Dosh: Safeway/Vons 4% Cashback For Online Purchases (YMMV)

The Offer

Check your Dosh app for the following deal:

  • Get 4% cashback on Safeway/Vons online shopping orders when using a card linked with Dosh.

The Fine Print

  • $10 maximum cashback per day (update 6/22/20: I’m seeing $20 now)
  • Valid only at

Our Verdict

I’m not seeing it, might be targeted. 4% on groceries is pretty good, and a lot of people are doing online grocery shopping these days. I assume online Safeway will code as Grocery for any credit card category or bonus.

If you are new to Dosh, you can signup with my referral code CHUCKS2 and get $1 bonus when you link a card. (Wait 24 hours from time of linking card to time of making purchase.)

Hat tip to Frequentmiler

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Daniel (@guest_1011154)
July 7, 2020 08:15

Any reason the in store offer (2%) wouldn’t include GCs? I don’t see any exclusions.

Millennial Outrage
Millennial Outrage (@guest_1002311)
June 22, 2020 22:42

 Chuck Doesn’t look like you’ve covered this yet, but in addition to the 4% for online, I’m also getting 2% for in-store purchases. Totally pleasant surprise when I went to pick up a $500 VGC with $10 J4U discount.

Millennial Outrage
Millennial Outrage (@guest_1002314)
June 22, 2020 22:46

Used CF 5% and split tender on my Cash card with 10% boost, but got a total of $10 back.

veeRob (@guest_974148)
May 6, 2020 23:45

I have the offer but I’m in a city that only has Randall’s. Go figure.

Lia (@guest_973801)
May 6, 2020 16:39

Also just found my Amex blue cash preferred card has a 5% (max 10$) grocery offer till 8/31. So that is 11% (card 6% + 5% offer) for 200$ grocery spending .

CtownBin (@guest_973664)
May 6, 2020 14:08

Do they sell VGC online, the way Giant Eagle does?

P (@guest_973612)
May 6, 2020 12:58

I’m seeing this but then again and of course Safeway grocery delivery is not available in my area

dan (@guest_973611)
May 6, 2020 12:56

gc is not available for online purch

aubergine (@guest_973556)
May 6, 2020 12:00

Prices are significantly higher online when I compared at one of my locations. Not sure if that is true at all times/locations, but enough so that the 4% cash back would be gobbled up by paying up, and then some.

MIO (@guest_974115)
May 6, 2020 22:58

I don’t notice a price difference at my store.