Verizon customers can get a free $5 Amazon gift card today through the Verizon Up program. It doesn’t even use up a credit for this, it’s just a free gift from the app. Check out our Verizon Up review here.
This is part of a ‘7 Days of Deals’ thing running on Verizon Up, so keep an eye out for the next few days. Let us know if you see anything else interesting in the coming days and we’ll post it on the site.
MyVerizon app > upper left drop down menu > Verizon up > scroll past credit offers > see Seven Days of Holiday Rewards.
Hat tip to lulz_were_had on r/churning
Don’t see holiday rewards in my verizon up second day checking
Is this under My Rewards? I’m not seeing anything about “7 Days of Deals” there.
Nothing here either
Ditto. Nothing there for me.
same here 🙁
+1. I wonder what the deal is… only for people in certain regions? Certain plan? Had to have financed your phone?
We are on 2 line Verizon Small 2GB for $75 a month for both phone lines, not prepaid. BYOD, so no phone financing is being collected. I know our bill is about half of what the average person pays Verizon/month, so I am thinking they aren’t offering us crap.
But I am in Verizon UP, and enrolled. Got a couple freebies before, once I had enough points. AMC, Home Depot, Starbucks, Amazon $5.
Nothing here either – but the account holder is my wife – so I’ll check hers later. Are you the account holder Gadget?
Same situation. She nabbed the Amazon GC this morning. So additional lines do not get it. She also had the e-mail, whereas I did not get it.
I don’t see any 7 days of deals either.
I got $10 amazon credit as two years anniversary reward
Me, too.
Nothing for me
No amazon gift card on my account
Thank you for the step-by-step instructions for finding the offer in the app! Worked for me.
No Amazon, just BBB and iTunes
Thanks DoC. That was an easy $5!
I have an offer for a $5 Verizon card in my Verizon Up which costs a credit, and a free one below the offers. Thanks Doc
Thank you Doc, just claimed mine.
Would it be safe to assume each of the 7 day gift would be missed if I don’t claim for the day?
Think so