Drop App Review – Link Credit/Debit Cards & Earn Rewards

Drop has now launched, view our post here.

Drop is an app that allows you to link your debit and credit cards and earn points. Currently it’s only available in Canada, but they will soon be launching in United States so I thought I’d look into this program more. They plan to launch in New York City, San Francisco & Austin in early 2017.


Basic Features

  • Consolidate loyalty programs. Drop has partnered with the retailers below to consolidate those companies loyalty programs within the app:
    • Zara
    • Forever 21
    • Amazon
    • Best Buy
    • Lululemon
  • Targeted offers. Companies can target users based on their previous spending patterns and present them an offer on the Drop platform.
  • Earn points. It’s my understanding this app earns 1x points on debit card purchases and 2x points on credit card purchases

1,000 drop points is worth $1 in rewards (0.1¢ per point)

200 Point Bonus

Currently you can get 200 points by registering for early access with your e-mail. Keep in mind the points aren’t really that valuable, so bonus is only worth $0.2.

Our Verdict

It looks like you’re fairly limited on the merchants/retailers you’ll earn points with. A lot of companies have tried and failed in this space, although there are quite a few card linked loyalty programs out there still. Something like this will really depend on what type of uptake they can get from merchants and what type of offers they can get in the system, I don’t see a lot of value there at the moment but I’ll reserve my right to judge fully until they launch here.

Hat tip to Travel Blogger Buzz

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Jen (@guest_462640)
August 21, 2017 16:34

I haven’t had any trouble and have earned 22.00 in rewards in three weeks. Sign up code othi0 gets 1000 bonus points.

Jen (@guest_457062)
August 11, 2017 10:42

I use the app. Seems great to me, especially when combined with other reward programs. Use code othi0 for a sign up bonus.

julie (@guest_453846)
August 5, 2017 21:50

Hi I downloaded the app and linked my bank, didn’t see any points for my purchases yet and its been 10 days…. when to look at my linked accounts and there are 2 ?!? i only set one up… Wondering if someone else somehow got my points? has this happened to anyone else?

August 6, 2017 09:24

Try contacting Drop. It’s hard to troubleshoot without seeing your account – they’ll be able to see.

Angel (@guest_437421)
July 11, 2017 04:25

💰0xc7c code for 1000 bonus points, 😆😊☺

Guillaume (@guest_429649)
June 28, 2017 15:24

It is a nice app that allow to redeem points fast! If you need a code to access your reward points, feel free to use mine: 75wqc.

p872z (@guest_327918)
December 16, 2016 13:16

I think it’s a great app! Use my code 6czuo for a limited time only (a Christmas special) to get 3000 bonus points when signing up. Hurry!

Justin (@guest_325229)
December 9, 2016 16:18

Reading another blog, sounds like currently in canada they have referrals for 1000 points for sign up for new member and the referrer, so I’d recommend passing on the 200 point offer now (despite already registering myself so I’d get a reminder).

Mainly curious how lululemon currently works, but couldn’t find anything. It’s almost impossible to get any kind of discounts there ever.

David R
David R (@guest_325232)
December 9, 2016 16:30

Wow, a whole dollar for signup. Hold me back!

paul (@guest_325203)
December 9, 2016 14:59

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! $0.02.

David R
David R (@guest_325237)
December 9, 2016 16:36

How dare you laugh! It’s not 2 cents! It’s a whole 20 cents! Register only twenty times and you’ll make almost enough money for a coffee at Starbucks!

Mist Soalar
Mist Soalar (@guest_325201)
December 9, 2016 14:53

I can’t imagine me using this while I have MPX. The UI looks like Mint and it’s better than MPX, but UI doesn’t pay me 🙂