Evolve Money – Directly Pay Bills By Credit Card

I recently did a post on Evolve money, in it I shared with readers that they could make payments to their mortgages using Visa & Mastercard gift cards. What I didn’t share was the fact that you could directly send payments using a credit card (although this information was sent out to my newsletter subscribers). I like to keep some information semi-private and I also like to provide incentives for people to sign up to my mailing list. I also knew that this was likely not done on purpose by Evolve and as such would be shut down pretty quickly if it became a main stream method.

Unfortunately a lot of other blogs have started posting this information and as such Evolve will either confirm that this was done on purpose (in which case, Hurray!) or they’ll close this down and restrict it to only debit/gift cards. It’ll be interesting to see what happens, I’d suggest keeping an eye out on this Flyertalk thread where a representative has previously posted information to keep up to date on these developments.

I’ve personally never done a direct credit card transaction with Evolve, I appreciate them allowing me to make payments on my mortgage and other bills that normally don’t accept credit cards with gift cards. If you do this, do it at your own risk. If you do decide to use this method, be warned that these transactions may end up coding as a cash advance. I’d recommend always setting your cash advance limit to $0 to avoid these fees when engaging in manufactured spending. Also, remember to join the mailing list so you can be notified of these little tidbits of information.

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John Pisano
John Pisano (@guest_25092)
August 25, 2014 18:55

Is there an email address to contact you directly? I signed up for your newsletter and never received it and no it is nit in the spam box. So contacting you this way