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Nick (@guest_1894465)
August 17, 2024 10:08

4/24? ugh…

Rob (@guest_1894055)
August 16, 2024 12:50

Good bonus. Bad card, bad rewards ecosystem. Absolutely not worth it long-term, it’s essentially a 2% cashback card (at best).

Michael Meyer
Michael Meyer (@guest_1893388)
August 15, 2024 12:26

You could open two Capital One Venture X personal cards for $4K spend and 75K points Totale $8K spend and 150K points. I imagine this SUB is for people who are at Chase 5/24 status and cannot open another Chase credit card.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob (@guest_1893186)
August 14, 2024 22:28

Lost me at 30K spend!

Sue (@guest_1893519)
August 15, 2024 15:48

Why are you even on this site then? 😂

Spiel (@guest_1892858)
August 14, 2024 09:01

 Chuck why does your verdict say “this time the spend requirement is 20k”?

Tyler (@guest_1892792)
August 14, 2024 02:34

I just don’t get CapOne. So tough on approvals for people with good credit, yet they want someone who (reasonably, theoretically) can spend $30k in 3 months?

Terry (@guest_1892839)
August 14, 2024 07:42

It’s a business card…that’s not hard for most any business to meet.

Lee (@guest_1892863)
August 14, 2024 09:13

Or even a tax payment.

Lee (@guest_1892862)
August 14, 2024 09:11

Reports suggest that Capital One has a 4/24 rule. Any hobbyist who is “active” is likely to be declined. But, to your point, the Ink Preferred is an easy target — it offers a 120k SUB for $8k in spending. However, if someone is under 4/24 and can muster the spending bandwidth, fine.

scott (@guest_1892875)
August 14, 2024 09:38

Not sure about that Cap One rule. When they first offered the Venture X they were approving almost everyone. P2 got one when she was over 4/24. Now I hardly hear of anyone getting approved.

Raylan (@guest_1892954)
August 14, 2024 12:56

4/24 is very accurate on the VX biz in my experience.

Tyler (@guest_1892965)
August 14, 2024 13:23

P1 and P2 were 2/24 (on the Amex plat biz train) and got rejected for CO cards on multiple occasions, but perhaps I’ll give business a try.

sba owner
sba owner (@guest_1892704)
August 13, 2024 20:42

30k spending? I may be able to spend 15k but my business slowed down after Biden drop out…

niadnf (@guest_1892692)
August 13, 2024 20:13

and if you are reading this website it is very unlikely you will get approved for this card regardless whether it is a good offer or not.

James (@guest_1892626)
August 13, 2024 18:19

This is the basic offer…

DangerDong (@guest_1892630)
August 13, 2024 18:24

yeah, i don’t see the 150k for $20k offer in the description on Cap1’s site.

joe f
joe f (@guest_1892625)
August 13, 2024 18:16

150k points for $30k spend is the typical signup bonus