Returns To Airline Shopping Portals has come back to airline shopping portals. After the Cartera portals (most airlines and some of the other portals) had removed them a few months ago, they’ve now returned. Useful when they have good rates or for meeting some of spend promos that the airline portals run often.

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Jerry Love
Jerry Love (@guest_1930656)
October 11, 2024 17:54

Gotta be careful with American Airlines when buying these cards. Carterra, the entity that processes these transactions, has routinely denied me credit on legitimate purchases. They typically state that I clicked away from the page or that someone else got credited for my purchase or that I used a coupon code.

None of that is true. And when challenged AA never states exactly who supposedly got credit for my purchases.

I actually resorted to videotaping my purchases so that it could not possibly be argued that I did anything other than place orders in the prescribed method.

I have orders that have not been credited. I sent AA notice that I intend be sue. I am waiting for the 60-day waiting notice period to elapse so that I can proceed.

It is principal for me.

AA and Carterra rely on people not checking that their orders receive proper credit. It is an underhanded way to do business.

Unfortunately their terms and conditions do not allow for a class-action suit. But, when I do finally get my day in court, I will easily prove my case and when I prevail in court I hope to publicize Americans unscrupulous behavior. Very, very dishonest way to do business.

TravelGeek (@guest_1930719)
October 11, 2024 19:38

How much are you paying for your legal advice?

JerryLove (@guest_1930801)
October 11, 2024 21:54

I don’t require legal advice to handle this suit myself.

lee (@guest_1930621)
October 11, 2024 16:56 has been one of the most unreliable merchants for actually tracking cashback from my experience on multiple platforms.

EastsideBK (@guest_1930828)
October 11, 2024 23:04

lee This. I’ve never gotten to track on any portal. Have tried at least 5 times. Don’t buy from here if you are just trying to do a portal bonus.

TravelGeek (@guest_1931011)
October 12, 2024 10:49

Not sure what I am doing differently, but a few dozen purchases this year have had a 95% track rate for me. I literally only once had to reach out to Cartera when an order failed to track, and they manually fixed it without arguing. I always use Chrome in Incognito mode and don’t bother with the portal browser extension.

Not Sam
Not Sam (@guest_1930551)
October 11, 2024 14:41

This is a W. Southwest portal usually has regular bonuses. I guess they can’t exclude gift cards from a gift card site?

Eternal Blue
Eternal Blue (@guest_1930880)
October 12, 2024 01:48

I earned my signup bonus from United’s portal with a purchase even though the bonus terms specifically excluded giftcard purchases.