FNBO Travelite Card To Be Discontinued, Use $100 Travel Credit ASAP

FNBO has sent out a letter to cardholders informing them that the card will be discontinued and product changed into a Complete Rewards VISA card on 4/25/21. This card will have no annual fee and earn 1.5x points. According to this comment it looks like the $100 annual travel credit will no longer be available, I’d recommend using that credit ASAP.

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Charly (@guest_1943385)
November 2, 2024 15:16

Just trying to revive an old thread: The replacement card is basically useless, right? I don’t see any good benefits. You all cancelled it?

SeattleWasi (@guest_1319242)
January 21, 2022 00:49

It is confirmed that the $100 Travel Credit is not available anymore?

Dan (@guest_1326723)
February 5, 2022 13:06

Interested to know this as well!

Charles (@guest_1343836)
March 6, 2022 07:18

any update?

Nick (@guest_1381004)
May 14, 2022 10:33

I paid a United baggage fee on the card on April 18 and have yet to see any reimbursement. Think it’s officially dead.

David (@guest_1312120)
January 9, 2022 12:59

I canceled my replacement card today since it was just not getting any use (yes I know I could just leave it in the drawer, but I need to thin the herd) I was told there is a new travel card “Getaway by FNBO Credit Card” which is basically 3x on Travel. I asked about a product change but it was not an option so I closed but other might have better luck.

Gregory (@guest_1196448)
May 26, 2021 16:28

I just talked to the travel reward redemption department for the Travelite Amex card. They said they can only provide credit for purchases made through 04/29/2021. Purchases made after that date do not qualify for the $100 travel credit. Their phone number is 855-327-1432 in case you have any purchases from 04/29/21 or before that need to be credited.

Robert (@guest_1187314)
May 6, 2021 17:30

Did anyone make any travel purchase after April 25th and the credit successfully posted? I somehow missed this and just made the purchase today. Fingers crossed

Dave_B (@guest_1179531)
April 19, 2021 22:39

I called the customer support line today, and they said that the $100 annual travel credit and the $100 global entry credit will transfer over to the new Visa card.
So, if you don’t have a good use for the $100 credit now, you could take a chance and hope that it works as they say it will.

Another person heard the same thing: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/new-travelite-credit-card-from-fnbo-review/#comment-1168111
And they said that the credits would be available on the Visa card until November 2021.

Robert (@guest_1187318)
May 6, 2021 17:33

Were you able to test this?

Chris Ward
Chris Ward (@guest_1170453)
April 3, 2021 14:36

How do you use it for gift card or travel bank to get credited? I thought it only worked for charges at check-in counter or on the plane?

Dvk (@guest_1170373)
April 3, 2021 11:27

Is there any reason I would want to keep this open after change to Visa? Already used travel credit and global entry this year.

United Travel Bank Credit
United Travel Bank Credit (@guest_1169577)
April 1, 2021 16:08

United Travel Bank credited in 4 calendar days. It said UNITED ELEC TICKETNG for about 1 day.

Sir Galahad
Sir Galahad (@guest_1172791)
April 7, 2021 14:49

I’m confused – the United Airlines web page for Travel Bank says that the Travel Bank program is discontinued, so how are people purchasing new Travel Bank credits as mentioned in the posts here? Unless I am somehow looking at the wrong link?

Sean (@guest_1169468)
April 1, 2021 12:37

Any idea what happens to any rewards balance?