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The Offer
Stop&Shop, Giant, Martin’s (not yet showing)
- Giant/Stopandshop/Martin’s have an offer showing in their upcoming circular for June 5th – June 12th:
- Get 3x fuel points on the purchase Visa gift cards.
Gift cards generally don’t earn fuel points at all at Giant/S&S/Martin’s, but occasionally they release offers like this to get points on gift card purchases.
Gas Points Details
Every 100 points gets you 10¢ off per gallon at Shell, up to 20 gallons. If you have 1000 points, you’ll get $1 off. If you have 1500 points, you’ll get $1.50 off per gallon.
- Max discount in some areas is $1.50. In other areas, there might not be any max.
- You have 30 days to use the points. The day of purchase is Day #1. (Giant PA and Martins might expire at the end of the following month.) (Some people are getting 60 days now due to COVID-19.)
- Points can only be used at partner Shell stations. You can redeem the points in a different area from where you got the points, but only if that Shell station is a partner. Check out the gas locator for Stop & Shop and for Giant for exact listings of which Shell stations are included. (Giant PA and Martins might only be valid at their own gas stations.)
- See the FAQ for more details. Some of the details vary by area and store.
- Points usually are available immediately, but I’ve had on occasion where it took a day until they showed up and were usable.
- Pro tip: Use a Shell gift card and you’ll usually get the cash price; it’s especially worthwhile to get the lower cash price when using fuel points.
Our Verdict
Currently they are offering 2x on Mastercard gift cards.
Hat tip to reader Mac
Just came back from S&S and received points immediately in MA.
Points posted on the receipt, same as last time at the same Bear, DE store.
Stop & Shop in Providence RI Immediate Points
works yesterday but not today at the same store, MA. No points showing in receipt or account
4 hours ago.
Agree on contacting store. My points showed up on receipt immediately in MA on 6/6.
Hi Jim,
Do you finally get your points? I’m in MA too.
I have not called them. will do later.
Purchased Visa GC from Stop and Shop in BX, NY. No gas points.
Points posted, from giant in Gaitherburg
Black Kevlar (4 x $500) worked at Giant in Silver Spring, MD. There were no points on the receipt. It took about 25 minutes for the points to show up in my account.
Black Kevlar at a Giant Food of Landover worked. If you don’t see points immediately, wait an hour and check again.
My very lax area has begun to get more strict, maybe a memo from corporate. Now they are checking IDs and CCs constantly, i saw department leads and managers spewing that to employees. It was fun while it lasted.
Also, under (or equal?) $200 gift cards do not require manager approval/key and therefore shouldn’t require ID either.
most cases yes, but there are those times when say using P2’s card or a GC itself to pay for a GC would have slid thru if not for the checking, but I agree that the benefits of security outweigh the small MS opportunities.
What Harry said. However I wouldn’t say it is “small” MS opportunities since checking IDs will usually carry over to MO purchases as well.
I’m MS > Security since our data is out there already. You should have alerts and no liability from CCs anyways.
As for liability, that gets passed on to us indirectly, I’m sure.
Hello my friends. I Live in Landover,MD purchased Variable load Visa GCs this morning from Giant in Landover, MD there was not signage posted in store nor ad in circular and they did earn 3x points at the bottom of my receipt.
There is a sign at the card rack itself showing 3x VGC promo. Points did accrue.