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thomas oblak
thomas oblak (@guest_2012534)
February 26, 2025 10:55

How long for the bonus?

Mahendra (@guest_2011367)
February 24, 2025 20:24

Mobile deposit rejected by popular bank.

Hi all,

I looking for some input. I opened popular bank account on 28 jan 2025 for promotion of $700. $500 for direct deposit in checking account and $200 for saving account by maintaining $8000 for two statement cycles. I need to bring balance by 30 days. I took cashier check for 8000 from Columbian bank and did mobile deposit on 22 feb.

However, popular bank rejected with reason cashier checks not accepted for mobile deposit. I called customer care , they informed me to visit branch. Tomorrow I will visit. Customer care said it will take 7 days to clear cashier checks for new accounts. Is it true? In that case I can’t meet their requirements. Can I ask branch staff for expedite the process?

My apologies if I am not following group rules for posting.

ShawntheShawn👈🏾 (@guest_2011461)
February 24, 2025 23:41

I think what they meant by “7 days to clear cashier checks” is that they would place a hold of 7 days on the money once deposited before making the fund available for withdrawal. The money should count towards your account balance once deposited, it is just that it won’t be included in your available balance during the hold period. So you should be fine.

Mahendra G
Mahendra G (@guest_2007536)
February 19, 2025 05:38

Hi all,
For savings account promotion, I can do multiple deposits right? Or should it be single deposit. I am pretty sure its multiple. But just want to double check before deposit.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2007747)
February 19, 2025 12:29

The terms in the post show “deposit a minimum of $8,000 in new money in the first 30 days”.

Therefore, multiple deposits should be fine.

Christopher Robin 🔗💰
Christopher Robin 🔗💰 (@guest_2007800)
February 19, 2025 13:28

I saved the following language regarding the savings portion of the promo:

funding the account within 30 days of account opening by making one or more deposits totaling at least $8,000 in new money. “

All good Mahendra G

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_1999887)
February 7, 2025 04:09

I just checked my Chex inquiries under “Dispute.” I only have one inquiry from Popular on the day I opened with them. It is under “Inquiries Viewed by Others.”

If they were to make additional inquiries after account opening, I would think that those would show up under “Inquiries Viewed only by You.” As of right now, I don’t have any additional inquiries of any kind from them.

Does anyone see additional Chex pulls from Popular after your account opening date?

I would think Kiwi got additional ones. Otherwise, how would they find out about new account openings?

Bertrand (@guest_2000044)
February 7, 2025 12:15

Christopher Robin Have you had any Chex inquiries from other banks since you opened your Popular account?

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_2000095)
February 7, 2025 13:32

Bertrand I haven’t applied anywhere that pulls Chex. How about you?

Bertrand (@guest_2000102)
February 7, 2025 13:38

I have not. I was planning to apply for Bank of Hope, which pulls Chex, sometime this month but it might not be worth the risk. My hope is that my Popular bonus posts before end of month as I just completed the requirements.

Kiwi (@guest_2000098)
February 7, 2025 13:33

Just to update I did get my Chex report and sure enough there’s another inquiry from popular in inquiries viewed only by you the day after my fifth third inquiry. I guess each inquiry sends them an alert and someone takes a look at your whole report out of curiosity. No red flags in person. Definitely tread with caution here.

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_2000104)
February 7, 2025 13:39

Kiwi Thanks for the update. If it’s true that some banks receive notifications when their (new?) depositors open accounts at other banks, that would open a new dimension to Chex stats.

Have any of you heard of anything like this?

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗 @ Eric 🔗

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
February 7, 2025 14:05

I’ve definitely seen it, yes. Some banks must have a contract with Chex to alert them when you get a Chex inquiry at other banks by sending them a notification. You will see a “Inquiries Viewed Only by You” inquiry for the recently opened bank on the exact same date that you get an inquiry at another bank. This can go on for months. They don’t necessarily take action on it, but they could. Christopher Robin

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_2000137)
February 7, 2025 14:13

Thank you Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗 This explains why I have a ridiculous amount of Fifth Third “Inquiries Viewed Only by You” Chex pulls.

Woody 🔗
Woody 🔗 (@guest_2000208)
February 7, 2025 15:49

I got 3 inquiries “viewed only by you” from First Horizon one day after my chex pulled from 3 banks on 11/14,18,20

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2000648)
February 8, 2025 12:40

Did the “soft” inquiries stop after 2 or 3 months of account opening like what happened with me with Valley?

Woody 🔗
Woody 🔗 (@guest_2000665)
February 8, 2025 13:00

There is no new inquiry so far. They might have some features that alert the bank about multiple inquiries in 7 days but First Horizon didn’t care about that

fdic (@guest_2000195)
February 7, 2025 15:26

Valley did the same non sense and I had to think twice about opening any new accounts. Now that I got my bonus, I dont care any more if they want to close it.
There should be some sort of laws to prevent this non sense and protect our financial privacy

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
February 7, 2025 15:33

I hear ya, but that privacy invasion is nothing compared to EWS banks…

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_2000333)
February 7, 2025 18:52

If only! A Chex-free bank diet for the next three to four months? I don’t think I can last.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2000658)
February 8, 2025 12:51

Just keep your Chex frozen until you receive the Popular bonus and transfer the money out. Do you really want to risk $700? That’s assuming that you are going for both bonuses.

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_2000668)
February 8, 2025 13:03

I do freeze and thaw as warranted. Yes, I’m going for both bonuses. Whether I stay Chex free will depend on the timing of other deals and bonus amount.

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_2000673)
February 8, 2025 13:07

Eric 🔗 Did you end up applying for the Popular deal?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2000705)
February 8, 2025 13:39


Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2000640)
February 8, 2025 12:26

I just checked an old Chex report and I think that you are correct about Valley. I previously thought that they randomly did a “soft” Chex inquiry in the following 2 months after I opened my account in June because I had 1 in July and 1 in August.

However, I now see that I had a “hard” Chex inquiry the day before that. What’s interesting is that I had another “hard” Chex inquiry in July about a week before the other one and there was no “soft” pull from Valley for that. Any theory of why that would be the case?

Also, it appears that they stopped monitoring it as I didn’t receive any “soft” inquiry in Sept even though I had 2 “hard” inquiries that month. That makes me think that it is probably pretty costly to have this service so Valley must have cut it off after they were satisfied with my Chex activity after opening.

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_2000661)
February 8, 2025 12:56

Eric 🔗 Thanks for sharing your observations with Valley.

As far as why they stopped monitoring, I think that we can only hypothesize the cause. You could very well be right or it could be some other factor. A hypothesis that popped in my head is perhaps they stop monitoring once your account reaches a certain age.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2000699)
February 8, 2025 13:36

Yes, I agree with you on that. The part that baffled me is that I had only 1 “soft” inquiry from Valley in July when I had 2 separate “hard” inquiries that month.

I actually just thought of a theory for that. Maybe Valley gets notified for each “hard” inquiry but only does a “soft” pull once near the end of each calendar month to view all of them. What do you think?

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_2000726)
February 8, 2025 14:09

Eric 🔗 If only everyone can feed their Chex inquiry stats into a data pool so this could be teased out.

vc (@guest_2003426)
February 12, 2025 22:11

I wonder if we apply for so many accts that the SP are just coincidental. 😂 I’ve always seen these and they’re usually around the same time each month…

fdic The thought of there being some type of alert svc that the banks were being sold by Chex initially infuriated me. I was with you. That’s an invasion…But, we agree when we sign up that they can do it. It’s just like the Account Review SP on our credit reports. So, I’m okay w it.

fdic (@guest_2003462)
February 12, 2025 22:47

We all agree to lot of things because in current state there are no alternatives. Take arbitration for example, another non sense heaped on the customers.

Now imagine if govt were pro customer and kept a report on the banks and wrong doings they do and published it for everyone 🙂

fdic (@guest_2003458)
February 12, 2025 22:45

Eric 🔗 The pattern I saw was a soft pull from Valley a day or 2 after a hard pull from another bank which is typical pattern of these monitoring services.
I can imagine some Chex marketing clown selling this service to banks as way to avoid churners 🙂

A. A
A. A (@guest_1999712)
February 6, 2025 21:10

they asked paystub for opening an account.

Christopher Robin 🔗
Christopher Robin 🔗 (@guest_2001048)
February 9, 2025 04:43

A. A I wasn’t asked for this or for my SS card. Where you ultimately able to open?

A. A
A. A (@guest_2005175)
February 15, 2025 15:22

I didn’t open. It probably because when she asked me how I know about them, I said I saw the bonus. The branch is in 07107

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2005487)
February 16, 2025 08:52

What’s wrong with saying that? Isn’t that the truth?

Kiwi (@guest_1999391)
February 6, 2025 14:26

WARNING they really are watching Chex systems after account opening for anyone doing this don’t apply to anything else. I’m planning to not apply to anything else until the bonus posts.

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_1999392)
February 6, 2025 14:27

Kiwi Can you please elaborate on how you know about this?

Kiwi (@guest_1999416)
February 6, 2025 15:06

They just called me to ask why do I have so 10+ inquires in the last 6 months and one yesterday. After telling them I’m getting multiple CDs they didn’t like that I’d had more than 5 and they’re going to close the account because of yesterday’s inquiry. They told me they will get an alert every time a new inquiry pops up. For anyone reading this be really careful it’s another valley situation.

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_1999438)
February 6, 2025 15:20

Kiwi Sorry to hear that. Have you created a Chex systems account to see your inquiries? They must be making multiple Chex inquiries that are only visible by you.

Kiwi (@guest_1999450)
February 6, 2025 15:32

Yeah I have a Chex account and on alert they pulled it 3 times when I went in person lol.

I didn’t check that part but most definitely I avoided valley because of this and it looks like my fifth third churn inquiry got them to call me. I hope I can save someone with this info.

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_1999458)
February 6, 2025 15:40

Kiwi Have you kept getting OnAlert notifications of Chex pulls even after the day of account opening?

Three pulls on the same day should have consolidated into one.

Kiwi (@guest_1999463)
February 6, 2025 15:45

Yeah just for the 5/3 account which was yesterday. I had a bad feeling when i saw them calling me.

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_1999483)
February 6, 2025 16:05

Kiwi I haven’t tried it myself yet but apparently you can open 5/3 next time with your Chex frozen. I have seen a few success DPs.

Bertrand (@guest_1999443)
February 6, 2025 15:24

So they are closing your account? Have you met the requirements yet for the checking bonus?

Bertrand (@guest_1999442)
February 6, 2025 15:23

Thanks – this is the DP I’ve been waiting for. I opened my account in December and based on the DPs here and in an old Popular thread, have deliberately avoided any Chex pulls since.

Kiwi (@guest_1999453)
February 6, 2025 15:34

Yeah they’re closing it and mailing a cashiers check. Really nice employees in person. I did notice the banker was his first time opening an account so there was no mention of Chex at all. But definitely the fraud department they’re watching. They told me I’m too much of a risk with 10 inquires.

Honestly as a bank I don’t know how someone banks there the app and features kinda suck lol

Bertrand (@guest_1999465)
February 6, 2025 15:47

Ugh, sorry to hear that! Did you by chance already met the requirements for the checking bonus?

Kiwi (@guest_1999475)
February 6, 2025 15:55

Oh no not yet sadly I should’ve known to steer clear of this one after the first branch denied me for not having my SS card

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_1999721)
February 6, 2025 21:18

Oh noo, that sucks!! I hope they don’t find any reason to close my account! I def have a lot of inquiries, so I’m on thin ice, apparently :/

Bertrand (@guest_2000048)
February 7, 2025 12:16

SpeedyJr14 Have you had Chex inquiries from other banks since you opened your Popular account?

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_2000341)
February 7, 2025 19:14

No, I haven’t. I haven’t applied for anything else since then. When I reviewed my Chex report, it shows they pulled it on the day of.
Similarly to Christopher Robin (sorry that Idk how to tag people yet lol), First Horizon did “soft pulls” every month for the 5 months that I had an account with them, but they never acted on it. I did open a couple of other accounts around the third month after First Horizon, and they looked at it twice in one month lol

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2000660)
February 8, 2025 12:54


The simplest way to tag someone is to find any comment that they made from anywhere on the site and manually type (DO NOT use copy/paste) it in this format “guest _ comment#” (without the spaces).

For example, to tag Christopher, you would type “guest _ 1999483” without the spaces and it will appear like this: Christopher Robin and he will receive a “Mention” email.

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_2000727)
February 8, 2025 14:09

Thanks, “guest_2000660”, I appreciate that info.
Please let me know if this worked :’D and what I did wrong if it didn’t.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2000732)
February 8, 2025 14:19


You followed my instructions perfectly but it still failed to work. The reason that it failed is because I screwed up with the instructions that I gave you.

I forgot to include that you need to add “@” before “guest”!

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_2000854)
February 8, 2025 17:25

Well, nobody’s perfect, “Eric 🔗”. Thanks for following up on that 🙂

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_2000855)
February 8, 2025 17:26

Not sure why I included the quotation marks on that… but this proves my point about not being perfect lol
Now we’re even, Eric 🔗

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2000876)
February 8, 2025 18:07

FYI, I received the “Mention” email both times so you are a quick study. 😀

snoop (@guest_1992608)
January 27, 2025 19:46

There is a $25 early termination fee unless you keep at least $2000 in checking and $500 in savings (you have to have a checking account open to receive the $200 savings bonus) and these accounts earn barely anything; is it better to close the accounts early since you’d earn more interest by keeping $2500 in a HYSA?

Yang (@guest_1990130)
January 22, 2025 23:41

For the savings account bonus, say I opened the account on 12/15, my first statement cycle ends on 12/31. I need to deposit $8k before 1/14. Which cycle do I need to keep the average balance of $8k? Jan and Feb or Feb and March? Coz if Jan, I’ll need to deposit more than $8k to keep the required average balance.

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_1990173)
January 23, 2025 03:52

My interpretation of the terms it’s Jan and Feb. Yes, if you wait past Jan 1st to make your deposit, then you would need to deposit more than $8k to meet the average monthly balance.

Yang (@guest_1990218)
January 23, 2025 08:55

I just read the fine prints. It says “The $8,000 must be reflected in the end of day balance on day 30 and must be maintained for the following 2 statement cycles. ” Sounds like Feb and March?

Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin (@guest_1990654)
January 23, 2025 19:10

Yang You’ve convinced me that it would be Feb and Mar. Particularly the language: “for THE FOLLOWING 2 statement cycles”

Good catch!

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_1983316)
January 11, 2025 11:32

Does anyone have any DPs for what can count as a DD for this bank? Reading the terms, it said ACH credits such as payroll, salary, etc. and didn’t explicitly mention anything about bank ACH transfers not qualifying. Just P2P and RTP are noted as non-qualifying transactions.
My Chex stats are probably high, but it might be worth the road trip to South Florida to make $500! Some of the comments on this post are quite scary, but I’ll likely try this bonus anyway.

Kiwi (@guest_1986313)
January 16, 2025 10:27

Do tell which south Florida branch you go to as I’m here waiting to open it too

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_1991713)
January 25, 2025 20:39

I visited the one in Ft. Lauderdale on Broward Blvd yesterday, but unfortunately, I didn’t plan well and got there too late in the day to open the account. I was opening another at Flagstar Bank up in Deerfield Beach when I realized that time was dwindling. I’ll go back again this coming week ^_^

Kiwi (@guest_1992181)
January 27, 2025 08:13

Thanks for the update! Hopefully it goes well!

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_1993872)
January 29, 2025 23:35

Prestige Checking and Savings opened successfully after visiting the same branch again. I wasn’t planning to try the Savings promo because I don’t have much wiggle room with my finances, but I thought I’d give it a shot. I buckled under the slight pressure applied by the beautiful banker.
There was a sign in the office space that basically said “We pull Chex to make our decisions” which made me quite nervous. When that portion came, the banker just asked me if I had opened accounts here and there, and I confirmed that I did as I am “trying out different banks to see which one I like the most” (Hint: The one that gives me the most money the easiest).
10+ inquiries since last July, which is as far back as she said she could see.
Made $25+ opening deposits in cash (I don’t believe there were any other options) and walked out happy that I get the chance to bank $700 😀

Kiwi (@guest_1994042)
January 30, 2025 10:56

Awesome man!!! Happy to hear that you opened it successfully. One question though did they require you to have your social security card? They just turned me away asking for that and I dont know where mine is

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_1998821)
February 5, 2025 18:28

Sorry that I didn’t see this sooner, but no. They asked me for my SSN, but didn’t specifically ask me to provide the card. I had it with me just in case, but I was told by the banker that it wasn’t needed.
Was that the end of your encounter? :/

Kiwi (@guest_1998842)
February 5, 2025 19:01

Hey it’s okay no worries! Yeah the Hialeah one did ask me for a social card and turned me away apparently bank policy? I took your opening advice to call one more place and Coral gables told me come on in with a drivers license. Successfully opened and not a single question asked about Chex. I am concerned with the other commenter mentioning they’re going to monitor Chex after like valley. Hopefully that was a bluff lol. Glad we both got in!

SpeedyJr14 (@guest_1999718)
February 6, 2025 21:15

Well I’m going to stay away from any more Chex inquiries until I get paid 😂 It’s too risky for me to lose that much money after the investment I made to head down there in the first place!

A. A
A. A (@guest_1982994)
January 10, 2025 15:47

I don’t see this in best bank bonuses. Maybe forget to add?