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lewis (@guest_1795892)
February 9, 2024 20:11

I’m not going to do it just because it seems that GoPuff is just a standard delivery service where the delivery people are going to expect a tip. I’ll gladly take a free jar of peanut butter but not if is going to piss off some delivery person. Who knows what deal Jif is offering them but my gut is saying to pass.

“How do I tip my delivery partner?While you are not required to tip, your delivery partner would most certainly appreciate it if you did! You may leave your driver a tip on your credit card or debit card at checkout in the app. Your delivery partner gets 100% of your tip! Additionally, if you would like to increase your tip amount, or did not apply a tip, you’ll have the opportunity to do so after the order delivers in the app when leaving feedback.”

Dad (@guest_1795574)
February 9, 2024 10:41

Outside of delivery zone, trash

Charles (@guest_1795019)
February 8, 2024 12:49

This seems so freaking wasteful and gimmicky. Spending seed investors’ capital and burning gasoline to deliver single jars of peanut butter? Kind of disgusting…

raj (@guest_1795389)
February 8, 2024 22:27

Strong agree. I don’t have a great moral compass but this is one of those deals I’d pass on out of principle, just seems a horrible waste

Shark (@guest_1795557)
February 9, 2024 09:48

Evidently, they disagree. They ran their numbers and decided this was worthwhile.

They might be wrong, but they also might be right.

VP (@guest_1794686)
February 7, 2024 20:07

Seems dead – At the checkout I am asked to pay $8.97

VP (@guest_1794687)
February 7, 2024 20:08

I think are supposed to try ordering this on 11th Feb at 4:30 pm.

CG (@guest_1794566)
February 7, 2024 17:59

Makes no sense without the 10$ chase credit

ck (@guest_1794499)
February 7, 2024 16:32

wtf is GoPuff? is it a delivery service where the delivery person is going to be expecting a $10 tip for delivering you a jar of peanut butter?

esaphire3 (@guest_1794498)
February 7, 2024 16:32

Does this need a coupon code?

Information Booth
Information Booth (@guest_1794485)
February 7, 2024 16:18

So the Puffy peeps want to send me a jar of peanut butter…great!! Considering all the people…myself included…that are deathly allergic to peanuts…definitely not a fan of this promo. Have a blessed rest of your day!!

Gggg (@guest_1794799)
February 7, 2024 23:58

Then dont do it. Simple.

Summer (@guest_1794481)
February 7, 2024 16:08

RIP GoPuff

azm (@guest_1794478)
February 7, 2024 15:59

Not free for me….