[Update 9/13/20: Readers give a great suggestion of buying $10 eChoice credits at a time, then you can buy a single $100 (or whatever amount) gift card with your Choice eGifter balance.]
eGifter sent out an email blast indicating that they qualify as a Shop Small merchant to trigger the $5 statement credit when spending $10+. eGifter sells a wide variety of gift cards to places like Home Depot, Uber and more.
Here’s the eGifter link. And here’s the link on the Amex Shop Small map.
Fluz is another easy way of buying gift cards to use up the Shop Small offer. One advantage of Fluz is they sell Amazon gift cards which eGifter does not. Plus, they give a bit of cash back on the purchase and they have a referral program. Both of these are good options to use the offers up if you don’t want to use them organically.
Hat tip to DoC contributor Don L
Not sure anyone is still using eGifter after Shop Small Promo, but wanted to update that American Eagle gift cards can no longer be swapped to Amazon (at least for me).
For those that had cancellations from egifter, watch out. It looks like some of the cancelled orders are being pushed through. This has happened to me twice.
I just had a charge on 9/25 from egifter and I haven’t been on their site since 9/19.
I can confirm that egifter is still working. Two transactions down, seven to go.
Did 9 transactions on egifter Sunday night with my US Bank FlexPerks AMEX card. Bought Target gift cards for a “friend” and converted them to Amazon on receipt. Just checked the account and the $45 credit has posted. Great deal!
egifter purchase is not triggering the credits anymore for me 🙁
Mine still did.
6:47 EST
That’s odd since someone just reported yesterday that it was working fine. Was it working previously for you/?
What’s the Amex Small shop offer?
When anyone has called and received a $5 credit from amex cust serv for a small bus purchase that did not get the credit automatically, did this show as CR ADJ FOR BILLING INQUIR (as mine did) & were u able to still get the full 10 automatic credits for small business credit that post correctly? Cust serv told me the CR ADJ FOR BILLING INQUIR count towards 1of the 10 but I am skeptical.
Also, Do pending charges that generate the AMEX credit e-mail but don’t go through because the merchant cancelled the order still count towards the 10 limit?
Just did this 6 times (12:05 am MST) and got the 6 Amex emails immediately. For any other procrastinators out there, it appears there is still time!
I was about halfway through my orders on eGifter (DH & I have the offer on 3 cards), and then Amex refused to process any more orders.
How reliable has Fluz been? Have people been getting the credit?
Got a couple more transactions to do. Can anybody tell me how long does it take for the transaction to post (not pending)? Considering today is Friday, will it post on Sat or Monday?