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Alex_the_Churner (@guest_1870543)
July 6, 2024 20:11
RiskandReward (@guest_1871764)
July 9, 2024 14:41

An important read for those who carry the Fidelity debit card (or any debit card for that matter) in their wallet. The Fidelity app has the ability to lock/unlock the debit card so this provides some protection. But debit card fraud protections are much less than that of credit cards. Most banks don’t offer ATM only cards, as they want to keep the debit purchase option open for more fees.

Josh (@guest_1866162)
June 28, 2024 17:52

How do you change this to SPAXX in an existing cash management account?

Edit: I couldn’t follow the instructions linked here but I was able to pull up the chat/support on the desktop site, say “change my core position”, and self-service change it via some questions in the chat. Easy!

Mike (@guest_1862890)
June 21, 2024 14:39

Once you choose SPAXX as a core position of Cash Management Account, what is the pros and cons of keeping funds in CMA vs keeping the same funds in Bloom Saving or Bloom Spend, other than ability to access the funds via debit card for CMA?

Terp (@guest_1863148)
June 22, 2024 00:49

Bloom is shutting down so it’s a moot point.

Adrian (@guest_1862861)
June 21, 2024 13:07

Does anyone know how to get Empower to have this account categorized under “Cash” and not “Investment”?

I’m using this account essentially as a checking account so I’d like the dollars in it to be categorized as cash and not as invested funds.

Steve (@guest_1863231)
June 22, 2024 09:59

On the Fidelity app, click the account, then click the 3 dots in the top right corner, and then click edit account name and group. Change account name from investment.

icemule1 (@guest_1864963)
June 26, 2024 01:48

I don’t think there’s a way to do it.

MBE (@guest_1862722)
June 21, 2024 08:27

Too bad Fidelity is a fly-by-night Fintech, like Yotta. Note that if your Fidelity CMA Debit card has fraudulent transactions, you will not be compensated for them.

Fidelity outsources their banking features to PNC BaaS, who subcontracts to BMY Melon. Just like how Yotta outsources to Synapse BaaS, who then subcontracts to Evolve.

mangorunner (@guest_1862967)
June 21, 2024 17:22
favo🔗 (@guest_1863017)
June 21, 2024 18:37

Thanks for the tip! I just went ahead and locked my card 🙂

mangorunner (@guest_1863039)
June 21, 2024 19:00

Harry Sit, The Finance Buff, is my all-time favorite personal finance blogger. He is all about giving practical advice.

Techgal (@guest_1863729)
June 23, 2024 21:39

Fly-by-night fintech? Not sure we are on the same planet. Can’t speak specifically to the CMA account but Fidelity is a well-respected private financial services firm.

Alex_the_Churner (@guest_1870341)
July 6, 2024 06:01
Almighty188 (@guest_1870511)
July 6, 2024 17:55

There is no way to verify if the claims are real or fake.

BroOnTravel (@guest_1877862)
July 19, 2024 14:12

Not my lived experience. Fidelity went above and beyond my expectations in two debit card incidents over the years. One time the service rep was going through some form with me, paused, and asked “if I just gave you a goodwill credit right now for whatever you estimate this cost you, would that work for you?” and proceeded to post several hundred dollars to the account without any paperwork.

I know I’m privelaged to get various premium service lines, but Fidelity is not a fly-by-night Fintech. They are one of the largest and most established financial services companies on the planet.

Raymond (@guest_1862652)
June 21, 2024 02:00

considering moving from sofi to fidelity for cma. already have my main brokerage as fidelity. thoughts?

Malik (@guest_1862816)
June 21, 2024 11:47

Pretty much should simplify and have it all in one house.

DF (@guest_1865433)
June 27, 2024 03:04

Sofi just partnered with Zelle in case you do use their service, while with fidelity you are still stuck with the old-school transfers.

Ryan Goldstein
Ryan Goldstein (@guest_1865497)
June 27, 2024 10:18

I use Zelle with Fidelity by adding my Fidelity debit card in the Zelle app. The only thing I’ve found I can’t do is send/receive from someone else using Fidelity (or presumably any other financial company without direct Zelle integration). In other words, you can use Zelle with Fidelity as long as the other party is using a bank with native Zelle integration.

favo🔗 (@guest_1866142)
June 28, 2024 17:25

Ryan Goldstein What happens when sending/receiving from someone using a bank without direct Zelle integration? Does Zelle app give an error alert?

Ryan Goldstein
Ryan Goldstein (@guest_1866146)
June 28, 2024 17:31

In the Zelle app, using a Fidelity debit card, when attempting to send to or request from a recipient similarly using Fidelity, it shows an error when entering their recipient info, before you can even specify how much you want to send to them:

“Unable to transfer with <name>
Unfortunately you can only send to this person if you or they have an account with a financial institution that offers Zelle to its customers. If you have a bank app with Zelle, try using that instead, or ask your bank about offering Zelle.”

It works fine to send to/request from another recipient who uses Zelle with their Bank of America account.

favo🔗 (@guest_1866151)
June 28, 2024 17:36

Good to know, thank you Ryan Goldstein ! It looks like I need to keep my current bank account that integrates with Zelle although I switched my hub to Fidelity. I use Zelle to send and receive regularly and need my Zelle to work no matter what bank the other side uses…

Ryan Goldstein
Ryan Goldstein (@guest_1866153)
June 28, 2024 17:39

I feel like there are very few people who use Zelle without a bank that natively supports it. Personally, I’d try to default to using Fidelity, then only if/when you get that message when trying to send or request, you can use your bank with native Zelle support. You can register for Zelle with a phone number and email address, so you could use, for example, your phone number with Fidelity and your email with your bank.

favo🔗 (@guest_1866322)
June 28, 2024 21:41

Thanks Ryan Goldstein ! Good to know that bank can use an email instead of a phone number for Zelle. Several days ago when I tried to enroll in Zelle app with my Fidelity debit card, it asked for my email and phone number. After entering the phone number it said the number was already registered with another bank, so I gave up. It looks like I can try un-linking the phone number with the bank and use the number for Zelle app. Then re-enroll the bank with my email.

Jack (@guest_1862516)
June 20, 2024 19:43

So for real, why does this matter?

You could have already done everything that the CMA account does with the Investment account, right?

Aren’t the functionally identical?

I only use the CMA account for moving money that I might need on a debit card but it almost always stays empty so that if my debit card is compromised no money gets lost.

Terp (@guest_1863150)
June 22, 2024 00:53

CMA reimburses ATM fees for anyone, whereas for brokerage account you have to have $250k to get that feature.

Almighty188 (@guest_1870512)
July 6, 2024 17:56

CMA does not allow margin borrowing or options trading so besides the ATM fees, that is the difference.

Dan (@guest_1862401)
June 20, 2024 16:37

Where is this elective option at? Am logged on and all I see is the 2.69% FDIC interest rate and see no elective option to change it.

JD (@guest_1862426)
June 20, 2024 17:22

From the ‘Positions’ tab, click on Cash and it should expand to reveal a green ‘Change Core Position’ button.
Alternatively, using the virtual assistant and asking how to change the core position should eventually get you to a list of your accounts where you can make the change.

Dan (@guest_1862450)
June 20, 2024 17:52


Almighty188 (@guest_1870513)
July 6, 2024 17:58

I think the reason people don’t see it is similar to a brokerage account, you need to actually have available cash that is in the default position. If not, it will not show the core option at all.

Rusty Nail
Rusty Nail (@guest_1862189)
June 20, 2024 11:23

So how come Fidelity never notified me of this change? I have to learn about it on DoC’s site? 🙂

JD (@guest_1862225)
June 20, 2024 12:13

They did, but they only put it in the monthly statement which nobody reads, lol.
Someone in the Fido reddit noticed it at the bottom of their March statement.

Tom (@guest_1862165)
June 20, 2024 10:54

Anybody knows if I can keep the high-yield SPAXX money market fund after leaving the U.S?

anonymous (@guest_1899092)
August 25, 2024 11:15

The question is: will Fidelity shut down all your accounts when they find out that you no longer reside in the U.S.? See:

JD (@guest_1899177)
August 25, 2024 14:37

Earlier this year Charles Schwab and Company, Fidelity Investment and T.Rowe Price announced that they would no longer allow Americans living overseas, even their own employees, to buy US based mutual funds. There are limited exceptions for 401k plans, but for all other accounts including IRAs and Brokerage accounts, whether self managed, with the company as the advisor or with an independent investment advisor, mutual fund purchases (including dividend re-investments) have come to a halt. The company’s are not forcing clients to sell the mutual funds (forcing a capital gain or loss) and are not for the most part forcing accounts to be closed, but they are limiting new purchases.

anonymous (@guest_1904396)
September 3, 2024 12:14

After I posted that comment, I learned from Fidelity’s website that they do not automatically shut down accounts of clients who move abroad; they only restrict further mutual fund purchases, as you indicated. So I apologize to all for my error. Be aware, though that many institutions and banks have been known to shut down such accounts. Cheers.

Vasillisa (@guest_1904443)
September 3, 2024 13:28

Which institutions and banks are known to shut down accounts when the account holder moves abroad? How do they find out the account holder is abroad? Do they send a check to the account holder’s abroad address if they shut down the account?