- 4.344 Monona Bank
- 4.345 Monson Savings
- 4.346 Montgomery County Employees Federal Credit Union (MC EFCU)
- 4.347 Monroe Bank & Trust (MBT)
- 4.348 Muncipal Credit Union
- 4.349 Mutual Bank
- 4.350 MySavingsDirect
- 4.351 M1 Finance
- 4.352 Navigant Credit Union
- 4.353 Neighbors Credit Union
- 4.354 Neighborhood Credit Union
- 4.355 Nexus
- 4.356 North Brookfield Savings Bank
- 4.357 North Community Bank
- 4.358 NorthOne Bank
- 4.359 Northern Paper Milles (NPM)
- 4.360 Northern Skies FCU
- 4.361 North Shore Community Bank
- 4.362 North Star Credit Union
- 4.363 North State Bank
- 4.364 Northwest Bank
- 4.365 Northwest Bank (PA)
- 4.366 Northwest Bank of Rockford
- 4.367 Northwest Plus Credit Union
- 4.368 Notre Dame Federal Credit Union
- 4.369 NVE Bank
- 4.370 Oklahoma’s Credit Union
- 4.371 Oakland University Credit Union
- 4.372 OakStar Bank
- 4.373 OMNI Community Credit Union
- 4.374 One Finance
- 4.375 One Nevada Credit Union
- 4.376 OneWest Bank
- 4.377 Origin Bank
- 4.378 Oritani Bank
- 4.379 Orlando Credit Union
- 4.380 OUR Credit Union
- 4.381 Oxygen
- 4.382 Palisades Credit Union
- 4.383 Paradise Valley Federal Credit Union
- 4.384 Park National Bank
- 4.385 Pathfinder Bank
- 4.386 Penn East Federal Credit Union
- 4.387 People’s Bank
- 4.388 Peoples Bank (LA)
- 4.389 Peoples Bank (WA)
- 4.390 Peoples Bank (ibankpeoples IL, IN)
- 4.391 Philadelphia Federal Credit Union
- 4.392 Pikes Peak Credit Union
- 4.393 Pittsfield Coop Bank
- 4.394 Point Breeze Credit Union
- 4.395 Polish American Credit Union
- 4.396 Polish National Credit Union
- 4.397 Ponce Bank
- 4.398 Porte Bank
- 4.399 Public Service Credit Union
- 4.400 Power Financial Credit Union
- 4.401 Preferred Credit Union
- 4.402 Prestige Community Credit Union
- 4.403 Primis Bank
- 4.404 PriorityONE Credit Union of Florida
- 4.405 ProFed Credit Union
- 4.406 Progressive Bank
- 4.407 Progessions Credit Union
- 4.408 Proviso Community Bank
- 4.409 PSE Credit Union
- 4.410 Public Employees Credit Union (PECU)
- 4.411 Public Service Credit Union
- 4.412 Public Service Credit Union (IN)
- 4.413 Pulaski Bank
- 4.414 Putnam Bank
- 4.415 PyraMax Bank
- 4.416 Quad City Bank & Trust
- 4.417 Randolf Savings Bank
- 4.418 Reading Cooperative Bank
- 4.419 Real People’s Bank
- 4.420 Red Canoe Credit Union
- 4.421 Red Rocks Credit Union
- 4.422 Relay Financial
- 4.423 Reliabank
- 4.424 Reliance Bank
- 4.425 Reliant Bank
- 4.426 Resource One Credit Union
- 4.427 Ridgewood Savings Bank
- 4.428 River Valley Credit Union
- 4.429 Riverview Bank
- 4.430 Rollstone Bank & Trust
- 4.431 Route 31 Credit Union
- 4.432 RPT Federal Credit Union
- 4.433 Rosedale Federal Savings & Loan Association
- 4.434 Royal Bank America
- 4.435 Saratoga National Bank
- 4.436 Savings Bank of Danbury
- 4.437 Sawyer Savings Bank
- 4.438 SB1 Federal Credit Union
- 4.439 SECNY Federal Credit Union
- 4.440 Security Bank of Crawford
- 4.441 Selco Community Credit Union
- 4.442 Select Bank & Trust
- 4.443 Service 1st Federal Credit Union
- 4.444 Sharepoint Credit Union
- 4.445 Simmons Bank
- 4.446 Simsbury Bank
- 4.447 SIS Bank
- 4.448 SLFCU
- 4.449 Space Age Federal Credit Union
- 4.450 SPCO Credit Union
- 4.451 SouthEast Bank
- 4.452 Southeastern Credit Union
- 4.453 South East National Bank
- 4.454 Southern Bank
- 4.455 SouthStar Bank
- 4.456 Southland Credit Union
- 4.457 Southwest 66 Credit Union
- 4.458 Spartan Federal Credit Union
- 4.459 Spiral
- 4.460 Spire Credit Union
- 4.461 Spokane City Credit Union
- 4.462 Stanford Federal Credit Union
- 4.463 St. Anne’s Credit Union
- 4.464 Star Bank
- 4.465 Stark Federal Credit Union
- 4.466 Star of Texas Credit Union
- 4.467 State Bank of Bement
- 4.468 State Bank Of Cross Plains
- 4.469 State Security Bank
- 4.470 STCU (Spokane Teachers Credit Union)
- 4.471 Step App
- 4.472 Sterling National Bank
- 4.473 Stock Yards Bank & Trust
- 4.474 Streator Onized Credit Union (SOCU)
- 4.475 Sturdy Savings Bank
- 4.476 Suburban Bank & Trust (SBT)
- 4.477 Suffolk Credit Union
- 4.478 Summit Federal Credit Union
- 4.479 Summit Credit Union
- 4.480 Suncoast Credit Union
- 4.481 Sun Commnity Federal Credit Union
- 4.482 Sun National Bank
- 4.483 Superior Credit Union
- 4.484 Synovus Bank
- 4.485 Sweet Home Federal Credit Union
- 4.486 Taunton Federal Credit Union
- 4.487 TEG Federal Credit Union
- 4.488 Telco Community Credit Union
- 4.489 Telhio Credit Union
- 4.490 Texans Credit Union
- 4.491 The Bank Of Denver
- 4.492 The Bank of Princeton
- 4.493 The Columbia Bank
- 4.494 The Cooperative Bank
- 4.495 The County Federal Credit Union
- 4.496 The First State Bank
- 4.497 The Union Bank Co
- 4.498 ThinkBank
- 4.499 Thomaston Savings Bank
- 4.500 TLC Community Credit Union
- 4.501 TobyHanna FCU
- 4.502 Toro Credit Union
- 4.503 Torrington Savings Bank
- 4.504 Trademark Federal Credit Union
- 4.505 Traditions Bank
- 4.506 Transcend Credit Union
- 4.507 TrueCore Federal Credit Union
- 4.508 Truity Credit Union
- 4.509 TruPartner Credit Union
- 4.510 TTCU (Formerly Tulsa Teachers Credit Union)
- 4.511 Tulsa Federal Credit Union
- 4.512 Tyndall Federal Credit Union
- 4.513 Ulster Savings Bank
- 4.514 Union Community Bank
- 4.515 United Community Bank (UCB)
- 4.516 United Financial Credit Union
- 4.517 Unity One Credit Union
- 4.518 U of I Community Credit Union
- 4.519 USC Credit Union
- 4.520 US Community Credit Union
- 4.521 US #1364 Federal Credit Union
- 4.522 Utah First Credit Union
- 4.523 Wakefield Co-operative Bank
- 4.524 Walden Savings Bank
- 4.525 Wallet by Boss Money
- 4.526 Washington Savings Bank
- 4.527 Water And Power Community Credit Union (WPCU)
- 4.528 WaterStone Bank
- 4.529 Watertown Savings Bank
- 4.530 Waukesha State Bank
- 4.531 We Florida Financial
- 4.532 Wellesley Bank
- 4.533 Westbury Bank
- 4.534 Western Vista Credit Union
- 4.535 Westfield Bank, FSB
- 4.536 WestTown Bank & Trust
- 4.537 Widget Financial
- 4.538 Wilson Bank & Trust
- 4.539 Wysh
- 4.540 Valley Bank
- 4.541 ValleyStar Credit Union
- 4.542 Vectra Bank
- 4.543 Vibrant Credit Union
- 4.544 Vinton County
- 4.545 Xceed Financial Credit Union
- 4.546 Yolo Federal Credit Union
Popular Banks
Bank of America
Does not allow credit card funding, but you can use a debit card to fund up to $300 $100. Visa gift cards do not work (and 2).
Allows credit card funding up to a $500 limit. It looks like all credit cards are being charged as a cash advance now, so tread lightly. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
The following count as a cash advance:
- Barclay cards:
- Arrival Plus: 1 (sent by e-mail, this was an in branch funding rather than online)
- Sallie Mae: 1Â (used to not code as cash advance)
- US Airways: 1
- Capital one cards: 1
- Chase cards. All Chase cards will post as a cash advance.
- Fidelity Visa: 1
- Unknown card used: 1
- Citi cards: 1
As of February 9th, 2016 Citi no longer offers any sort of credit card funding.
Allows credit card funding up to $100,000. They allow MasterCard & Visa, but not American Express. The follow don’t count as a cash advance:
Chase:IHG: 1
Citi cards:Â 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Navy Federal Credit Union:Flagship Rewards: 1 (via e-mail on November 10th)
The following do count as a cash advance:
Bank of America:Business Alaska: 1
Barclay Priceline Visa: 1Capital One:Chase: 1, 2 (used to not code as cash advance: 1, 2 (update somebody reports not a cash advance again: 1), 3 cash advance again? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Citi cards: Most cards seem to be posting as purchase as noted above, although in the past there had been issues with this (1). That said, there still are some reports of cash advance issues:US Bank:
Civista Bank
Can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card.
Does not allow credit card funding
Note: Recently, it appears everything is going through as a cash advance. See a discussion about that in this post.
Allow you to fund up to $2,000 with a Visa, Discover or Mastercard credit card (note you can open a checking & savings account, each for $2,000). Maximum funding by phone is $100. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
Alliant: 1, 2,Barclaycard: 1 (looks like it will almost certainly count as cash advance, see data points below), 2BoA:Capital One:Chase cards: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6AARP: 1,British Airways: 1Chase Sapphire Preferred: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,Chase Sapphire Reserve: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (funds refunded 7), 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,Freedom: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,Freedom Unlimited: 1, 2, 3, 4,Hyatt: 1, 2, 3,IHG: 1, 2,Ink cash: 1, 2, 3,Ink Plus: 1, 2, 3 (code as a cash advance in branch: 1), 4,Ink Preferred: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (cash advance)Ink Unlimited: 1, 2,Marriott: 1, 2,Marriott Business: 1, 2, 3,United: 1, 2, 3, 4,Southwest: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Citi: You can no longer fund using a Citi card. Update: Citi cards are working again. Cash advance: 1,City National Bank: 1, 2, 3,Consumer Credit Union:Visa: 1
Discover: 1, 2,Fidelity: 1, 2 (coded as cash advance), 3 (coded as purchase)Synchrony:Terps: 1,USAA:Wells Fargo:
Note: Chase seems to originally code as cash advance and then reverts to purchase. If you have data points that say otherwise, please let me know.
The following do count it as a cash advance:
Barclaycard:Arrival: 1US Airways: 1
Capital one: 1Citi: 1Â (may no longer code as cash advance, see above)Fidelity: 1,U.S. Bank:Altitude Reserve: 1, another dp of it coding as purchase, 2 (didn’t process), 3, 4 (coded as a purchase)
No longer allows credit card funding
Allow to fund it up to a $500 with a credit card (can also fund savings with up to $500). Visa, Mastercard & Discover cards can be used. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
Bank of America:Â BarclaysBBVA:Select: 1,
Capital One: Seems to now be coding as a cash advance Chase: Seems to now be coding as a cash advance (1)AARP: 1Chase Sapphire Preferred: 1, 2, 3, 4 (coded as cash advance)Chase Sapphire Reserve: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (coded as cash advance)Chase Freedom: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Freedom: 1Freedom Unlimited: 1, 2, 3, 4 (coded as cash advance)IHG: 1, 2Marriott: 1Southwest: 1, 2, 3, 4Ink: 1Ink Preferred: 1, 2,United: 1, 2
Citi:Discover: 1, 2, 3, 4,Fidelity: 1, 2,Iberia: 1,Terps: 1,Wells Fargo:
The following do code as a cash advance:
Discover: 1, 2 (didn’t used to code as cash advance, now it does)Â 1Â (doesn’t code as online purchase)U.S. BankBusiness Edge: 1
Wells Fargo
You’re able to fund your checking accounts with up to $500 on a credit card (savings accounts can also be funded with another $500). Update 12/10/15: Seems that the limit is now $50 (1, 2).
You can only use a Visa or Mastercard The following don’t count as a cash advance:
- Capital One:
- Spark: 1,
- Chase:Â !s
- Citi: 1
- Barclay:
- Bank of America: 1
- Alaska: 1
- Huntington: 1,
- KCU: 1,
- U.S. Bank:
- FlexPerks Visa: 1
The following will count as a cash advance:
U.S. Bank
Can currently fund up to $3,000 with a credit card for business accounts and $250 for personal accounts.
Update: Looks like it’s back, but only up to $50 $250 $200
Sadly U.S. Bank no longer allows credit card funding.
You’re able to fund your account with up to $500 on a credit card. The following cards don’t count as a cash advance:
- American Express(note the CA data points below): 1,
- Bank of America: 1
- Barclaycard:
- NBA: 1
- Capital One: 1
- Chase: 1, 2, 3
- AARP: 1
- Amazon: 1
- British Airways: 1
- Freedom: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
- Freedom Flex: 1,
- Freedom Unlimited: 1, 2, 3, 4,
- Hilton: 1
- Hyatt: 1, 2,
- IHG: 1, 2,
- Ink: 1, 2, 3,
- Ink cash: 1, 2, 3, 4,
- Ink Preferred: 1, 2, 3, 4,
- Ink Unlimited: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
- Marriott: 1, 2,
- United: 1
- Sapphire Preferred: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
- Sapphire Reserve: 1, 2,
- Southwest: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
- Citi: 1, 2, 3, 4
- Capital One: 1
- Commerce Bank:
- Special Connections: 1
- Discover: 1, 2,
- Fidelity: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
- First Tennessee:
- Visa Signature: 1
- Business: 1,
- Marcus: 1,
- Navy Federal:
- Go Rewards: 1
- PayPal Mastercard: 1,
- PenFed: 1, 2
- TD:
- Ameritrade: 1
- U.S. Bank
- Altitude Reserve: 1,
- Wells Fargo
- Business Platinum Visa: 1
The following cards did count as a cash advance:
- American Express (previously didn’t code as cash advance: 1, 2): 1
- Everyday: 1Â (2 not coding as cash advance)
- Everyday Preferred (this originally code as a cash advance and then processed as a purchase: 1)
- Business Platinum: 1
- Hilton Surpass: 1
- SimplyCash: 1 (via e-mail on March 24th, 2016)
- SPG: (apparently neither personal or business coded as cash advance in April, via e-mail), 2, 3 (didn’t code as CA), 4
- Barclaycard:
- Arrival: 1
- Bank of America:
- Cash rewards: 1
- Citi:
- Business Aa: 1
- Discover: 1
- US Bank Cards: 1
- Wells Fargo:
- Propel (coded as cash advance in April, via e-mail)
Smaller Banks
1st Financial Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
1st Mariner Bank
Acquired by Howard Bank, unsure on Howard Bank credit card funding.
You can initially fund up to $2,500 with a credit card (American Express not allowed).
The following code as a purchase:
The following code as a cash advance:
Bank of America: 1Â Barclaycard:Arrival Plus: 1 (via email on March 2nd, 2016)
Chase:Rapid Rewards: 1
1st United Credit Union
Can fund with a credit card up to an $2,000Â maximum. The following code as a purchase:
3Rivers Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card (Visa or Mastercard). The following code as a purchase:
4Font Credit Union
Can fund up to $5,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Wells Fargo
- Business: 1,
7 17 Credit Union
Can fund up to $525 with a credit card.
A+ Federal Credit Union (A+FCU)
Can fund up to $5,000 with a credit card.
- Chase:
- Freedom Unlimited: 1,
Abington Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. No longer available
Can fund up to $10,000Â limit now $1,500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Wells Fargo:
- Business: 1,
Addition Financial
Credit card funding might no longer be offered.
Can fund up to $3,000 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
Advance Financial Federal Credit Union (AFFCU
Can fund up to $200 with a credit card.
Advantis Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,550 with a Visa, Mastercard or Discover. The following code as a purchase:
Adventure Credit Union
Can fund with a credit card up to $2,500. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash:
Adventure Credit Union
Advia Credit Union
Can fund up to $505 with a credit card.
Can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card.
Affinity Federal Credit Union
Can now fund up to $1,000 with a credit card again. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Barclays:
- Business Aviator: 1,
- Capital One:
- Chase:
- Â Citi:
- Fordpass: 1,
- Wells Fargo: 1,
Credit card funding is no longer available.
Can fund up to $5,000 with a Visa, Mastercard or Discover. The following code as a purchase:
Agriculture Federal Credit Union
You can fund up to $1,500 $500 initially with a credit card. (across all accounts). Only Visa & Mastercard are accepted. The following don’t code as a cash advance:
- Barclaycard:
- Capital One:
- Venture: 1,
- Â Chase
- Citi (didn’t code as cash advance, but data point of it coding as CA in the comments)
- AA Business Platinum: 1,
- US Bank:
Code as a cash advance:
- Citi:
- AA: 1
Alabama Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
Following post as a purchase:
- Barclaycard Gold: 1 (via e-mail, March 10th, 2016)
Allegacy Credit Union
Can fund up to $750 with a credit card. They accept Visa or Mastercard.
AllTru Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Freedom: 1,
Altra Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase
- Citi:
- Wells Fargo
- Active cash: 1,
Amalgamated Bank
Credit card funding is no longer offered.
You can fund with up to $500 with a credit card, Visa or Mastercard only. Opening a savings account will not let you fund another $500, unless it’s opened at a later date.
The following post as a purchase:
Bank of America: 1Barclaycard:Capital One: 1Â ChaseCitiHSBC:Platinum: 1 (via e-mail on 04/11/2017)
MetaBank Issued Visa GC: 1TD Ameritrade Client Rewards VISA: 1
The following does code as a cash advance:
Amerant Bank
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
American Bank & Trust
Can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card. The following codes as a purchase:
- Chase: 1,
American Eagle Financial Credit Union
Can fund both savings and checking up to $2,500 each. Mastercard, Visa & American Express are accepted. The following code as a purchase:
America’s Christian Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
The following coded as a cash advance:
America’s Credit Union
Update 8/2/22 (via e-mail): Up to $1,500 with a credit or debit card.
Update: It looks like they no longer allow credit card funding. It looks like ACU allows credit card funding of up to $10,000. We’re unsure of what cards are accepted and what does and doesn’t code as a cash advance.
American Heritage Credit Union
Accepts all credit cards and you can fund up to $1,000, now you can fund only up to $500. We’re unsure what does and doesn’t code as a cash advance.
Andigo Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card (per account)Â (Visa, Mastercard & Discover all accepted. American Express is no longer allowed, although it never actually worked). The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Barclays:
- JetBlue Plus: 1,
- Â Chase:
- Citi:
- First National Bank of Omaha: 1,
- PayPal: 1,
The following coded as a cash advance:
Arapahoe Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,005 with a credit card. The following coded as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Travel Rewards: 1,
Ardent Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Arizona Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $200 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
The following coded as a cash advance:
- U.S. Bank: 1,
Arizona Financial Credit Union
Can fund up to $200 with a credit card.
Arizona State Credit Union (now OneAZ Credit Union)
Arizona State Credit Union allows credit funding of up to $500 (previously $2,500). The following code as a purchase:
Armed Forces Bank
Can fund up to $100 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Arrowhead Credit Union
Can fund up to $3,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America: 1,
Arundel Federal Savings Bank
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Aspire Credit Union
Can fund up to $150 with a credit card.
Associated Bank
You can fund up to $300 $1,200 $500 with a credit card, American Express cards are not accepted.
Counts as purchase:
- Bank of America;
- Â Barclay
- Capital One:
- Chase (seems like it might code as a cash advance now): 1 (cash advance)
- Citi: 1
- Discover: 1, 2,
- PNC: 1,
- Wells Fargo: 1,
Codes as cash advance:
Bankers Trust
Update 8/2/22 (via e-mail): $500 up to a debit card.
You can fund with a credit card up to $10,000. The following code as a purchase:
bankESB (East Hampton Savings Bank)
You can fund up to $1,000 with any Visa, MasterCard or Discover credit card.
The following count as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Amtrak: 1
- Â Chase:
- Citi:
The following code as a cash advance:
- Discover: 1
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America: 1,
Bank of Colorado
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card, this is basically the same bank as Pinnacle so data points from that bank and this one should work for each. Below is just what has worked for Bank of Colorado
Codes as a purchase:
Coded as a cash advance:
- Chase:
- Bank of Colorado: 1,
Bank Independent
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
Bank of Maine
Acquired by Camden National Bank
Bank of Maine allows credit card funding, there is a limit of $500. We currently don’t have any data points on what is and isn’t considered a cash advance.
Bank of the West
Update: recent data points are showing Bank of the West coding as a cash advance, be warned. This DP says Citi Doublecash was purchase? This DP was purchase on BBVA card. Purchase on Citi DC. Purchase on Citi DC. Purchase on Alliant
Bank of the West allows credit card funding up to $500. Visa or Mastercard only. You can only fund up to a maximum of $500, even if you open checking & savings account.
The following code as a purchase:
Alliant:Cashback Visa Signature: 1,
Bank of America:Bank of The West:Business: 1,
Barclays:Arrival: 1,
Capital OneChase: 1 (didn’t work), 2 (didn’t work)Citi:City National Bank:Visa Infinite: 1,
Fidelity:U.S. BankWells Fargo:
Bank & Trust
You can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. American Express it not accepted. The following code as a purchase:
Can fund with Visa, Mastercard, or Discover (1). The following code as a purchase:
BayCoast Bank
Can fund up to $550 with a credit card.
You can fund a maximum of $300 with a credit or debit card when opening a new bank account. When you get to the final screen it will say that only debit cards are able to be loaded, but if you input a credit card it should still work. The following cards code as a purchase:
BBVA Compass
BBVA allows credit card funding, only Visa & MasterCard (Mastercard does not work) may be used. There is a limit of $500 that can be funded (previously was $5,00)
Codes as purchase:
- Alliant: 1, 2, 3,
- Avianca: 1
- Bank of America: 1, 2,
- Â Capital One:
 Chase:Chase Sapphire Preferred: 1
- Citi:
- City National Bank
- Visa infinite: 1,
- Flagship Rewards: 1,
- Synchrony:
- Cathay Pacific: 1
- U.S. Bank:
- U.S. Bank:
- Altitude Reserve: 1,
- Wells Fargo:
Codes as cash advance:
Beacon Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 with a Visa or Mastercard.
Bell Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 $500 with a credit card (Visa or Mastercard). The following code as a purchase:
Berkshire Bank
Can fund up to $10,000 with a debit or credit card. The following code as a purchase:
BethPage Credit Union
You can initially fund up to $100 with a credit card
Blaze Credit Union
Can fund up to $250 with a credit card.
BluPeak Credit Union
No longer offered.
Can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card.
Blue Hills Bank
Blue Hills Bank has now merged with Rockland Trust.
You can initially fund your account with up to $10,000 down to $1,000 now using a credit card. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
Barclaycard:Chase:Citi:AA exec: 1
Blue Federal Credit Union
Credit card funding no longer available.
Can fund up to $6,010 (might be limited to $500 now, but somebody funded $1,000). You can only fund with a Discover, Visa or Mastercard (American Express not accepted) The following code as a purchase:
BMI Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $250 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
- Unknown
The following codes as a cash advance:
- Chase:
- Ink Preferred: 1,
BMO Harris
BMO Harris no longer accepts credit card funding
BMO Harris allows credit card funding, with a limit of $1,000. You should be able to fund both checking & savings with $1,000 (money market also works). Â Update: Multiple reports indicate (1, 2) that BMO no longer allows credit card funding. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
American Express: BMO Harris no longer accepts American ExpressBank of America: 1,Barclaycard:BBVA Compass: 1 (via e-mail on February 22nd, 2016)Capital One:Chase cards (might now code as cash advance, see below):Citi:Commence By Sallie Mae: 1Consumers Credit Union: 1Fifth Third: Trio: 1FNBO:Travelite: 1
USAA:Limitless: 1
U.S. Bank: 1Â (originally coded as cash advance and then reverted to purchase)Wells Fargo:
Count as cash advance:
Boulder Valley Credit Union
Allows you to fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following do not code as a cash advance:
- Chase Sapphire Preferred
Brilliant Bank
The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
Broadway Bank
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- American Express:
- Blue Business Plus: 1,
- Bank of America
- Travel Rewards: 1,
- Chase:
- Â Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
- Divvy: 1,
The following code as a cash advance:
- Bilt: 1,
Busey Bank
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
California Coast Credit Union
Can fund up to $5,100 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- U.S. Bank:
- Altitude Go: 1,
Callaway Bank
Can fund up to $250 with a credit card. We don’t have any other info currently.
Cambridge Savings Bank
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. Visa, Mastercard & Discover are accepted. The following codes as a purchase:
Camden National Bank
You can fund up to $500 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following codes as a purchase:
Capital Bank
Can fund up to $300Â $50with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Capital One
The following comes through as a cash advance:
- Citi Double Cash: 1
Can fund up to $200 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Ink Unlimited: 1,
Centra Credit Union
Can fund up to $6,100 $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Freedom Unlimited: 1,
Central Bank (OK & MO)
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. Visa & Mastercard are accepted, no American Express or Discover. Looks like opening a savings account lets you fund another $1,000 as well. The following code as a purchase:
- Barclaycard:
- Capital One:
- Venture X: 1,
- Â Citi:
- Simplicity: 1
- Commerce Bank:
- Special Connections: 1
- Platinum: 1 (via e-mail on 04/11/2017)
- Merrill: 1,
The following didn’t work:
- Chase: 1,
Central Bank (Iowa, Minnesota, and the Dakotas)
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
Central Minnesota Credit Union
Can fund up to $100 $5,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Central Willamette Credit Union
Can fund with a credit card, unknown limit. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase
- Ink: 1,
Chartway Credit Union
You can fund a maximum of $210 ($100 savings, $100 checking, $10 to join). The following don’t count as a cash advance:
Charter One
See: Citizens Bank. They are the same bank with a different branding in IL, MI, and OH.
Christian Credit Union
Allows credit funding with a limit of $500 for checking accounts and $500 for their CD products, you must qualify for the membership requirements as well. The following code as a purchase:
Citadel Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. They accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, or Discover.
The following code as a purchase:
Citizens Bank
Update: Might all be cash advances now.
Update: One reader was able to fund up to $2,000 with a credit card (probably $1,000 from savings & another $1,000 from checking). Citizens Bank allows credit card funding up to $1,000, only Visa & MasterCard are accepted. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
- Alliant: 1,
- Â Barclaycard:
- Bank of America:
- Capital One:
- Chase cards: 1, 2
- Citi (seems to be cash advance now: 1, 2):
- Terps: 1,
- Wells Fargo:
- Business Platinum: 1,
The following will count as a cash advance:
- Barclaycard:
- Arrival: 1Â (posted as purchase: see above)
- Â Citi (recent DP of it not being CA):
- Discover it: 1
- USAA: 1
Clearview Federal Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Chase Sapphire Preferred: 1
Clinton Savings Bank
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. Visa, Mastercard & Discover are all accepted. The following code as a purchase:
Coastal Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. Discover, Amex, Visa, MasterCard all accepted. The following code as a purchase:
Collins Community Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Freedom Unlimited: 1,
Columbia Bank (NJ)
No longer allows credit card funding. Credit card funding is now $1,000. Cannot use American Express to fund.
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Columbia Credit Union
You can fund up to $2,500 reduced to $500 with a credit card (might have been reduced to only $500), the following code as a purchase:
Communication Federal Credit Union
You can fund each account with at least $500 using a Visa/Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
CommunityAmerica Credit Union
Can fund at least $5,000 $500 $1,000 with a credit card, possibly more. The following codes as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Preferred Rewards: 1,
- Â Barclays:
- Arrival: 1,
- Capital One:
- Â Chase
- Commence Bank: 1
Community Choice Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Ink: 1,
Community Financial Credit Union
Can’t fund with credit card. Can fund with a debit card or bank account up to $20,000.
Community First Credit Union – CA
- No data points
Community First Credit Union of Florida
Can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card, the following code as a purchase:
Compass Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
Consumers Credit Union
You can fund up to $210 with a Visa, MasterCard or American Express card. The following did not code as a cash advance:
The following did code as a cash advance:
Cornerstone Bank
You can fund up to $10,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Ink: 1,
Country Bank For Savings
Can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card (Discover, Visa & Mastercard). The following codes as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Customized cash: 1,
- Â Chase:
- Â Citi:
Credit Human
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Credit Union One
You can fund up to $600 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Credit Union SoCal
Can fund up to $1,010 with a credit card.
Credit Union of Texas
Can fund with a credit card up to an unknown amount.
The following code as a purchase:
- Chase
- Freedom Flex: 1 (via email on 8/10/23),
The following code as a cash advance:
- Citi
- American Airlines: 1,
Dearborn Savings Bank (DSB)
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following codes as a purchase:
Del Norte Credit Union
Can fund up to $105 with a credit card.
Delta Community Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a AMEX, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. The following coded as a purchase:
- Discover: 1,
Desert Financial Credit Union
It’s possible to fund with a credit or debit card, up to a maximum of $600. The following coded as a purchase:
- Chase
- Ink Business Unlimited: 1,
Destinations Credit Union
You can fund with a credit card – up to $1,000 with Paypal or $500 without (1).
The following do not count as a cash advance when funding via Paypal:
Digital Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $250 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Capital One:
- Venture: 1,
- Â Chase:
- Citi:
- Discover it: 1,
- Fidelity: 1,
- PNC:
- Cash rewards: 1,
- Wells Fargo:
The following didn’t work:
Dupaco Credit Union
Can fund up to $600 with a credit card.
- Chase:
- Freedom: 1,
Earn Bank
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. Visa, Discover, and Mastercard only
Eastern Bank
You can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express are all accepted. The following code as a purchase:
- Barclaycard:
- Lufthansa: 1
East Cambridge Savings Bank
No longer possible.
Can fund with Visa/Mastercard or Discover up to an unknown maximum.
Can fund up to $5,000 $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
The following code as a cash advance:
Educational Systems Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $100 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Freedom Unlimited: 1,
Excite Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,500 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following count as a purchase:
Elevations Credit Union
Allows you to fund up to $2,500 with a credit card (shows maximum of $1,000 but can fund up to $2,500, used to be $10,000). The following do not count as a cash advance:
- Barclays:
- Arrival+: 1,
- Â Chase
- Chase sapphire preferred (e-mail data point), 2
- Citi:
- Platinum Select: 1
Emprise Bank
Can fund up to $100 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
ENT Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Equity Bank
Can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card. Visa/Mastercard & Discover, no American Express. The following code as a purchase;
Evansville Teachers Credit Union
You can fund with a credit card, up to $1,200. The following code as a purchase:
Fairwinds Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card via PayPal. The following code as a purchase:
The following code as a cash advance:
Farmers Insurance Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. No American Express. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase
- Ink: 1,
Farmington Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 with a Visa, Mastercard or Discover. We don’t know what codes as a purchase or cash advance.
Fidelity Bank (PA)
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card (doesn’t matter how many accounts you open $500 is the limit). You can use Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1
Firefly Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following coded as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Doublecash: 1,
First Advantage Bank
No longer accepting credit card payments according to this.
You can fund up to $15,000 with a credit card (looks like the limit might be $100,000 total). You can fund with Discover, Mastercard & Visa. The following codes as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Merrill+1: 1,
- Barclays:
- Wyndham: 1,
- Â Chase: 1,
- Citi:
- Discover: 1
- Merrill: 1,
- Limitless: 1,
The following coded as a cash advance:
First American Bank
You can fund up to $500 for each account (e.g $1,000 total between checking & savings). The following codes as a purchase:
First Bank (VA)
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card, we currently don’t know what does/doesn’t code as a cash advance.
Can fund up to $600 with a credit card, must go in branch or call in to use this funding option.
Things that post as a purchase:
The following coded as a cash advance:
- U.S. Bank:
- Club Carlson: 1
First Citizen’s Bank
You can fund your first citizen’s bank account up to a maximum of $1,000. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
First City Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
First Commerce Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card.
First Commonwealth Bank
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card (Visa & Mastercard). The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America: 1,
First Entertainment Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
First Federal Bank
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. Only Visa & Mastercard are accepted. The following code as a purchase:
First Federal Bank of Kansas City
Can fund up to $1,000 with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover.
First Financial Bank (IL, IN, KY, OH)
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
The following coded as cash advance:
- U.S. Bank:
- Business: 1,
First Flight Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
First Florida Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
First Home Bank
Can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Capital One:
- Spark: 1,
First Horizon Bank
Can fund up to $50 with a credit card. First Horizon Bank used to be First Tennessee & Capital Bank. We recommend looking at previous datapoints for those banks. Below we will only list datapoints since the name change. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
First Internet Bank of Indiana
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
First Interstate Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase
- Ink cash: 1,
First-Lockhart National Bank
You can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Synchrony:
- Paypal business: 1,
First Mark Credit Union
Update: According to this comment this has been reduced to only $100. Possibly $0 now?
You used to be able to initially fund up to $10,000 using a credit card, only Visa & Mastercard are accepted. They place a two week hold on all transactions above $100. This is semi old information so we’re not sure if it’s still accurate: 1, 2 The following didn’t count as a cash advance:
- Chase: 1
The following count it as a cash advance:
- Citi: 1
First Merchants Bank
No longer possible.
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. You can use Visa or Mastercard. The following coded as a purchase:
First MidWest Bank
No longer allows credit card funding.
You can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card, no American Express cards. The following coded as a purchase:
First Merit Bank
First Merit has now merged with Huntington Bank.
You can fund with a credit card up to $10,000 (only Visa & Mastercard). At the moment we are unsure what does and doesn’t count as a cash advance, share your experiences in the comments. Doesn’t count as a cash advance:
Following code as cash advance:
First National Bank
Can fund up to $50 with a credit card. You can use all payment networks (including American Express).
First National Bank and Trust Company
Can fund up to $100 with a credit card. You can use all payment networks.
First Niagara
First Niagra allows credit card funding up to $1,000. They do not allow funding from American Express cards (1). They will also only give you one chance to fund the account. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
- Bank of America:
- Alaska Airlines: 1https://www.doctorofcredit.com/ct-ma-pa-ny-first-niagara-200-checking-bonus/#comment-229199
- Travel Rewards: 1
- Barlcay Arrival 1, 2
Chase Cards(looks like it originally posts as cash advance and then goes to purchase (1):Capital One Venture: 1, 2, 3Â(now looks to be cash advance, Capital One Spark business was on March 23rd, 2016)- Capital One Mastercard: 1
- US Bank: 1
The following do count as a cash advance:
Firstrust Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card Can fund up to at least $1,000. The following code as a purchase:
First State Bank Of Illinois
Can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
First State Community Bank
You can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. Visa, Mastercard & Discover are accepted The following code as a purchase:
First Tennessee
You can fund up to $300 $50 with a credit card, the following do not count as a cash advance:
- Bank of America:
- Â Barclaycard:
- Capital One:
- Venture: 1
- Chase: 1
- Citi:
- U.S. Bank:
- Fidelity: 1
- Wells Fargo:
- Platinum: 1
Counted as a cash advance:
First United Bank
You can fund up to $200 with a credit card. They accept Visa, Mastercard & Discover (no American Express). The following codes as a purchase:
- Citi:
- AA: 1
Fitness Bank
Can fund up to $2,500 (reduced to $100) with a credit card.
Flagship Bank
Can fund up to $100 with a credit card. Visa & Mastercard accepted. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Freedom Unlimited: 1,
Florence Bank
Can fund up to $6,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Florida Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Advantage: 1,
F&M Bank (OH, IN)
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card (Visa or Mastercard).
The following code as a purchase:
- American Express: 1,
The following code as a cash advance:
Freedom Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- U.S. Bank
- Triple cash: 1,
Fremont Bank
You can fund up to $100 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Frontwave Credit Union
Can fund up to $10,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
FSB Bank
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. Visa & Mastercard only. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
Fulton Bank
Can fund up to $500 $50 with a credit card or $1,000 with a debit card. The following code as a purchase:
Gate City Bank
Can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card, Visa, Discover & Mastercard accepted. The following code as a purchase:
Genisys Credit Union
Can fund up to $50 with a credit card. The following count as a purchase:
Gesa Credit Union
No longer offered
Allows credit card funding, no idea on limits. The following code as a purchase:
Greater Nevada Credit Union
Can fund up to $5,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
The following code as a cash advance:
- Fidelity: 1,
Great Southern Bank
Can fund money market up to $5,000. The following codes as a purchase:
- Barclays:
- Â Chase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
Great Western Bank
Funding reduced to $1,000 now.
Allows up to $3,500 in credit card funding. They allow Visa, Mastercard & American Express funding. The following code as a purchase:
- American Express:
- SPG Business: 1
- Business Gold Rewards: 1 (e-mail on 3/28/18)
- Â Citi:
- American Airlines: 1
Grow Financial Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
GTE Financial Credit
Limit is $5,000 for certificates and $500 for checking/savings.
Update: Apparently limited to $215 now? Now back to $5,000
Up to $5,000 can be funded with a credit card, this can also be done for certified deposits. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
The following code as a cash advance:
- U.S. Bank Altitude Reserve: 1,
Hanscom Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,000 $100 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
HarborOne Bank
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Harborstone Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Cash Rewards: 1,
Harvard Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card.
- American Express:
- Business gold: 1,
Hawthorn Bank
Can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. Can fund with Visa, Mastercard & Discover. The following code as a purchase:
Heritage Bank
No longer allows credit or debit card funding.
You can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card. The following codes as a purchase:
Hiway Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $5,000 $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Honor Credit Union
According to this comment you need to pay a $15 fee and you can fund ‘any amount of money’ over the phone. They successfully funded $2,500 with a Chase Ink card.
Horizon Credit Union (WA, ID, MT)
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- IHG: 1,
The following code as a cash advance:
- Chase:
- Ink: 1,
Hudson Valley Federal
Can fund up to $10,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
IBM Southeast FECU
You can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card.
- Barclaycard:
- Arrival+: 1
Ideal Credit Union
Update: New limit is only $500 (I think per account so should be $1,000 total but not 100% sure) You can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card (American Express, Discover Mastercard or Visa. Note $2,000 is the limit across all accounts).
Codes as a purchase:
Independent Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Freedom Unlimited: 1,
Indiana Members Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card.
InRoads Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. Unsure what counts as a purchase currently.
Interior Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $750 with a credit card. Visa or Mastercard only.
JSC Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $5,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- No data points
Justice Federal Credit Union
You can fund up to $1,000 $2,500 with a credit card. They accept Visa & Mastercard. Â The following code as a purchase:
You can do initial funding of up to $100 with KeyBank The following don’t count as a cash advance (note it might initially code as cash advance and then revert to a purchase):
- Bank of America:
- Barclaycard: 1
- Aviator: 1
- Â Chase
- Citi:
- Citizens CashBack Plus World Mastercard: 1
- U.S. Bank:
KeyPoint Credit Union
Lots seem to be cash advance now so keep that in mind.
Can fund up to $3,000 $2,500 $12,500 $500with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America: 1,
- Business Rewards: 1,
- Capital One:
- Â Chase:
- Â Citi:
- FNBO: 1,
- SoFi: 1,
- U.S. Bank:
- Altitude Reserve: 1,
- Wells Fargo
Kirkpatrick Bank
Can fund up to $5,000 with a credit card.
Kitsap Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
The following code as a cash advance:
- U.S. Bank
- Triple cash: 1,
KS State Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi Doublecash: 1
Lafayette Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,000 when you join $750 now, $750 when opening a new account. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
 Lakeland Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card (Visa & Mastercard). The following code as a purchase:
Lake Michigan Credit Union (LMCU)
You can do initial funding of up to $15,000 with LMCU. Update: Funding is now limited to just $50. You can only fund with a Visa or MasterCard, no American Express. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
- Capital One:
- Venture: 1
- Bank of America: 1, 2, 3
- Barclay Arrival: 1
- Chase
- Citi: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Double cash: 1,
Landmark Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card per account (Visa, Mastercard or Discover). The following code as a purchase:
- Discover: 1,
Langley Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card.
LBS Financial Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card (Visa or Mastercard only). The following count as a purchase:
- None
Liberty Bank
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Los Angeles Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card (limit is applied across both savings & checking accounts). The following code as a purchase:
- Chase
- Southwest Business: 1
Macatawa Bank
Can fund up to at least $1,500, maybe more. The following code as a purchase:
Mainstreet Credit Union
You can fund up to $505 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
The following code as a cash advance:
- Chase:
- Freedom:Â 1
Mazuma Credit Union
You can fund up to $500. The following code as a purchase:
- Alliant:
- Cash Visa Signature: 1,
- Capital One:
- Spark: 1,
- Â Chase:
- Sapphire Reserve: 1,
- Citi:
- Merrill Lynch: 1, 2,
Didn’t work/cash advance:
- Fidelity: 1,
Members Cooperative Credit Union
You can fund up to $250 with a credit card. Visa & Mastercard accepted. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Freedom Unlimited: 1
Memory Bank
You can fund up to $1,000Â with credit card. Visa, MC, Amex, or Discover. The following code as a purchase:
- Alliant: 1, 2,
- American Express:
- Bank of America:
- Barclaycard:
- Capital One:
- Chase:
- Citi:
- Discover: 1
- Limitless: 1,
- Wells Fargo:
Meriwest Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card (plus the $5 membership fee). The following code as a purchase:
Metro Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Premium Rewards: 1,
Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union
You can fund up to $2,600 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $100 (checking) or $105 (savings) the following coded as a purchase:
Midland States Bank
Credit card funding has been removed.
Can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
MinnWest Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card.
Mission Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $750 with a credit card.
MIT Federal Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 (you can fund both savings checking account with $500 each). The following codes as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Ink Preferred:Â 1
Mountain America Credit Union
You can fund with a credit card but a 2.5% fee is charged ($4.95 flat fee for debit cards). No idea on limits with either.
MountainOne Bank
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
The following do count as a cash advance:
Montgomery County EFCU
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase: 1
Morrill & Janes
You can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Can fund up to $495 with a credit card.
- Chase:
- Ink Plus: 1,
M&T Bank
Can fund up to $250 with a credit card. The following code as a direct deposit:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
NASA Federal Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Nassau Financial Federal Credit Union
You can fund up to $500Â with a Visa or Mastercard credit card.
NorthPointe Bank
Apparently they no longer allow credit card funding.Â
The following code as a purchase:
Barclaycard:Chase:Â Citi
My NorthWest Savings Bank
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card as your initial deposit: 1 The following don’t count as a cash advance:
- American Express:
- Bank of America:
- Business cash rewards: 1,
- Â Barclaycard
- Chase:
- Citi:
- Double Cash: 1
The following coded as a cash advance:
MyUSA Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. Includes Discover, Mastercard & Visa. The following code as purchase:
Can fund up to $250 $100 with a credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover). Following code as purchase:
Newtown Savings Bank (NSB)
Can fund up to $1,000 $25 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Southwest: 1
New England Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $10,000 with a credit card.
Northeast Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card per account (e.g checking + savings = $2,000). The following codes as a purchase:
North Shore Bank of Commerce
You can fund up to $5,000. Visa & Mastercard are accepted. The following code as a purchase:
Northwest Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $520 with a credit card. Visa Mastercard and maybe Discover are accepted, American Express is definitely not accepted. The following code as a purchase:
Numerica Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
NuVision Federal CU
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card, we don’t have any data points on what does/doesn’t code as cash advance.
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card.
Ocean Financial Bank
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following codes as a purchase:
- Citi: 1,
OceanFirst Bank
You can fund up to $100 with a credit card (1, 2). The following code as a purchase, not a cash advance:
Old National Bank
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. They accept American Express, Visa & Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
OnPath Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card
On Tap Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card.
Option 1 Credit Union
You can fund at least $750, maybe more.
The following code as a purchase:
- Chase Sapphire: 1
Orange County’s Credit Union
You can fund this account with up to $500 with a Visa or Mastercard (previously $5,000). The following code as a purchase:
The following coded as a cash advance:
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Premier: 1,
Partner Colorado Credit Union
No longer possible.
$500 maximum per checking & savings account.
Chase:Hyatt: 1,
Pelican State Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card.
Penn Community Bank
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card ($500 for checking & $500 for savings). They accept Discover & Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
You can fund up to $500 (now $100) (now back to $500) (now down to $50) with a credit card, the following code as a purchase:
- American Express:
- Bank of America: 1,
- Capital One:
- Spark cash: 1,
- Â Chase:
- Citi:
- Paypal Extra Mastercard: 1,
- USAA: 1,
- U.S. Bank
- Altitude Reserve: 1
- Wells Fargo: 1,
Pentucket Bank
Can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card.
PeoplesBank (Bankatpeoples)
It’s possible to fund with a credit or debit card, you can fund up to $500 for each application (e.g if you open checking & savings at the same time it’s a $500 max. But you could open them separately and fund $500 each time). This is despite the funding page saying the limit is $1,000.
People First Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $250 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Peoples Credit Union
You can fund up to $2,505 with a credit card. Mastercard & Visa are accepted.
Picatinny Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
Pima Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $5,300 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Pinnacle Bank
Update: They have limited credit card funding to $1,000
There is no limit mentioned on the funding page, we know you can fund at least $4,500 but it could possibly be a lot more. Update: somebody has reported that the maximum limit is $5,000, when you try to fund more it states: “initial deposit must be less than or equal to $5000”. You can only use Visa or Mastercard, no American Express or Discover. The following code as a purchase:
Pioneer Valley Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card.
PlainsCapital Bank
Unknown amount can be funded.
Portland Federal Credit Union (PFCU)
Can fund up to $3,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
Premier America Credit Union
The amount you can fund depends on what product you open (checking and savings have a maximum of $500 each). Cannot be funded with an American Express card The following code as a purchase:
- Chase
- Sapphire Reserve: 1
Premier Bank – OH
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
Premier Members Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card again.
Can fund up to $500 across all accounts with a Visa or Mastercard. The following codes as a purchase:
Can fund up to $1,300 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Capital One:
- Savor: 1,
Provident Bank
No longer allowed? Or reduced to $30?
You can fund up to $2,500 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Capital One:
- Chase:
- Â Citi:
- Double cash: 1
The following code as a cash advance:
- Chase:
Provident Credit Union
You can fund up to $5,000 $1,000Â with a credit card. Only Mastercard & Visa are accepted, no AmEx. Apparently all mastercard purchases will be treated as a cash advance: 1, 2Â (update, this no longer seems to be the case as a Barclaycard Arrival code as purchase). The following don’t count as a cash advance:
Can fund up to a $100 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
Purdue Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $250 with a credit card.
Quorum Federal Credit Union
No longer allows credit card funding
You can fund up to $2,500 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
Bank of America:Merill+: 1
 Barclaycard:Capital One:Spark Miles: 1, 2 (sent via -mail on 12/19/17)
Radius Bank (Now LendingClub)
Update: Now allows $1,000 per account.
No longer allows any credit card funding
There is no pre set limit on how much you can fund with radius bank. You can also fund whenever you open a new account (e.g opening a savings & checking account will let you fund twice). It’s not possible to fund with an American Express card, only Visa or MasterCard. We know you can fund up to at least $17,000. Looks like this is now over and the maximum you can fund is $1,000. One DP says that funding doesn’t work at all any longer.
- Bank of America:
- Â Chase:
- Citi
- Barclaycard:
- Wyndham: 1
- Priceline card: 1
- U.S. Bank:
- Altitude Reserve: 1
Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union (RBFCU)
Up to $1,000 with a Visa or Mastercard. Unknown what codes as a purchase.
Redstone Federal Credit Union
You can fund up to $2,530 now $530Â with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
The following code as a cash advance:
Redwood Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Freedom: 1,
Reliant Community Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Regions Bank
Looks like the maximum is now $125 $1,000 instead of $100
It’s possible to fund up to $100 with a credit card. It’s also possible to open up a free savings account and also fund this with a credit card for another $100 (we don’t believe this will result in another chex system inquiry and no hard pull will be done). Only Visa is accepted. The following code as a purchase:
- Barclaycard:
- Â Capital One:
- Venture: 1
- Â Chase:
- British Airways: 1
- Freedom Unlimited: 1
- Hyatt: 1
- Ink cash: 1,
- Ink Plus: 1 (via e-mail on February 5th, 2016)
- Ink Preferred: 1 (coded as 3x), 2 (didn’t work), 3,
- Marriott: 1
- Sapphire Preferred: 1Â (with CA set to $0 didn’t go through: 1), 2, 3 (didn’t go through due to cash advance limit set to $0)
- Sapphire Reserve: 1Â 2, 3, 4, 5,
- Southwest: 1, 2
- United: 1, 2,
- Citi:
- Commerce Bank:
- Special Connections: 1
- Elan:
- Fidelity: 1
- SunTrust:
- Platinum Elite: 1
- Wells Fargo:
Coded as a cash advance:
- Bank of America:
- Merrill: 1 (declined due to fraud alert)
- Barclays:
- Uber: 1 (in branch)
- Citi: 1Â (didn’t actually code as a cash advance, just didn’t process with $0 cash advance limit set)
Republic Bank
Can fund up to $500 with either a Visa or Mastercard.
Following codes as a purchase:
REV Financial Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card.
- Bank of America: 1,
- Chase
- Freedom Unlimited: 1,
- NFCU: 1,
- OnPoint: 1,
- U.S. Bank:
- Business: 1,
- Wells Fargo:
- Active cash: 1,
Rivermark Community Credit
Can fund up o $3,505 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Rockland Trust Bank
No longer offered.
You can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express & Discover are accepted). The following code as a purchase:
American Express:Â Barclaycard:Arrival Plus: 1,
 Chase: Citi:
Royal Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a Visa or Mastercard (limit of $1,000 per account). The following code as a purchase:
Sacramento Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Alliant: 1,
SAFE Credit Union
Can fund up to $250 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
San Diego Credit Union (SDCCU)
You can fund up to $50 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Sapphire Reserve: 1
Sandy Spring Bank
You can fund up to $250 $1,000 with a credit or debit card. Only Visa & Mastercard are accepted.
- Bank of America:
- Premium Rewards: 1,
- Â Chase:
- Â Citi:
San Mateo Credit Union
Can fund up to at least $3,000Â $500 with a credit card. The following codes as a purchase:
Sauk Valley Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card.
Seacoast Bank
You can fund up to $1,000 $100 with a credit card. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
- Bank of America:
- Chase:
- Citi:
- Premier: 1
The following do:
Security Plus
Can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. The following count as a purchase:
Service Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,500 $250 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Cash rewards: 1,
- Capital One:
- Â Chase:
- Freedom Flex: 1 (coded as cash advance),
- Hyatt: 1,
- IHG: 1,
- Southwest business: 1,
- Â Citi:
- Fidelity: 1,
- Wells Fargo: 1
- Active cash: 1,
- U.S. Bank: 1
- Altitude connect: 1,
The following coded as a cash advance:
SF Fire Credit Union
Can fund up to $495 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Signature Bank of Georgia
Apparently no longer allows credit card funding of any sort.
You can fund with Visa, Mastercard or Discover. Up to $5,000 $1,500 now. The following codes as a purchase:
Signature Federal Credit Union
You can fund $2,000 $500.
The following code as a purchase:
The following coded as a cash advance:
- Barclaycard:
- Wyndham: 1
SkyOne Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $12,000 with a credit card (reduced to $500?, now $5,000). The following code as a purchase:
Sound Credit Union
Cannot fund with a credit card, can use paypal to fund up to $3,000. Possibly now only $600 via Google Pay.
South Shore Bank
Can fund up to $250 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
South State Bank
Can fund up to $1,000 $250 with a credit card. The following count as a purchase:
- American Express:
- Platinum: 1,
- Bank of America
- Unlimited: 1,
- Chase:
- Â Citi:
- Discover: 1,
- Navy Federal:
- American Express: 1,
S&T Bank
You can fund up to $5,000 $100 with a Visa or Mastercard. We don’t have any current data points on what does/doesn’t code as a cash advance.
Starion Bank
Can fund up to $500 witha credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Premier: 1,
Star One Credit Union
No longer an option to fund with a credit card. You can fund with a credit card for $1,000 again Credit Card Funding is now limited to $75 ($50 from savings, $25 from checking)
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card (Visa, American Express, Mastercard & Discover accepted). The maximum is $1,000 across both checking & savings. The following code as a purchase:
- American Express:
- Â Barclaycard:
- Arrival: 1
- Capital One:
- Â Chase: 1
- Citi:
- U.S. Bank
- Leverage: 1,
- Wells Fargo:
- Propel: 1,
Codes as a cash advance:
- Citi:
- ThankYou Premier: 1
State Bank Of India (California)
No longer possible
Can fund up to $1,000 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
Bank of America:Barclays:Chase:Citi:NFCU:Flagship Rewards: 1,
Wells Fargo:Business Platinum: 1,
State Department Federal Credit Union
Can fund with a debit, credit card (up to $500) or paypal (up to $10,000) Paypal no longer an option apparently.
State Employees Credit Union (SECU) Of Maryland
Credit card funding is no longer an option.
You can use a Visa, Mastercard or Discover to fund (no American Express) unsure on limit but at least $200. The following code as a purchase:
Chase:Freedom: 1 (via e-mail on July 31st, 2016)
Citi:Double cash: 1
St Mary’s Credit Union
You can fund with a credit card, up to a limit of $250. We don’t have any data points on what does/doesn’t code as a cash advance.
Stoneham Bank
Can fund up to $3,000 with a credit card.
St Paul Federal Credit Union
You can fund up to $1,000 for both checking & savings. Mastercard or Visa. Currently no datapoints on what codes as a purchase or cash advance.
Suffolk Federal Credit Union
You can fund $5-$1,000 with a credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover).
The following code as a purchase:
The following code as a cash advance:
- Bank of America:
- Cash rewards: 1
Sun East Federal Credit Union
You can fund up to $550 with a credit card. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
The following do count as a cash advance:
- Discover
Sunmark Credit Union
- Citi:
- Business: 1,
You can fund up to a maximum of $1,000 with a credit card (now $250). Chase is unusual as it looks like it’ll originally post the funding as a cash advance and then this will change to a purchase (1, 2, 3) Update: others are reporting it stays as a cash advance: 1. Obviously YMMV. SunTrust represenatives have also stated it will take up to 7 business days for the credit card funding to go through. The following don’t count as a cash advance:
- Barclaycard
- Priceline Visa: 1
- Citi: 1Â (now codes as cash advance according to reader via e-mail), 2
- Fidelity: 1,
- NFCU: 1
The following do count as a cash advance:
SunWest Credit Union
Can fund up to $750 with a credit card.
TCF Bank
Update: Funding has now been reduced to $100
You can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card (max is $1,000 for checking & at least $1,000 for savings) Only Visa & Mastercard is accepted. The following post as a purchase:
TD Bank
Can be funded with a credit card up to $300Â $1,00 in initial funding. The following count as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
Capital One Quicksilver: 1, 2Â (3, didn’t process with $0 cash advance limit). Warning, looks like this codes as a cash advance now.- Chase:Â (looks like it might revert to purchase after originally coding as cash advance (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
- Sapphire Reserve: 1
Citi (now codes as cash advance?)- Fidelity:
- U.S. Bank
- Wells Fargo: 1
The following count as a cash advance:
- Bank of America:
- Capital One Spark business: 1Â (update: on October 29th 2015 a reader let us know this is no longer the case)
- Chase (looks like it might revert to purchase after originally coding as cash advance (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6):
- Barclays
- Citi
- Gift Card:
- Visa from GCM: 1
Can fund up to $2,500 per account with a credit card ($7,500 total across 3 accounts). The following code as a purchase:
Teachers Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,500 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- CIP: 1,
The following code as a cash advance:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
Teachers Federal Credit Union
Seems to allow funding with credit card of at least $5,000 or more. Visa or Mastercard, no Amex.
The following code as purchase:
- Alliant: 1,
- Bank of America: 1
- Capital One: 1,
- Venture X: 1,
- Chase: 1, 2, 3, 4
- Citi: 1,
- Fidelity: 1,
- Sofi: 1,
- Wells Fargo
- Active cash: 1,
Tech Credit Union
Can be funded with a credit card up to $125 (across all accounts), Visa, Mastercard, Amex or Discover. The following count as a purchase:
- Amex Everyday: 1
- Bank of America:
- Capital One: 1
- Business Spark: 1
- Â Citi
- Chase
- Barclay
- US Bank:
- Club Carlson: 1
Codes as a cash advance:
- Discover: 1
The State Bank Group
Can fund up to $5,000 with a Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover. The following code as a purchase:
Tompkins VIST Bank
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. We don’t know what codes as a purchase or cash advance:
Tower Federal Credit Union (TFCU)
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Travis Credit Union
No longer allowed.
Can fund up to $12,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
TruChoice Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
Can fund up to $500 $250 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Capital One:
- Venture: 1,
The following code as a cash advance:
Truliant Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,500 $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Ink cash: 1,
TruMark Financial
You can fund up to $2,000 with a Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express. The following post as a purchase:
- Chase: 1 (currently pending)
- Sapphire Preferred: 1,
- Citi:
- Double cash: $100 for total recurring direct deposits of at least $500.
2) $50 for enrolling in eStatements.,
- Double cash: $100 for total recurring direct deposits of at least $500.
TruStone Financial
Can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. Visa & Mastercard are accepted. The following code as a purchase:
TruWest Credit Union
Allows credit card funding up to $5,000. Only Visa & Mastercard accepted. The following code as a purchase:
UFB Direct
There is a $100 limit.
The following don’t count as a cash advance:
- Barclaycard
- Lufthansa: 1
Umpqua Bank
You can fund up to $2,000 with a Visa or Mastercard. The following code as a purchase:
The following code as a cash advance:
Can fund up to $3,000 with a credit card. Doesn’t allow credit card funding. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America: 1,
Unify Financial Credit Union
Can fund up to $100 $2,000 (possibly $4,000 via CD) with a Visa, Mastercard or Discover credit card (can fund mandatory savings share plus whichever checking account you pick). The following code as a purchase:
The following coded as a cash advance:
- American Express:
- Business gold: 1,
Union Bank & Trust
No credit card funding is available any longer.
This is now called Atlantic Union Bank.
You can fund up to $1,500 with a credit card (will say debit card but credit works). The following code as a purchase:
- American Express:
- Bank of America:
- Barclaycard:
- Chase
- Citi:
- Flagship: 1,
Union Bank & Trust (NE & KS)
Can fund up to $500 with a Visa, Mastercard or Discover.
Union Square Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,500 (only $250 if using American Express). The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- World of Hyatt: 1,
United Community Bank (NC, TN, SC, GA)
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
University of Wisconsin Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card.
United Bank
You can fund with a credit or debit card up to a limit of $500. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase
- Sapphire Reserve: 1
United Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
United Heritage Credit Union
Can fund up to $5,000 with a credit card. No longer possible. Can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card.
- Chase:
- Ink Unlimited: 1,
United States Senate Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi
- Double cash: 1,
The following code as a cash advance:
Unitus Community Credit Union
Can fund up to $750 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- Chase Freedom Unlimited: 1
University Credit Union
Can fund up to $5,000 $1,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
University Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following codes as a purchase:
- Chase: 1,
University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $5,000 with a credit card.
Can fund up to $500 with a debit card. Won’t work for credit cards.
You can fund up to $100 with a credit card.
The following coded as a purchase:
The following coded as a cash advance:
US Alliance Financial
Can fund up to a maximum of $100 with a credit card (somebody funded $25,000 over the phone). You can’t fund with an American Express or Visa card.
USE Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Chase:
- IHG Premier: 1,
USF Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,015 with a credit card.
Utah First Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. Unknown what codes as a purchase.
UW Credit Union
You can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
U$X Federal Credit Union
- No data points
Valley First Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,030 with a credit card.
Valley Strong Credit Union
Can fund up to $150 with a credit card.
VantageWest Credit Union
Allows up to $2,000 in credit card funding. The following code as a purchase:
Varo Money
You can fund up to $100 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Fidelity: 1,
Verity Credit Union
This account can be funded up to $1,000 with a credit card. The following coded as a purchase:
- Capital One:
- Spark business: 1,
- Â Chase:
- Citi:
- Wells Fargo:
- Business Platinum: 1 (07/07/18 via e-mail)
The following coded as a cash advance:
- Citi
- American Airlines: 1,
Virginia Credit Union
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a direct deposit:
- Chase:
- Ink Preferred: 1,
No longer allows credit card funding
You can fund with a Visa or Mastercard up to an unknown amount, at least $2,000. Currently no data points on what codes as a purchase/cash advance.
Visions Federal Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase;
Washington Trust
Can fund up to $2,500 with a credit card, possibly more. Unknown what codes as a purchase. No longer allowed
Wauna Federal Credit Union
The following count as a cash advance:
Can fund up to $5,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Business unlimited: 1,
- Capital One
- Venture: 1,
- Â Chase:
- Citi:
- American Airlines: 1,
The following coded as a cash advance:
- Bank of America:
- Premium: 1,
Weokie Federal Credit Union in Oklahoma
Can fund up to $3,000 with a credit card.
Can fund up to $500 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
- Citi:
- Double cash: 1,
Wescom Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,300 with a credit card. The following code as a direct deposit:
Westfield Bank
You can fund up to $500 with a Discover, Mastercard & Visa. American Express is not allowed. The following code as a purchase:
Westerra Credit Union
Can fund up to $2,000 with a credit card. The following code as a purchase:
Wings Financial Credit Union
Reduced to $500? Now up to $1,500
Can fund up to $5,000 checking & $10,000 savings with a credit card. Visa & Mastercard accepted. The following coded as a purchase:
- Bank of America:
- Barclays:
- American Airlines Business: 1,
- BMO:
- Platinum Rewards: 1,
- Capital One:
- Â Chase:
- Â Citi:
- Wells Fargo: 1,
- U.S. Bank
- Triple cash: 1,
The following code as a cash advance:
- U.S. Bank:
- Connect: 1,
Zeal Credit Union
Can fund up to $1,000 with a credit card. No data points on what codes as a purchase.
Can fund up to $1,000 with a debit card, but credit card seems to work as well. The following code as a purchase:
Banks That Don’t Allow Credit Card Funding
1st Constitution Bank
1st Source Bank
Achieva Credit Union
All America Bank
Alliant Credit Union
Ally Bank
Amegy Bank
American Pride Bank
Ameris Bank
Andrews Federal Credit Union
Apple Bank
Arsenal Credit Union
Arvest Bank
Astoria Bank
Avidia Bank
Axos Bank
Ballston Spa National Bank (BSNB)
Bank Direct
Bank Mutual
Bank of Canton
Bank of Elk River
Bank of Galesville
Bank of Hope
BOKF (Bank of Albuquerque, Bank of Oklahoma, Bank of Texas, Colorado State Bank and Trust)
BankPurely (1)
Bask Bank
Bellco Credit Union
BMT (Bryn Mawr Trust)
Bridge Credit Union
Bridgeview Bank Group
Brightpeak Financial
Campus USA Credit Union
Cap Ed Credit Union
Carver Federal Savings Bank
Central Illinois Bank
Century Bank
Charles Schwab Checking
Chesapeake Bank
Chief Financial Credit Union
Cincinnati Federal
CIT Bank
C&N Bank
Columbia Bank (WA, OR, ID)
Comenity [Bread Savings]
Commerce Bank (MO, KS, IL, OK & CO)
ConnectOne (at least for CDs)
ConnexUs Credit Union
 Credit Union 1
CrossPoint Federal Credit Union
Customers Bank (1)
Dedham Savings Bank
Dollar Bank
Dollar Savings Bank
Dundee Bank
EBSB Direct
Elements Financial (1)
ESL Federal Credit Union
ESSA Bank & Trust
Eureka Savings Bank
Farm Bureau Bank
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Farmers & Merchants State Bank
Fidelity Bank (Online, MA)
Fidelity Bank (Brokerage)
Financial Resources Credit Union
FirstBank [TN, GA, AL]
First Bank and Trust
First Bank Financial Centre (FBFC)
First Fidelity Bank
FCB South County Bank
Fifth Third (5/3rd)
Figure Pay
First Bank (CA, IL & MO)
First Community Credit Union
First Federal Credit Union
First Federal of Washington
First National Bank (IA)
First National Bank [UT]
First National Bank [NE]
First National Bank of Long Island
First Republic Bank
First Tech Federal Credit Union
First Trade Union Bank (FTUB)
Five Star Bank (only been tested in branch)
Flagstar Bank
Flushing Bank
Focus Federal Credit Union
Four Points Federal Credit Union
Freedom Federal Credit Union
Frontier Bank
Gateway First Bank
Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union
Georgia Banking Company (GBC)
Global Credit Union
Greater Iowa Credit Union
Guilford Savings Bank
Heartland Credit Union
Heritage Credit Union
Home Savings Bank
HomeStreet Bank
HomeTrust Bank
HSBC (1)
Huntington Bank
IC Federal Credit Union
Incredible Bank
Industrial Bank (1)
INOVA Federal Credit Union
Integrity Bank
Investor Bank
Iowa State Bank (1)
Johnson Bank
Kearny Bank
Kemba Financial Credit Union
Kentucky Bank
Langley Credit Union
Level One Bank
Liberty Savings Bank
Lili Bank
Live Oak Bank
Marcus Bank
Marine Bank
MB Financial Bank
Mango Bank
Middlesex Federal
MidFirst Bank
MidWestOne Bank
Midwest Regional Bank
Mutual Security Credit Union
My Banking Direct
My eBanc
MVB Bank
Nationwide Bank
NBC Oklahoma
NBT Bank
Nevada State Bank
New Buffalo Savings Bank
Newton Federal Bank
Northfield Bank
North Shore Bank (MA)
NorthShore Credit Union
Nutmeng State Financial Credit Union
NYCB Family Of Banks
Old Hickory Credit Union
Old Missouri Bank
Old Second Bank
One American Bank
Orion Federal Credit Union
Pacific Service Credit Union
Parke Bank
Parkside Credit Union
Patelco Credit Union
Pathways Financial Credit Union
People Driven Credit Union
Peoples United Bank
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Polam Federal Credit Union
Popular Bank
Popular Direct
PurePoint Financial
Quontic Bank
Republic Bank (IL only)
Republic Bank (NY) only
Salal Credit Union
Salem Five Bank
Scient Federal Credit Union
Scott Credit Union
Security Service Federal Credit Union
Simple Bank (BBVA)
Solvay Bank
Sound Community Bank
Southside Bank
Space Coast Credit Union
St. Mary’s Bank
Sun Canyon Bank
Sunflower Bank
TAB Bank
Talmer Bank & Trust
TBK Bank
Texas Capital Bank
Texas Trust Credit Union
Texell Credit Union
Thrivent Federal Credit Union
TIAA Direct
Town Bank
Town and Country Bank
Traditional Bank
Trustco Bank
UFirst Credit Union
UMB Bank
Union Bank
Union Plus Prepaid
Union Savings Bank
United Roosevelt Savings Bank
Unity Bank
Webster Bank
Western State Bank
Whitney Bank
Wintrust Bank
Woori America Bank
Valley National Bank
VyStar Credit Union
Banks That We Aren’t Sure About
121 Financial Credit Union
1st Advantage Federal Credit Union
1st Colonial Community Bank
1st Security Bank
5Point Credit Union
AAC Credit Union
Adirondack Bank
Advance Financial Federal Credit Union (AFFCU
Advantage Bank
Advantage Credit Union
Aero Federal Credit Union
Affiliated Bank
Air Academy Federal Credit Union
Albert Neobank
Allegiance Credit Union
Allegius Credit Union
Allied First Bank
Aloha Pacific Federal Credit Union
AltaOne Federal Credit Union
Amboy Direct
American Bank Center
American Bank & Trust
American Commerce Bank
America First Credit Union
American Bank
American Enterprise Bank
American Investors Bank & Mortgage (AIBM)
American Trust & Savings Bank
American United Federal Credit Union
AmeriCU Credit Union
American Heritage Credit Union
American Savings Bank (ASB) Hawaii
Ameriprise Financial
ANB Bank
ANECA Credit Union
Anoka Hennepin Credit Union
Apple Federal Credit Union
Arizona Central Credit Union
Arkansas Federal Credit Union
Arrha Credit Union
Ascend Federal Credit Union
Ascent Credit Union
Ashland Credit Union
Associated Credit Union
Associated Credit Union of Texas (ACUTX)
Austin Bank
Bank Midwest
Bank of Blue Valley
Bank of Elk River
Bank Five Nine
Bank Novo
Bank of Greene County
Bank Of Lee’s Summit
Bank of Montgomery (BOM)
Bank of Hawaii
Bank of Ruston
Bank Of Sun Prairie
Bank of Tennessee
Bank of The Blue Grass
Bank OZK
Banner Bank
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Baton Rouge Telco Federal Credit Union
Beartooth Bank
Belco Community Bank
Belmont Savings Bank
Beneficial Bank
Berkshire Bank
Better Banks
Beverly Hill Bank
Blackhawk Bank & Trust
Blue Foundry Bank
BMI Federal Credit Union
Bravera Bank
Brentwood Bank
BrightStar Credit Union
Brio Direct Bank
Broadview Federal Credit Union
Bryon Bank
Byline Bank
Buckeye State Bank
Buckeye State Credit Union
Bull’s Eye Credit Union
California Bank & Trust
California Credit Union
Cape Cod 5
Capital City Bank
Capital Credit Union
CBT Bank
Center Parc
Charter Oak
CinFed Credit Union
City Mark Federal Credit Union
Clifton Savings Bank (CSBK)
CNB Bank & Trust
Comerica Bank
Commerce Bank (MA)
Commonwealth Central Credit Union
CommonWealth Credit Union
Community Alliance Credit Union
Community Bank & Trust
Community State Bank
Community West Credit Union
Compass Federal Credit Union
ConnectOne Bank
Connex Credit Union
Consumers Credit Union (MI)
Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod
Coors Credit Union
Crane Credit Union
Credit Union of Ohio
Credit Union One
Credit Union of the Rockies
Credit Union West
Crystal Lake Bank
Cambridge Trust Company
Capitol Bank
Capital One 360
Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust
Central Pacific Bank
Cincinnatus Savings & Loan
The Citizens Bank
Citizens First Bank
City & County Credit Union
City National Bank (Bankatcity)
Cobalt Credit Union
CODE Credit Union
Community Credit Union Florida
Community Resource Credit Union
Compass Community Credit Union
Consolidated Community Credit Union
Control Card
Corda Credit Union
Cornerstone Financial Credit Union
Country Bank
Credit Union of America
Credit Union of Southern California
Cyprus Credit Union
CSE Federal Credit Union
Darien Rowayton Bank
Denmark State Bank
Devon Bank
Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union
Denver Community Credit Union
Dort Federal Credit Union
DuGood Federal Credit Union
DuPage Credit Union
Eagle Federal Credit Union
East Boston Savings Bank
Eastern Savings Bank
East Idaho Credit Union
Eastman Credit Union
East Wisconsin Savings Bank
Educators Credit Union (ECU)
Edwards Federal Credit Union
Element Federal Credit Union
Elite Community Credit Union
Elko Federal Credit Union
Empire State Bank
Energy Federal Credit Union
Energy One Credit Union
Essex Bank
Exchange Bank
Expedition Credit Union
Extraco Banks
Family Trust Federal Credit Union
FAST Credit Union
FCB Banks
FEDCOM Credit Union
Fidelity Bank (Bank With Fidelity)
Fidelity Bank [KS, OK, MO]
Fierce Finance
Financial Builders
Financial Partners Credit Union
Financial Plus Credit Union
Finex Credit Union
First Bank of Manhattan
First Bank & Trust Company Illinois
First Basin Credit Union Checking
First Citrus Bank
First Entertainment Credit Union
First Federal Bank (FL)
First Financial Federal Credit Union
First General Credit Union
First Green Bank
First Community Bank (AR/MO)
First Federal Bank of Wisconsin
First Financial Bank (AR/MS)
First Financial Bank (TX)
First Financial Federal Credit Union (MD only)
First Financial Northwest Bank
First Hawaiian Bank
First Internet Bank
First Jersey Credit Union
FirstLight Federal Credit Union
First National 1870
First National Bank of Texas
First National Bank in Staunton
First National Bank of Waterloo
First Nebraska Educators Credit Union
First Northern Credit Union
First Savings Bank of Hegewisch
First Service Bank
First Service Credit Union
First Southern Bank
First South Financial
First United Credit Union
First US Community Credit Union
Fitzsimmons Credit Union
Florida Community Bank
Florida West Coast Credit Union
FNCB (maybe up to $499 including Amex)
F&M Bank
F&M Bank (VA Only)
Focus Bank
Forcht Bank
Fort Bragg Federal Credit Union
Fort Financial Credit Union
Fort Worth Community Credit Union
Freedom First Credit Union
Fremont Bank
Gain Federal Credit Union
Garden Savings Federal Credit Union
Georgia’s Own Credit Union
GNO Federal Credit Union
GO Federal Credit Union
GOLD Credit Union
Granite Credit Union
Great Plains Bank
GR Consumers Credit Union
Great River Federal Credit Union
Green State Credit Union
Grove City Area Federal Credit Union
Guardian Credit Union
Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Company
Gulf Coast Federal Credit Union
Hanmi Bank
Harford Bank
HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union
Heartland Bank
Hercules First Federal Credit Union
Heritage Bank NW
Heritage Bank of St. Tammany
Heritage Financial Credit Union
HeritageWest Credit Union
Hibernia Bank
Highmark Federal Credit Union
Holyoke Credit Union
Home National Bank
Home Federal Savings Bank
Home State Bank
Hometown Community Banks
Hopewell Federal Credit Union
Horizon Bank
Horizon Federal Credit Union
Houston Metropolitan Federal Credit Union
Hudson River Community Credit Union (HRCCU)
Idaho Central Credit Union (ICCU)
Independent Financial
Illinois National Bank
Illinois State Credit Union
Inspire Federal Credit Union
Interra Credit Union
InTouch Credit Union
Jovia Financial Credit Union
Kalsee Credit Union
Katahdin Trust Company
Keen Bank
Keesler Federal Credit Union
Kinderhook Bank
La Capitol Federal Credit Union
LA Financial Credit Union
Lake Ridge Bank
Lake Shore Savings
La Loma Federal Credit Union
Land of Lincoln Credit Union
Las Colinas Federal Credit Union
Laurel Road
Ledyard Bank
Legacy Bank (KS)
LGE Community Credit Union
Liberty Bank For Savings
Liberty First Credit Union
Linn Area Credit Union
LM Federal Credit Union
Lone Star National Bank
Long Game
LorMet Community Federal Credit Union
Lyons National Bank
Magnolia Federal Credit Union
MainSource Bank
Main Street Bank [of Virginia]
Marathon Bank
MarketUSA Federal Credit Union
Marquette Bank
Mars Bank
MAX Credit Union
Mcfarland State Bank
MECU Credit Union
Melrose Bank
Member One Federal Credit Union
Members Choice Credit Union
Members Source Credit Union
Memphis City ECU (MCECU)
Mercer Savings Bank
Meridian Bank
Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union
Meritrust Credit Union
Metro Credit Union (NE)
Metro Credit Union (MA)
M&F Bank
Mid Minnesota Federal Credit Union
Mid Penn Bank
Middlesex Bank
MidUSA Credit Union
Midwest Bank
Minnequa Works Credit Union
Mint Valley Federal Credit Union
Mobiloil Credit Union
Monona Bank
Monson Savings
Montgomery County Employees Federal Credit Union (MC EFCU)
Monroe Bank & Trust (MBT)
Muncipal Credit Union
Mutual Bank
M1 Finance
Neighbors Credit Union
Neighborhood Credit Union
North Brookfield Savings Bank
North Community Bank
NorthOne Bank
Northern Paper Milles (NPM)
Northern Skies FCU
North Shore Community Bank
North Star Credit Union
North State Bank
Northwest Bank
Northwest Bank (PA)
Northwest Bank of Rockford
Northwest Plus Credit Union
Notre Dame Federal Credit Union
NVE Bank
Oklahoma’s Credit Union
Oakland University Credit Union
OakStar Bank
OMNI Community Credit Union
One Finance
One Nevada Credit Union
OneWest Bank
Origin Bank
Oritani Bank
Orlando Credit Union
OUR Credit Union
Palisades Credit Union
Paradise Valley Federal Credit Union
Park National Bank
Pathfinder Bank
Penn East Federal Credit Union
People’s Bank
Peoples Bank (LA)
Peoples Bank (WA)
Peoples Bank (ibankpeoples IL, IN)
Philadelphia Federal Credit Union
Pikes Peak Credit Union
Pittsfield Coop Bank
Point Breeze Credit Union
Polish American Credit Union
Polish National Credit Union
Ponce Bank
Porte Bank
Public Service Credit Union
Power Financial Credit Union
Preferred Credit Union
Prestige Community Credit Union
Primis Bank
PriorityONE Credit Union of Florida
ProFed Credit Union
Progressive Bank
Progessions Credit Union
Proviso Community Bank
PSE Credit Union
Public Employees Credit Union (PECU)
Public Service Credit Union
Public Service Credit Union (IN)
Pulaski Bank
Putnam Bank
PyraMax Bank
Quad City Bank & Trust
Randolf Savings Bank
Reading Cooperative Bank
Real People’s Bank
Red Canoe Credit Union
Red Rocks Credit Union
Relay Financial
Reliance Bank
Reliant Bank
Resource One Credit Union
Ridgewood Savings Bank
River Valley Credit Union
Riverview Bank
Rollstone Bank & Trust
Route 31 Credit Union
RPT Federal Credit Union
Rosedale Federal Savings & Loan Association
Royal Bank America
Saratoga National Bank
Savings Bank of Danbury
Sawyer Savings Bank
SB1 Federal Credit Union
SECNY Federal Credit Union
Security Bank of Crawford
Selco Community Credit Union
Select Bank & Trust
Service 1st Federal Credit Union
Simmons Bank
Simsbury Bank
SIS Bank
Space Age Federal Credit Union
SPCO Credit Union
SouthEast Bank
Southeastern Credit Union
South East National Bank
Southern Bank
SouthStar Bank
Southland Credit Union
Southwest 66 Credit Union
Spartan Federal Credit Union
Spire Credit Union
Spokane City Credit Union
Stanford Federal Credit Union
St. Anne’s Credit Union
Star Bank
Stark Federal Credit Union
Star of Texas Credit Union
State Bank of Bement
State Bank Of Cross Plains
State Security Bank
STCU (Spokane Teachers Credit Union)
Step App
Sterling National Bank
Stock Yards Bank & Trust
Streator Onized Credit Union (SOCU)
Sturdy Savings Bank
Suburban Bank & Trust (SBT)
Suffolk Credit Union
Summit Federal Credit Union
Summit Credit Union
Suncoast Credit Union
Sun Commnity Federal Credit Union
Sun National Bank
Superior Credit Union
Synovus Bank
Sweet Home Federal Credit Union
Taunton Federal Credit Union
TEG Federal Credit Union
Telco Community Credit Union
Telhio Credit Union
Texans Credit Union
The Bank Of Denver
The Bank of Princeton
The Columbia Bank
The Cooperative Bank
The County Federal Credit Union
The First State Bank
The Union Bank Co
Thomaston Savings Bank
TLC Community Credit Union
TobyHanna FCU
Toro Credit Union
Torrington Savings Bank
Trademark Federal Credit Union
Traditions Bank
Transcend Credit Union
TrueCore Federal Credit Union
Truity Credit Union
TruPartner Credit Union
TTCU (Formerly Tulsa Teachers Credit Union)
Tulsa Federal Credit Union
Tyndall Federal Credit Union
Ulster Savings Bank
Union Community Bank
United Community Bank (UCB)
United Financial Credit Union
Unity One Credit Union
U of I Community Credit Union
USC Credit Union
US Community Credit Union
US #1364 Federal Credit Union
Utah First Credit Union
Wakefield Co-operative Bank
Walden Savings Bank
Wallet by Boss Money
Washington Savings Bank
Water And Power Community Credit Union (WPCU)
WaterStone Bank
Watertown Savings Bank
Waukesha State Bank
We Florida Financial
Wellesley Bank
Westbury Bank
Western Vista Credit Union
Westfield Bank, FSB
WestTown Bank & Trust
Widget Financial
Wilson Bank & Trust
Valley Bank
ValleyStar Credit Union
Vectra Bank
Vibrant Credit Union
Vinton County
Xceed Financial Credit Union
Yolo Federal Credit Union
Chase Freedom unlimited credit card counted as a purchase. Max is $125 but I did $100 because I was not sure at first, due to cash advance as I have mine at the lowest $$
DP for Teachers Credit Union (which is now called Everwise) – I have a Citi Rewards+ with the cash advance limit set to $0, and it was declined when trying to fund at Everwise.
DP: Was able to find US Bank checking for 250$ with chase Sapphire preferred, on 26 Feb 2025
Hudson Valley Credit Union is not “Federal” anymore. Transitioned from federal to NY charter in 2019. Was HVFCU, now HVCU, originally IBM Poughkeepsie employees CU.
This may help reduce confusion with MHVFCU Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, originally IBM Kingston employees CU.
thanks – What about funding with CC. How much is allowed?
DP: Pioneer Federal Credit Union allows $25 CC Funding
Lookout CU allows $50 CC funding for saving account, $10 for checking.
DP: Funded Harvard FCU Checking account with Amex Biz Gold; limit $2500
Applied 3/10/25, account opened 3/17/25 after calling to check on status
Please confirm if this went through and posted as purchase since most of the funding I have tried usign Amex business cards didnt go through at all…
EA ,
Can you confirm it posted as a purchase? Did you have to set your Cash Advance limit to $0 beforehand?
Coded as purchase. Didn’t do anything to CA limit beforehand (I had asked via chat a few days earlier about my regular (non-Biz) Amex Gold and was told CA was disabled by default.
For now does not seem to have counted towards the SUB, though. Will update if that changes.
USAA bank has a $100 limit and gives a warning that the transaction will post as a cash advance. I tried this out with my Freedom Unlimited Card. Initially, I panicked and payed as it was charged as a cash advance but it later posted today as a sale and I received points for it.
TDECU now only allows up to $999 funding with card.
Anyone have recent DP’s on funding for East Rise FCU (formerly New England FCU?) I see it says funding up to $10,000, but no recent DP’s. Also, is their footprint national?