Update 12/18/24: New pass is available for 2025/2025 for $299. Valid from May 1, 2025, to April 30, 2026
Update 11/19/23: There is a new pass that is $499. Includes silver status and is valid May 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025.
Update 5/30/23: There is now a winter pass for $299. Valid Sept 2, 2023 – Feb 29, 2024
Update 1/31/23: They’ve added a Summer Pass for $399, valid May 2, 2023 – Sept 30, 2023
Update 11/15/22: Pass has now launched with a $599 discounted price. Regular price and renewal will be $1,999. Blackout periods: 2023: May 25, 26, 29; June 29, 30; July 1-5, 8, 9; August 31; September 1, 4; October 5, 6, 9; November 18, 22, 24-27; December 16, 17, 22-24, 26-31.
Original Post:
Frontier plans to launch an all you can fly pass called ‘GoWild! All-You-Can-Fly Pass’. The pass will include:
- Seat will be confirmed the day before
- An unlimited number of flights
- Access to all our destinations
- Flights available 300+ days a year
- Complete flexibility
- Bookings confirmed ahead of travel
- 12-months of travel
Looks like it will be available for flights beginning spring 2023 and there will be a limited number of passes available. It’s unclear how much the pass will cost. Because seats are only confirmed the day before it’s really standby.
Hat tip to Aric W
299 pass worked for the 10% back with Chase offer! Thought it wasn’t worth it previous years and maybe it’s not but for 270 bucks I’m willing to be a DP lol
Unlimited “go wild” rate flights, booked for next day. Investigated this some as test, NYC->Denver. Despite a variety of flights all day normally, the best flight offered under “go wild” rate was an 18 hour flight with something like an 11 hour layover in Cincinnati. It looks like they would normally charge $35 for that one way flight (plus fees). Upgrade to more room for $30-$100. I can’t imagine having unlimited poor flights like this, and then probably paying lots of fees for better legroom. If you wouldn’t fly this for a single flight normally, don’t bother with the unlimited.
I miss the JetBlue All You Can Fly rates back in the day.
$299 pass sold out already, now $499
I got this and then confirmed that if I get the credit card I get 2 checked bags for free. I hear Barclays can be difficult to get in, but that’s a gamble I am willing to take, especially as its only $300. As a young person, I feel like this makes a lot of sense as I live near a hub and can go on weekend backpacking/skiing trips for near nothing.
Sorry rusty nail, the biggest problem with Frontier is their nonexistent customer service. Please people, unless you have nothing else to do with your time and money, DON’T DO IT. Frontier is the worst airline in the sky.
I bought it. $299 is too hard to pass up, especially when I also get 12,000 miles for purchasing the pass as an Elite Diamond (via status match).
Hello Allen. How long have you had the Elite Diamond status? How did you obtain it?
Most of the flights that qualify have poor connecting flights that require an overnight stay. As time has gone on direct nonstop flights are not offered to wildpass holders. Now with more and more wildpassers you spend 24+ hours trying to get to your destinations. Even if you try to book each leg individually it is always checkmate as the nonstop routes are not offered when trying to do so.
“Get a one-time $40 statement credit by using your enrolled eligible Card to spend a minimum of $200 in one or more transactions directly with Frontier Airlines by 12/31/2023. Flights must originate in the U.S. and purchase must be in USD. See terms.”
Got that here: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/amex-offers-frontier-airlines-spend-200-get-40-back/
One way of looking at this is to get your own estimate of a per segment price and figuring out when it becomes a deal for you.
Each domestic segment is around $15 (read: connecting flights = multiple segments), so your “total cost” for this GWP offer is $15 multiplied by the number of segments flown, plus $499.
For someone flying into a hub to connect on to their destination, it’s a $60 round trip… but that’s without factoring in the initial cost of the pass (and completely skipping over any questions of availability).
The biggest problem with Frontier is their change/cancellation policies and fees. Outrageous.
And their customer service is essentially nonexistent. They want you to pay to talk to a rep at the airport? Their is no phone support And their chatbot is not AI, it is AS(S) Artificial Stupidity. Worst on the planet.
browse the net attentively: it seems Frontier followed Spirit and cancelled change/cancellation fees(?) Second question: are refunds in cash, or 1-year spend credit?