Deal has expired, view more Perfect Kids deals by clicking here.
The Offer
Direct link to offer (or here to go straight to printable coupon)
- You can currently get a free box of perfect kids snack bars (up to $5)
The Fine Print
- Valid until November 30th, 2018
- Maximum value of $5
Our Verdict
Worth keeping in mind that not everybody will accepted these printed at home coupons. I have no idea if these are any good, but as they say free is free. These require refrigeration as well, so might be difficult to donate to charities if you don’t want them personally.
Finally tried to use it in local Target store that carries product. Self checkout aisle told me that coupon is not of the form accepted by the store.
Often they don’t work at self check out, did you try a regular check out?
I did not, unfortunately. The lady working for Target at self-checkout seemed convinced it wouldn’t work at regular checkout. I was there with P2 and doing the $0.01 deal on app for 20% off, so was just trying as an extra perk.
There was a very specific message on the self-checkout screen about this coupon type not being supported by Target, but I could see how this could be a self-checkout specific message also…
P.S. I spoke with P2, and we may try again today or tomorrow in the non-self-checkout aisle
Thanks, keep us updated
Ok, so tried at regular checkout. The coupon still wouldn’t scan for the cashier (said something like this type of coupon not allowed). She called the manager over. The coupon also wouldn’t scan for the manager. However, she went ahead and credited us the cost of the product ($4.99) so that it was free.
So, at least in our Target, seems like a YMMV requiring manager intervention.
On the map at it looks like they’re only available at Target stores in California?
And only some in CA (e.g., not Bay Area).
Thanks for the map. None in the bay area like the poster above mentioned, i guess no kids bars for me tonight =(
Is this only for kids? I think I’d enjoy them.
Nothing stopping you from eating them
expect a guilty conscience 😛
Why feel guilty about eating kids food? Not like you’re taking it from a child
well said haha
There is an Ibotta offer on these as well, ranging from $1 to the full value of $4.99. The bars themselves are fine, much smaller than the original Perfect Bars but tasty. Store them in the refrigerator.
The printed coupon scanned flawlessly at self checkout and the discount appeared immediately. The attendant wasn’t concerned it was “printed at home”, in fact she didn’t even look at it, just said to insert it into the machine and sent me on my way.