eBay: Save on Lowe’s, iTunes, and Jiffy Lube Gift Cards

eBay has a few gift card deals available from Paypal Digital Gifts.

Here’s a link to all gift card deals on eBay

We don’t earn eBay Bucks on gift cards anymore, but you can still use up your eBay Bucks from last month on gift cards. Or else use your INK card for 5x on PPDG purchases. There’s also just a few days left to use up eBay gift cards to buy third party gift cards.

Remember to go through a shopping portal when making purchases on eBay (although the portals have recently become more restrictive).

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Jagd (@guest_303945)
October 6, 2016 08:54

Guess I must be blocked/banned from PPDG as I continually get this message upon eBay checkout:
Sorry, this payment option isn’t available. Here are your options:
Contact PayPal customer service to resolve this issue.

I can login to paypal fine and my last purchase was mid-september. Guess i’m banned or something as had to ask for a refund on several itunes giftcards that were hacked on PPDG end

Lantean (@guest_304003)
October 6, 2016 10:48

you need to call PayPal and find a minion who will understand your problem. they will clear it in 24 hrs.
get ready for a frustrating phone call… it’s like calling a mental institution.

iahphx (@guest_303825)
October 5, 2016 22:27

I’ve got a few hundred dollars of ebay gift cards that I’d like to “exchange” for other gift cards. I was thinking I’d wait for a “bonus bucks” deal, but I guess that won’t help me this month because they now won’t give “bonus bucks” on gift cards. Right? I guess I’ll have to settle for a lower discount.

michael (@guest_303733)
October 5, 2016 17:39

Can you use the lowes gift cards in-store to buy visa gift card?

Lantean (@guest_303768)
October 5, 2016 19:47

Omg that sounds like a wet dream.

Dan (@guest_303726)
October 5, 2016 17:30

The iTunes cards are described backwards, the $100 is PPDG email and the $50 is Cardency snail mail

Dan (@guest_303724)
October 5, 2016 17:29

I just liquidated the last of my eBay cards and am washing my hands of them. Sad to see all the deals go but they were a pain in the ass to deal with also soo…its ok

Beth (@guest_303711)
October 5, 2016 17:08

the PPDG gift cards aren’t allowing me to pay with a credit card of any sort, only option is paypal bank deduction

stvr (@guest_303698)
October 5, 2016 16:38

The $50 iTunes is Cardency.

Phil (@guest_303696)
October 5, 2016 16:06

The $50 iTunes Gc you have linked is not from PPDG.

Nos (@guest_303759)
October 5, 2016 19:28

You edited the wrong link. $100 are from PPDG and the $50 are the physical GCs from Cardency