Save 12% On $50 Visa & Mastercard eGiftcards With Promo Code JOLLY12, SANTA12 (Limit 5)

The Offer

Direct Link to offer (contains our affiliate – you might want to use a shopping portal instead)

  • has 12% off on Visa or Mastercard virtual gift cards. Valid on $50 denomination. Limit 5 cards. Use promo code JOLLY12 or SANTA12. Valid through 12/24/23.


Our Verdict

The 12% discount ends up negating the fee. I wouldn’t find this worthwhile unless I needed this is a gift or similar. Use Chase Freedom via Paypal for 5x. Let us know if you find any other working promo codes and we’ll add it in.

Readers were saying with the prior deal that shopping portals were tracking. That would make the deal a little better. YMMV.

Hat tip to reader Cole S

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randomguy (@guest_1764688)
December 24, 2023 17:55

Coming up, 50% off on $10 gift cards

PS: 5$ fee.

Justin (@guest_1764624)
December 24, 2023 15:49

Check on your Citi credit cards. I have 3% offer on Citi AA executive card

The (@guest_1764539)
December 24, 2023 12:13

To be zero balanced quickly after purchase. Burned too many times wit Vanilla cards

Michael (@guest_1764613)
December 24, 2023 15:17

These aren’t Vanillas.

Dima (@guest_1764534)
December 24, 2023 12:03 marketing team has been hard at work for months now trying to get folks to bite on their mediocre deals. They keep changing them, so I guess it’s not going great.

Michael (@guest_1764616)
December 24, 2023 15:19

The 12% is definitely eye catching until you see it’s only on the $50 denominations. 10% off $100 is the only thing I’ll bother with. I think the even better deals they used to have are gone for good.

Vaj (@guest_1764490)
December 24, 2023 10:49

I used my old giftcards and turned them new. made 0.25$ for 250$ lolz.
Plus swagbucks 1% (Lets see if they credit it).

TS (@guest_1764489)
December 24, 2023 10:49

Just when we thought the year is over, we have the last-minute winner of “THE IDIOT OF THE YEAR”. Congratulations Mr. Singh!

Fuzzy (@guest_1764483)
December 24, 2023 10:43

My orders from the last couple months have tracked but have not paid. Since i used the codes I’m guessing they never will.

Jay Singh
Jay Singh (@guest_1764427)
December 24, 2023 08:04

If the author finds the offer NOT WORTHWHILE after the fees then why the hell post something and waste every ones time. Idiot !

pxyz (@guest_1764454)
December 24, 2023 09:39

“Unless using for a gift” – idiot.

Bockrr (@guest_1764455)
December 24, 2023 09:40

Because it might be useful to someone else? If you have to meet a spending goal or if your portal of choice tracks it’s a perfectly fine offer, just not lucrative.

Tworth (@guest_1764461)
December 24, 2023 09:49

Why don’t you just stop reading if you think the site is run by an idiot? Geez. You’re a real winner.

barrytuneuep (@guest_1764464)
December 24, 2023 09:54

you are one tough know nothing!! You don’t even know that you can use a portal with a 3% card, and you can make $$. You are the idiot!! I won’t tell which cards give 3%!! Do your homework and don’t post moronic statements. That is not what this forum is all about. Imaging, insulting our leader like you did!! Despicable.

Wayne (@guest_1764493)
December 24, 2023 10:53

Some will like offers and some will not. I suggest you find the ones you like.

ChunnyBigrigga (@guest_1764557)
December 24, 2023 12:45

Just want to express my deep appreciation for the good Doc for continuing to post these opportunities. This one, in conjunction with many others are going to be responsible for a mostly free trip to Grand Cayman for my wife and I. 8 days on the Seven Mile Beach, in a $1,700 a night hotel room that I would never, ever stay at without first taking advantage of the types of posts made available here. Round trip flights will run us $11.20 each,

To Jay, I hope you are just having a bad day, and shake it off. Maybe consider apologizing, and look at things a bit beyond the surface. Or not, up to you. Either way, we’ll be on the beach soon!

Wayne (@guest_1764562)
December 24, 2023 13:09

Good point. Have a great trip.

randomguy (@guest_1764371)
December 24, 2023 02:17

Don’t do this, they are testing the water

Andy (@guest_1764361)
December 24, 2023 01:26

Hypothetically, let’s say you scale this with multiple emails and credit cards, buy and liquidate 150 of these ($7,500 total), and get it all done in an hour, maybe less. At this pace, you can be just above federal minimum wage. Easy-peasy.

Guy Who Buys Stuff
Guy Who Buys Stuff (@guest_1764365)
December 24, 2023 01:41

If I had time… but I’m currently trying to borrow a mail truck for an interstate bottle redemption run.

Andie (@guest_1764375)
December 24, 2023 02:23

Just don’t borrow the truck from mail carrier named Newman. I have a friend named Jerry and he despises that guy.

J2🤓 (@guest_1764379)
December 24, 2023 02:47

I saw that episode too.

JOHN m (@guest_1764412)
December 24, 2023 06:33

OH, the humanity!

barrytuneuep (@guest_1764466)
December 24, 2023 09:57

Seinfeld rules!!! This from a senior member.