Deal has expired, view more Dunkin Donuts deals here.
The Offer
- Load $10 in Dunkin Donuts credit using a Mastercard
Masterpassand receive a $5 reload bonus. You can do this bonus once.
You need to use a Mastercard and the bonus should post instantly. Do not use Masterpass or any other digital wallet; use the Mastercard directly in the DD system.
The Fine Print
- Single use only
- Valid from 1/3/2019 until 1/10/19
- Offer subject to cancellation at any time.
- DD Card value may not exceed $100
Our Verdict
Shame this can only be done once and not once per day like the previous promotion :(. Still a good deal if you like Dunkin Donuts.
My first Mastercard wasn’t accepted after three tries. I inputted another Mastercard online instead of through the app and it worked, bonus immediately posted.
I got a few years worth of DD visits loaded onto my account.
Reloaded directly via MC. $5 reward showed up a minute later.
FYI, loaded with a MC linked to Apple Pay and it does *NOT* appear to have worked.
I reloaded wit hsame MC directly and it credited instantly, so I’ll say its clear Apple Pay does *NOT* work either (like masterpass)
As another commenter noted, this is for Mastercard, not Masterpass.
Just wondering if anyone else has seen the number of cards that you’re able to load to your account be reduced? I used to have six, which was the max. I deleted one because I drained the balance to zero. I then tried to add another and it stated that I had the max number of cards in my account. Waited a couple days, but same result. So I wonder if they reduced the max # of cards one can have from six to five. Any other data points?
Gift cards? I don’t know the max, but you are able to combine balances, if that helps. Under manage card.
Thanks for the tip. All my cards are already at their max ($125) so I cannot do any more combining.
Loaded $10 with MasterPass, no bonus; loaded $10 with an MC directly (not via MP) and bonus posted instantly.
See it in my app on the offers section, confirming below comment that this is a Mastercard load, not Masterpass this time.
Thanks! Partially makes up for not being targeted for the Groupon $10 Starbucks for $5
DP: I used Masterpass with MasterCard 2 hours ago, no bonus yet:(
Can’t use Masterpass. The details of the offer are “… load $10 on your DD Perks account through the DD App or via Mastercard (excluding Masterpass)…”
The Masterpass language was 100% not in the terms this morning when I used it to load.
Still have hundreds left from last time
Hah, same reaction from me when I saw the deal!
I bought two $10 of the special holidays gift cards preloaded with 10 free large hot coffees or hot teas. Makes great stocking stuffers.