Update 11/29/21: CYBERSALE code now live, rebatesme down to 2% cash back.
Update 11/26/21 from Chuck: The RebatesMe shopping portal is showing the highest 3% cashback rate now for Giftcards.com. They also show the 5% off virtual Visa deal, so it should stack. That’s an easy way of meeting the $10 cashback requirement for the $45 referral signup bonus. I wasn’t planning on doing this deal, but think I might do it now in combination with the $45 signup bonus. Hat tip to reader Otto
The Offer
Direct link to offer (our affiliate link)
- Giftcards.com is offering 5% off Virtual Visa gift cards when you use the following promo codes:
BLACKFRIDAY2021 (11/26 – 11/28)- CYBERSALE (11/29 only)
Our Verdict
Limit is $750 in cards per code. Fee is $5.95 and maximum is $250 per card, so if you purchase 3 cards you’ll pay $730.35 meaning an easy $20 in profit + credit card fees. Can also go through a portal for additional rewards. Not as good as the 10% deal we’ve seen multiple times, but hard to complain with free money. I’d recommend buying as soon as these deals go live, because they usually have limits on how many people can do the deal.
I wrote 2 tickets for the 3% RebatesMe portal that didn’t track for me. They accepted one of them but the other was denied with reason being a different referrer was used. Something weird must have happened with site cookies or something because I know I went through RebatesMe. I also had extra TCB purchases go through and track on their site that I know wasn’t through them.
This is back
William Charles
Chuck 5% Off Virtual Visa, max 3 cards. Code VV5C3WC appears in P1 and P2 Rakuten account. Code VV5T216 appears on the website. Rakuten is offering 2%, but have had issues with it tracking.
Thanks, was just in middle of writing about this https://www.doctorofcredit.com/giftcards-com-5-off-virtual-visa-giftcards-promo-code-vv5c3w-plus-2x-from-rakuten/
BLACKFRIDAY2021, CYBERSALE, and CYBERSURPRISE: “We’re sorry. This promotion has ended.”
Getting canceled every time. Tried combinations of email, incog, vpn.
P1 order received > 10 min. P2 received email “order has been created”. Nothing since, that was 2 hours+ ago. Probably has been canceled.
NM, P2 just got the order after posting.
Maybe it’s a recent addition, but the RebatesMe page states “The use of coupon/promotional codes not listed on RebatesMe may void Cash Back.” The promo code above is not listed, so they could easily deny the 2% cash back, which in turn means you wouldn’t get the $45 sign-up promo.
The Black Friday one was listed, but yeah the Cyber Monday does not appear to be listed.
I used both codes successfully, 1 order each, using the same card.
I ordered for P1 and P2 both Saturday and again today. However, in both P2 orders I forgot to enter the code! Boy do I feel dumb! Just a reminder: Enter the code!!!
Giftcards.com does not seem to report to cashback sites from my experience. The clicks track but I never get the cashback. I would file support tickets but based on the number of people who report their cards being blocked by Giftcards.com I do not want to risk filing a support ticket and then it causing them to block me for some reason. Probably not going to do this deal anyway since it is just 5% and not 10% and only nets about 2.5% and I am loaded up on prepaids already.
You may need to use a different browser without all the anti-tracking bits on. I have several purchases that reported to the alaska portal (need to extend my miles expiration) within the hour, even though gcc immediately cancelled my orders. (No they’re not going to pay the miles but it shows the purchase tracked)
I did disable everything like I usually do before using cashback site. The cashback site tracked the clicked just has never in all my purchases from Gifrcards.com over time actually reported cashback after completing the purchase. Same method I use that works fine with all others sites, just not reporting for Giftcards.com
Exact same experience.
rebatesme didn’t seem to track. TCB worked for me though.