Free 6 Months SiriusXM Premium With American Express

The Offer

Direct Link to offer

  • All American Express cardholders can sign up for a free 6-month trial of SiriusXM.

Plan will auto-renew for the 7th month and beyond at $10.99 per month.

The Fine Print

  • Activate a Streaming Platinum subscription plan and get your first 6 months for $0.00.
  • A credit card is required on this offer.
  • Service will automatically renew thereafter after every month. At the beginning of month 7, you will be charged at then-current rates (currently $10.99/month). Fees and taxes apply.
  • You must cancel your subscription during your promotional period to avoid future charges. Please see the SiriusXM Customer Agreement at for complete terms and how to cancel, which includes online methods or calling us at 1-866-635-2349. All fees, content and features are subject to change.
  • This offer cannot be combined with any other and may be modified or terminated at any time.
  • Offer available to new subscribers.
  • Channel lineup varies by plan.

Our Verdict

Nice freebie, just remember to cancel. Looks like the $10.99 rate is also discounted from the regular $22.99 rate. You can alternatively get 4-months of SiriusXM free from

There’s also an offer for 4-month Panera Unlimited trial showing at the above link which we covered previously, and also a 6-month trial of the Entertainment app.

Hat tip to San_K

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BB312 (@guest_1459648)
October 6, 2022 16:34

This offer is for streaming only on your phone/internet. Will not work in your car. I suspect that’s the fee discrepancy, not a discount from regular rate.

Steve L
Steve L (@guest_1460033)
October 7, 2022 09:14

Does this come with Howard Stern?

C.J. (@guest_1460019)
October 7, 2022 08:29

I’ve had Sirius for many years in several vehicles and canceled it when it renewed in the spring. Each year I would go through the dance with Sirius and negotiation a price I was comfortable with. The last two years I paid $60 plus fees and taxes. This past year they offered it to me for $62, including all of the taxes in fees, but I’ve been finding that the service has become redundant. Accordingly, I canceled. Now I receive emails offering TWO years for $4.99 a month (plus taxes and fees). The reality is that I’ve lost interest, so the price really doesn’t matter.

Alex (@guest_1459878)
October 6, 2022 22:28

Isn’t this for new users only?

AllenW (@guest_1459655)
October 6, 2022 16:40

Just know this is the streaming one, so no vehicle radio. But if you cancel it thru the website, it will likely be offer $5 for 12m. Which is a good deal.

Not the best deal they have for retention but all considered no phone calls or chatting crap and its 12m.

Worth considering if you want this for your car. Just use your current amex and the streaming credit should take care of it if you aren’t already maximizing that benefit.

Daniel (@guest_1460169)
October 7, 2022 12:21

Would it work in your car via Apple CarPlay? My current sub let me have it in the car and on my phone, but I always use the CarPlay version in the car, because the interface is better than the native (vehicle) version in the Mini. Wondering if CarPlay is a work around if you have streaming only…

AllenW (@guest_1460203)
October 7, 2022 13:01

Not sure on that. But that’s relying on cell towers which can be spotty for others.

0x539 (@guest_1460509)
October 7, 2022 22:45

Yes. I only use SiriusXM via CarPlay even though my car has it. Much better quality if you stream.

joey (@guest_1460582)
October 8, 2022 03:31

It’s actually for $5/month for 12 months

e0 (@guest_1459651)
October 6, 2022 16:35

Signed-up and immediately cancelled. Trial is still good until 4/5/2023.

Jack (@guest_1459630)
October 6, 2022 16:02

Spotify needs to do the same