The Offer
Check your Dosh app for the following deal:
- Get 4% cashback on Safeway/Vons online shopping orders when using a card linked with Dosh.
The Fine Print
- $10 maximum cashback per day (update 6/22/20: I’m seeing $20 now)
- Valid only at
Our Verdict
I’m not seeing it, might be targeted. 4% on groceries is pretty good, and a lot of people are doing online grocery shopping these days. I assume online Safeway will code as Grocery for any credit card category or bonus.
If you are new to Dosh, you can signup with my referral code CHUCKS2 and get $1 bonus when you link a card. (Wait 24 hours from time of linking card to time of making purchase.)
Hat tip to Frequentmiler
Any reason the in store offer (2%) wouldn’t include GCs? I don’t see any exclusions.
Used CF 5% and split tender on my Cash card with 10% boost, but got a total of $10 back.
I have the offer but I’m in a city that only has Randall’s. Go figure.
Also just found my Amex blue cash preferred card has a 5% (max 10$) grocery offer till 8/31. So that is 11% (card 6% + 5% offer) for 200$ grocery spending .
Do they sell VGC online, the way Giant Eagle does?
I’m seeing this but then again and of course Safeway grocery delivery is not available in my area
gc is not available for online purch
Prices are significantly higher online when I compared at one of my locations. Not sure if that is true at all times/locations, but enough so that the 4% cash back would be gobbled up by paying up, and then some.
I don’t notice a price difference at my store.