A lot of credit card issuers will match you to a higher sign up bonus if that offers becomes available to you when you’ve recently signed up for a card. Two such card issuers are Chase & Citi. This is a friendly reminder that you should be asking to be matched to 60,000 points/miles on the following deals/cards:
- Citi American Airlines 50,000 Mile Offer – No 24 Month Language
- Chase Southwest Business Premier 60,000 Point Bonus – Easily Get Companion Pass
The easiest way to get matched is to send a secured message, with the Citi offer I’d just say that you saw an offer for 60,000 miles and with Chase it’s probably a good idea to include a link to the 60,000 offer. Lots of readers have confirmed that matching is possible on both offers (originally matching to Southwest business wasn’t working, it should be fine now).
Update: Just to make it a bit clearer, there American Airlines offer is actually semi targeted (no online link) but it’s still possible to match to it.
I got matched today after the 50,000 miles had already posted by asking via secure message (not the chat). The additional 10,000 miles are supposed to post in a billing cycle or two.
Is the secure message the instant message chat with a rep? Or is it an email? I IM with a rep and he gave me an 800 number to call to talk more specific about points.
Tried to get matched personal premier to business premier via sm – didn’t work
For the AA Plat, any harm in waiting for the 50k to post and then asking to be matched to 60k?
I hadn’t heard about a 60k offer on the AA card.. Does anyone know if it’s for the business version as well? Thanks.
I got matched after sending the SM. Thanks
Me too!!! Wasn’t even aware of a 60K offer other than the one a year ago. Thanks all for sharing. And DoC rocks, as usual.
Where is the 60K AA offer?
Chase Southwest 60K successfully matched this evening. I tried 4 days ago when the offer came out and was denied.
I got matched to 60k, but in an alternative way. The 50k with 3k spend stats the same but the agent deposited the extra 10k into my AA account which will show up on my statement. Took screenshots to prove it.
Where is link/proof of 60k offer to be matched too? Plz share.
Same thing here — SM I got back said I was bound by the terms of the offer, but she would deposit the 10K to my account as a one-time courtesy.
I opened the UA business card last week for 50k miles. I asked to be matched to the 50k + $50 offer and was denied. I had always heard chase has a policy for matching…
Chase will normally not match statement credits in my experience, or annual fee waivers, but they will match bonus point offers.