Many reports are coming in that gift card conversion in Best Buy stores is no longer allowed by the POS system.
It’s long been possible to buy third-party physical gift cards at a Best Buy store by paying with a Best Buy gift card. Best Buy carries gift cards for eBay, gas, Disney, restaurants, iTunes and many more. [It used to even be possible to convert Best Buy gift cards into Visa gift cards, but that stopped that a few years ago.]
As of TODAY, 5/2/18, it seems no longer possible to buy third-party gift cards with Best Buy gift cards.
Reader C.B. tells us of someone who was told yesterday by a Best Buy cashier that this change would go into effect today, and they found that to be the case today that the system blocked it. Reader MoreSun also reports the same, except that they note it’s still working for some third-party cards but not others.
Based on the data points, I’m confident there was a change, question is if it affects everything or only some. MoreSun suggests that maybe it only affects variable-load cards. My guess is the change affects everything, with the possible exception of iTunes, XBOX and other electronic-related gift cards which they likely get from a different supplier.
Anyway, we need more data points to clarify the extent, but it’s not looking good. Still need data points on whether conversion of BBYR certificates into third-party gift cards is dead too. And whether consolidating multiple Best Buy gift cards into one still works.
Buying third-party gift cards online has never worked since you’ll get a quick cancellation. However, they have updated that as well so that when you have gift cards in your cart the system does not allow a gift card to be used at checkout.
This especially hits hard the free $10 Cashstar promotions which offer expiring gift cards and we always had third-party gift card purchase as backup method.
- It’s no longer possible to buy variable-load gift cards in amounts above $200. This is hard-coded by the system, regardless of payment type.
- Some readers are still having success with conversion while others are being blocked even on fixed-value cards.
- XBOX conversion is still allowed online – likely in stores will work too. And some other electronic-related brands might be in the same category.
- I found the Best Buy gift card terms which do note that some third-party gift cards won’t work, so Best Buy does have some cover from a T&C perspective. That T&C terminology is an update from within the past year.
- On the Best Buy Forums, they’ve confirmed that they are limiting how Best Buy gift cards can be used for third-party gift cards.
- Seems like BBYR certificates may still be working to buy third-party gift cards.
- Bonus expiring cards can still be used to buy Best Buy gift cards in-store.
You always need to find out a way out and check out the gift card balance before using it at any store.
Looked at my $10 Cashstar promo rewards in preparation for a Best Buy run tomorrow. In the fine print (posted below), notice it says “Redeemable…for merchandise and services, including … prepaid open loop cards and third party gift cards.” So while normal gift cards are shut down, the promo codes should still work, although I’ve read a comment or two that they don’t. Guess I’ll find out for sure tomorrow.
CODE EXPIRES AND MUST BE REDEEMED BY 6/11/18. This offer is only for the intended recipient of this email. The savings code is PROMOTIONAL and has no cash value. Savings code will be applied to your total purchase. Redeemable in any U.S. or Puerto Rico Best Buy® retail location or online at® where available for merchandise or services, including some Magnolia Home Theater® and Geek Squad® related services, prepaid open loop cards and third party gift cards. Code carries no service or administrative fees. Not redeemable for cash except where applicable by law. Lost, stolen or damaged Codes cannot be replaced. The value of the savings code will not be refunded if merchandise is returned or an order cancelled. Not a credit or debit card. No valid as a payment on a Best Buy Credit Card. Not reloadable. Call 1-888-716-7994 with questions. All terms enforced except where prohibited by law.
Just came back from Best Buy. POS wouldn’t let me buy an ebay gift card with my $10 certificate. Cashier tried, but POS rejected it. Manager said they’re not going to honor it in spite of what it clearly says on the certificate.
Anyone have any good reselling ideas for the cashstar $10 promo gift cards???
Now dead in my local best buy although certificates still work. I had purchased shell and exxon gc’s on May 2 successfully but tried cashing out my $10 cashstar promo gc’s today with no luck. 🙁
Here’s the problem. They posted a notice on the gift card rack that there would be a $200 limit and 3 of a kind limit.
But they never posted a notice about banning all 3rd party gift card purchases.
It is customary for companies to post a notice easily visible to the public if they change terms and conditions. Best Buy farked up here.
Has anyone that was successful recently tried again since may 10? Curious if this is now hard codes everywhere or still YMMV.
Hard coded denied yesterday in CT and today in MA as well.
California no longer works. Tried Pasadena. Shut down at the register.
We need to get a lawsuit going, or some way to complain. Maybe BBB?
The problem is that it’s so difficult to escalate this issue to corporate.
The 1-800bestbuy number only deals with online purchases, and has no way to escalate to corporate.
You could be robbed at gun point by a BB store manager in BB and corporate wouldn’t even bat an eye. I had a associate place an order on my account with my credit card (my fault for saving it to acc’t) and ship it to some random person. When I called BB to complain and get it corrected, they just shrugged their shoulders and told me they didn’t know how it happened – just that it was an order placed by phone. No apology, no way for them to contact corporate, no solution. I had to file a chargeback with my CC company to get it resolved.
I was buying some third party gift cards with Best Buy gift cards yesterday and was told by the store manager that as of May 10, 2018, Best Buy gift cards can’t be used to purchase ANY gift cards. It’ll be hard-coded into the POS system as of that date, according to them. I appreciate the 48 hours notice from the store manager (so I can use up the gift cards that got me into Best Buy stores periodically even if I didn’t need any new electronics). I won’t be in their stores near as much as I used to be. Sneaky move though on Best Buy’s part, the way this has been handled. And yes, the reason cited for the change in policy was basically fraud.
Saw 3 reports of stores where gc to gc was recently working but stopped. One store worked on Sun but not today (cashier said it stopped working Mon), the others worked last week but not today. Highly unlikely they were all buying at the same store but locations were not disclosed.
Best Buy basically confirmed this is here to stay on their Forum today “Best Buy is limiting how Best Buy gift cards can be used to purchase other third-party gift cards to cut down on inappropriate and in some cases fraudulent use of gift cards. Many retailers have made similar changes or are in the process of doing so.”
Nice link, let me add to the post, thanks.