Free Bottle Of Bubbles From Last Bubbles Via Referral

Update 2/28/25: Available again today (ht Alexi)

Update 10/25/24: Available again.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Last Bubbles are offering free ground shipping on all orders for their  sale. If you sign up using a referral link you get a $10 credit.

Our Verdict

This is the same promotion/idea that Last Bottle Wines offers. No idea if there will still be bottles for $8-$12.  The cheaper wines do sell out quickly so something to keep in mind.  If somebody uses your referral link you also get a $30 credit. Feel free to share your link once in the comments below. Make sure you have your information prefilled before trying to purchase to increase your chances. Same deal offered last year.

I’m not going to bother sharing my link because they banned me from Last Bottle Wines already and I suspect they will do the same for Last Bubbles.

Hat tip to reader Aleksei (their link here)

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Kay_Elemeno (@guest_2013843)
February 28, 2025 13:52

For what it’s worth, they changed their checkout system. They emailed instructions on how to prepare to check out quickly as some of the best bottles usually sell out in seconds. Here’s what they sent:

During the last Fizz Fest we heard whispers (and some dramatic sighs) from those who miss our old checkout experience. Fear not—we have just the trick to ensure you sail through in a mere three clicks, coupe in hand. Before the festivities commence, take a moment to set yourself up:

  1. Toss a bottle into your cart and proceed to checkout. No, you don’t have to buy it (… but you could!)
  2. At the very top, under ShopPay, enter your email address.
  3. When prompted, enter the authentication code sent to your phone or inbox.
Dealgamer (@guest_2013834)
February 28, 2025 13:07

Got excited for a second thinking it was a free bottle of blowable bubbles