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The Offer
- Earn up to 8% in eBay Bucks on purchases with no minimum spend requirement.
The Fine Print
- The Promotion starts at 4:00AM PT on January 25th, 2021 and ends at 11:59PM PT on January 27th, 2021 (the “Promotion Period”). The Promotion applies to any qualifying items purchased during the Promotion Period that meet the minimum purchase requirement. You must activate the offer to qualify.
- Qualifying items exclude all items in the following categories: Classifieds; Business & Industrial, but only for Heavy Equipment within that category; Real Estate; Gift Cards & Coupons, including eBay Gift Cards, Gift Cards, and Digital Gifts within that category; Bullion within the Coins & Paper category; and all categories in Motors, except Parts & Accessories.
- Rewards are capped at $100 per transaction and $500 per Earn Period. See eBay Bucks Terms & Conditions for other program restrictions. Purchases must be completed during the Promotion Period and paid for before the Promotion ends. eBay reserves the right to cancel, amend, or revoke the Promotion at any time.
Our Verdict
Seems like most people are only targeted for 3% unfortunately. eBay promotions have really been lacking lately.
I got the same “THIS OFFER CAN’T BE ACTIVATED” error noted below. But then I went to Ebay and the 8% offer was in the banner, I clicked and it activated so try that.
You are not qualified for this offer.
Not targeted this time. I actually want to buy something on eBay this time.
Seems like you don’t get these if you have outstanding ebay bucks that you have not spent. Just my experience.
I actually had ebay bucks left over and got 3%. But previously I noticed having ebay bucks reduced my chances of getting targeted. Not this time.
same here. i have ebuck, this offer can’t be activated.
I still have to spend my last round of Bucks and got the 8% back offer.
For me, it’s always Earn up to 0%
You mean 1%? That’s what everyone earns all the time
I only got 3%
Same here, and then when I click to activate it says I’m not qualified for the offer.
Mine actually activates and ebay sent me an email yesterday about it.
Mine was 3% as well. It was activated.
Same 3% for me.