Get $20 Free Amazon Credit When You Use Your Membership Rewards Points To Pay

The Offer

Amazon & American Express have partnered for a similar promotion to the one that Discover was offering where you can get a $20 Amazon credit when you use American Express points to pay for Amazon purchases for the first time. Here is how to complete this promotion:

  1. Link an eligible American Express card to Amazon by clicking here
  2. Add items to your cart. Make sure these are SOLD & SHIPPED by amazon, otherwise you won’t get the $20 discount
  3. Enter the following promotional code “SWP20AMR
  4. Select to pay at least a portion of the bill with your American Express Membership Rewards points (you should get 1¢ in value, but others have reported only getting 0.7¢ in value. It doesn’t matter how much of the total bill you pay with points, even a $0.01 payment in points should trigger the $20 discount)
  5. Ensure the $20 discount has been applied

Some people will receive an error message, I’m not sure why this happens. Try changing the products in your cart, if it still doesn’t work unfortunately there isn’t really anything you can do.

The Fine Print

  • Valid until November 9th, 2014

Our Verdict

This seems like an easy way to get a $20 discount on products you need from Amazon, or a $20 item for free.

Hat tip to Miles Quest

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