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mjonis (@guest_808873)
September 11, 2019 13:45

OK, just finished opening the account. As a Sole Propieter, SSN only, all I needed was the DBA document which I already had (easy to get in Albany County anyway). They had a little card stating that they use Chex Systems for all new accounts, so the info above might want to be updated. Hopefully bonus will post within 60 days. Also note that I have multiple personal accounts with this bank (mortgage, checking, savings, etc.) so not sure if that has any bearing.

mjonis (@guest_803005)
August 26, 2019 13:42

I contacted my Albany, New York state branch office for what was required:

Photo ID of all business owner(s)
Business License
Certificate of Assumed Name (there’s a few of these, depending upon how the business is setup, so there’s a Certificate of Assumed Partnership, etc., at least the way the guy was reading the info off over the phone)

Note that in Albany County, it sounds like a DBA will cover the latter ( as NY state law has a certificate of “assumed business name” which is the DBA).

Only certain business types are required in Albany, NY to get a business license:

Next week I’ll try with just Sole Proprietor and SSN/DBA and see what happens

IS250 (@guest_792996)
August 2, 2019 17:23

 William Charles Extended until 9/14

Austin (@guest_785602)
July 19, 2019 18:08

Went into branch in florida they wanted me to sign up for sunbiz? Not even sure if it’s worth it at this point as I don’t understand what sunbiz is or implies

IS250 (@guest_779132)
July 5, 2019 23:25

Could not open an account as a sole proprietor with my SSN/EIN. Needed business documents and so forth. YMMV.

Eric Dame
Eric Dame (@guest_776645)
June 30, 2019 17:53

$2,500.00 minimum balance required to avoid monthly charge of $10.00. (In the fine print)

Still a money maker.

IS250 (@guest_779130)
July 5, 2019 23:24

 William Charles That’s incorrect. The minimum balance for the checking account to waive fees is $500. The minimum balance to waive fees for the money market account is $2500.

Mercedes-AMG GT R Coupe
Mercedes-AMG GT R Coupe (@guest_780642)
July 9, 2019 22:00

Monthly fee is now $5.

(1)$5 monthly service charge is waived if there is a reoccurring direct deposit of your merchant services OR a monthly average collected balance of $500.00.