A new rule was introduced by the FDIC a few months back requiring member banks to display FDIC signage on digital platforms, in addition to the display requirement in physical locations. The rule initially was slated to go into effect in January 2025, and was pushed off until May 2025.
The final rule establishes a new black and navy blue FDIC official digital sign. Banks will be required to display the FDIC official digital sign near the name of the bank on all bank websites and mobile applications. Banks also will be required to display the FDIC official digital sign on certain automated teller machines.
Indeed we’ve been noticing banks display the FDIC signage more prominently on websites and apps, per the new rule.
Hat tip to Pickle Rick
“To the degree anyone does” – Sam Altman
Thank you. I don’t even like the guy, but his response was so good.
wow, that’s gotta hurt…lol
Lots of comments in various threads saying CFPB is redundant/duplicative, etc, but supposedly Dodd-Frank relegates some enforcement activity exclusively to CFPB…so which is it? Anyone actually know and not just spewing diarrhea of the mouth (you know who you are, lol)?
Random thought: lots of outrage in said threads over DEI, I wonder if those people know Fed procurement procedures favor minority and women owned small businesses? lol…
What would be hilarious is if Ron Paul became Fed chair.
Then there would be full transparency, among other things. lol
Fed has oversight on procurements? idiot…try and keep up
Fed internal investments and direction given. You seem triggered. Rage harder. lmao
You seem confused. IDGAF about any of this. Try harder, retard.
Sure you don’t snowflake. lmao
Why would I? Marcus and Citi both screwed me out of multiple bonuses, yet I made more just from holding GS and C. Stop pwning yourself, Al. what a fuckin dumbass.
Wanna tell me again how my Fidelity pulls aren’t fully available next day? retard.
No response
BigPapaG ? Not surprising, loser. Over and out.
😭 Cry us a river. lol. What in the world? You sound like you have been popping pills all day.
Try and keep up
Nothing to keep up with. Just to laugh at. lmao
Wanna tell me again how my Fidelity pulls aren’t fully available next day? retard.
so you accept you are a retard? ok then…my work here was done long ago
Nuff said. I used to enjoy engaging with stupid people like yourself, but lately its been less entertaining…lol.
Eh, not sure what to make of the lack of responses from the usual suspects…somewhat disappointed, but maybe they just don’t know how the real world works despite all their virtue signalling. Sad.
Lots of noise, outrage and speculation floating around. Here is some sauce..
“..below is a list of matters I expect the FDIC to focus on in the coming weeks and months.”
“Conduct a wholesale review of regulations, guidance, and manuals to ensure our rules and approach promote a vibrant, growing economy.
Adopt a more open-minded approach to innovation and technology adoption, including (1) a more transparent approach to fintech partnerships and to digital assets and tokenization, and (2) engagement to address growing technology costs for community banks.
Improve the bank merger approval process and replace the 2024 Statement of Policy to ensure that merger transactions that satisfy the Bank Merger Act are approved in a timely way.
Withdraw problematic proposals from the past three years, such as proposals on brokered deposits and corporate governance.
Improve the supervisory process to focus more on core financial risks and less on process, and reevaluate the supervisory appeals process.
Enhance our readiness and preparedness for resolving large financial institutions, incorporating lessons from the far-too-costly failures of 2023, including the need to be much more proactive and nimble and to improve the bidding process.
Pursue adjustments to our capital and liquidity rules to appropriately balance driving economic growth with ensuring safety and soundness and resilience to shocks.
Encourage more de novo activity so there is a healthy pipeline of new entrants in the banking sector.
Work to ensure law-abiding customers have, and do not lose, access to bank accounts and banking services.
Modernize implementation of the Bank Secrecy Act.
Study deposit behavior to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the relative stability of different types of deposits and depositors.
Reevaluate our disclosure practices, and expand transparency in areas that do not impact safety and soundness or financial stability.
Ensure the FDIC remains within our statutory mandates, and stops coloring outside the lines.
Pursue internal efficiencies to ensure we are serving as responsible stewards of the Deposit Insurance Fund.
Reestablish a strong workforce culture, where misconduct is not tolerated and those who engage in misconduct are held accountable.”
Is that why I saw FDIC logo with “FDIC-Insured – Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government” disclaimer on the top of the bank website whenever I go to various bank site?
Well, it just ‘words,’ like, you also give your word to credit card companies that you’ll pay them back when you use their card. And if you don’t, they charge usurious interest, until you either pay or go bankrupt, then pay them a fraction of what you owed. But, then ‘faith’ in you is diminished. Now, imagine this on a macro scale, but with our government being the borrower, and investors around the world holding the debt. Gonna get interesting, son.
What are you saying?
Difference is I don’t have tanks
Listen, as long as the FDIC continues to protect up to $250,000 per account, per depositor, they can do whatever they want. I’m still biting my nails to see whether these jabronis ‘abolish’ the very agency that prevents another 1929 style run on the banks.
If Musk said the FDIC needed to be deleted, you’d have some people here parroting the same crap without questioning it.
Ding Ding Ding
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
This guy gets it
If you think the FDIC insuring ~1.3% of all deposits is preventing a run on the banks and crashing the economy you’re going to be a bit disappointed. FDIC couldn’t insure a run of any of the largest banks by themselves. Your local community bank on the other hand it would be able to handle.
Theres many other methods for the FDIC to cover big banks going under…
Tell us you’ve never heard about the Great Depression, 1929, or any of the financial crises of history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_crisis
I know it’s after Christmas, but please, go back and watch ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’
The FDIC doesn’t prevent bank runs it just insures deposits up to $250K. As it stands reserve requirements are actually 0% any ways. Go to your local branch and try to pull out 25k. You will not get that cash same day.
Oh, you stupidly thought I was concerned about running out of physical currency? (oh no, not enough ‘cash’–what will I do in 2025!) Nope. I’m worried of bank failure, with no recourse, but to get in-line as a creditor. I’m not a noob, you rube.
There are three separate bank regulators in the U.S. You could easily abolish the FDIC without eliminating deposit insurance. Just have one regulator, most likely the Fed, or perhaps the Treasury Department provide insurance. There was never any proposal to eliminate deposit insurance.
You are correct that there are three separate Federal regulators, but you’re missing the nuance between them. While every bank is FDIC insured, they are not all members of the Federal Reserve System. The differing watchdogs (FDIC, FRB, and OCC) are used for differing institutions because of this.
While one “could” make a unilateral move to one regulator – there would be no practical benefit. Not all banks are chartered the same, therefore they aren’t subject to the same regulations; you’d basically just be creating sub-departments within a larger department to deal with this….no different that the system that currently exists.
Your suggestion of “abolish the FDIC” — That’s where you lose me. You are not a serious person. The Fed is interest rates, inflation, employment. The Treasury is now taken over by Elon’s minions. These fools are destroying the financial system, the full faith and credit of our country. Unless you are a useful idiot or a foreign adversary, stop this delusion. Your shitcoin won’t save you if this goes under.
Not really worried about the beauty cover sign swapping hysteria, just noise and distraction. We should really be focus about what’s going on underneath the covers. Shake up at FDIC happening!
Just trust me, bro
The new CFPB will be Consumers Fucked By President. Gotta love it
Spelling, my brother, spelling: CFPB
Evidently that one falls on the Dept of Ed.
Thank you for your service, man. Like, seriously. For real, dawg. Not kidding.
Sorry, lil’ g (big al) can’t respond at the moment, he’s getting split-roasted by the broligarchs. Look it up if you don’t get it, lmao.
You and Eric are too cute. I guess you like Chris and Pooh in your mix too. You bathhouse guys are three peas in a pod. lmao
Another low-iq response, as expected (not like your parents ever expected anything more, lol). Keep simping for Musk and enjoy your golden showers. Do us all a favor and don’t reply,
Christopher Robin 🔗💰 hates it.
You bottoms really do project your fantasies. Must have been some history in your house with that.
Not sure why you’re so fixated on this, but please keep me out of your homosexual fantasies, thx
I think your fantasies of “Musk’s showers” speak for themself.
I’ve come to the realization that he might suffer from some sort of personality, social and/or mental disorder.
obviously its that dumbass otherwise known as al bundy’s bigguns, but yes he’s clearly suffering from multiple disorders and should seek professional help
Who tf is that? My name is Garret. lmao
Is JD really Eric? lmao. You sound like a real psycho.
cool story bro, lmao
too bad no one cares
I know a Garret from upstate NY, is that you? cuz that guy is a fuckin loser, lol
ETA: I’m honestly surprised this wasn’t an incomprehensible word salad like your friend (you?) likes to use to rebut my comments while pwning themselves, lmao
I think the “pwning” happens when you re-butt for your “friend”, Eric. lmao
Wow, scary stuff here, glad I put everything in crypto, beanie babies and tulip bulbs.
After trump dismantles the CFPB, they also will be required to put up a “we can rob you blind again” sign. I remember in the 2000’s when Wells Fargo used to rig transactions clearing to trigger overdraft fees. Just to let you know that is called fraud.
It’s not fraud if Big Bro says it ain’t. “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” Get with the program, Winston.
Quite a few banks used to do that. The beauty of America is you aren’t required to use them either though.
I have a feeling that you are going to be quite busy in this post based on your earlier reply to
Jjohn8219. 😉
The “Contact Us” page has evolved into the go to place where people can post new, extended or refreshed deals. As you know, it is a very valuable one to be following. So, it is a critical one to keep clean with the noise level low.
This article, however, is more of a niche topic so it’s not like an army of us will be subscribed to this one now or later.
Your comment intrigued me to skim the comments. I have to say, the comments are bringing up big picture and long-term issues that are directly or broadly relevant to our hobby. Anything that could happen to the FDIC, the CFPB, the banking system and/or the currency will likely have an impact on our hobby.
I was mostly joking with my comment but you didn’t make it clear in your earlier comment that you were only talking about “policing” the “Contact Us” page. I agree with what you wrote in your comment earlier and this comment. 😀
BTW, a lot of innocent posts like this quickly devolve into a flurry of political and/or ad hominem attacks. Hopefully, that doesn’t occur here but I’m not holding my breath!
Did you bring popcorn?
No worries, I got ya! 🍿🍿🍿
I find this FDIC topic interesting:
I think this largely explains why banks offer “bonuses” instead of just higher interest rates…because legally they cannot, as a higher rate would run afoul of their FDIC contracted rate caps.