[OOS] Free Full Size UZ Eye Opening Liner

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • UZ is offering a free full size eye opening liner

The Fine Print

  • Through 11:59pm on September 4, 2019 or while supplies of UZ Eye Opening Liner last, whichever is sooner.
  • Follow the directions at https://www.uz.team/dtp-j7da.html?utm_source=YH-UZ-Kelela-US-Facebook to provide your email address to receive a promotional code redeemable at https://www.uz.team/redeem-offer2.html for one (1) UZ Eye Opening Liner ($16 value), while supplies last.
  • Promotional code will be sent to the email address provided and must be redeemed by no later than September 30, 2019, while supplies last.
  • Promotional code can only redeemed for one (1) UZ Eye Opening Liner.
  • Offer is only open to individuals within the fifty (50) United States or District of Columbia who are 18 or older.
  • Limit one (1) eyeliner per household.
  • Eyeliner will only be mailed within the fifty (50) United States and District of Columbia.
  • Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Our Verdict

Obviously great if you use eye liner (what’s the difference between regular eye liner and eye opening liner?), can also make a nice gift or stocking stuffer. Alternatively this type of thing can also be a good donation to your local women’s shelter if you want to get some good karma going your way. I’d recommend doing this sooner rather than later as free deals always end early.

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Teresita Tucker
Teresita Tucker (@guest_828331)
October 21, 2019 15:09

This offer is available again!


Alex (@guest_807495)
September 8, 2019 12:00

Hey Doc, do you have any deals for those of us who are not cross-dressers?

Onsale (@guest_806148)
September 4, 2019 14:00

it ded

Paul (@guest_806061)
September 4, 2019 10:42


AK770 (@guest_806042)
September 4, 2019 09:59

Site doesn’t seem to be working.

Newbie (@guest_806020)
September 4, 2019 08:39

Thanks Doc for finding these free product deals but I think they are not very popular because for around $10 of free stuff we have to giveaway our email address or home address for delivery, etc. I am very happy with your $10 off $50 giftcard deals.
Even though I donated $130 to Delta/United way yesterday in return for 2500 miles. I still feel it is not real donation because I wanted miles in return. When will I change??
I am getting addicted to points and miles 🙁

Morgon (@guest_806036)
September 4, 2019 09:42

As a counterpoint, I enjoy free stuff better than piddly 20% off low-cost GCs. (Wake me when we’re talking 50%)

Newbie (@guest_806069)
September 4, 2019 11:03

Nothing is free in this world, you get what you pay for it.
I do like DoC’s amazon deals and I always make sure to use his affiliated links for all my amazon shopping.

Olympia (@guest_806037)
September 4, 2019 09:44

I think it’s great that he posted this. If you don’t like having to give your address to receive a free product I don’t know what you really expect. Skip the deals if you don’t like them. I’m grateful for the deal and will use the product, thanks DoC!

Tyler L
Tyler L (@guest_806043)
September 4, 2019 10:00

Wait a minute. Are they trying to say that it’s possible for some people to only have one email address? Having (at least) one email address designated for spam and offers isn’t how normal people operate?

Now to decide which of my 25 spam email addresses to use for this offer.

Tyler L
Tyler L (@guest_806050)
September 4, 2019 10:15

Despite my sarcasm I do truly hope no one would use a good email address for online offers. From experience I’ve learned that any email you use for offers like this will quickly become useless for correspondence, because once a few of these sites sell your information there’s no way to stop the spam.

As far as your name, mailing address, etc. go, I prefer to use a nickname for offers like this. Then when something comes in the mail addressed to “Ty” L I know it’s either a free gift like this or most likely some junk from having my name sold. (sometimes if I know it’s junk mail, I write “return to sender. Please remove from mailing list” – if it’s something like an insurance quote from an actual business.)

Newbie (@guest_806075)
September 4, 2019 11:12

LOL. 25 spam emails. I am having hard time managing my 10 plus credit cards opened in the last 18 months. Everytime I have to pay, my brain goes into uber-stress mode, which card to use.
Enjoy your free gifts though.