Go To Walmart To Unload? Maximize Your Visit

If you’re anything like me, chances are you go to Walmart regularly to unload gift cards via Bluebird/Serve. I hate making trips somewhere purely for manufactured spending purposes, even if it does give me a good return on my time. Here are a few things you can do to maximize your visit.

  • Check to see what free products Walmart is offering. Click here to see all the free samples/products that Walmart currently has on offer. There is rarely something worthwhile in here, but sometimes you can find a hidden gem or two.
  • Use Walmart savings catcher and do your regular shopping. Walmart has a program where you enter your receipt number and if another store in your area has a lower price they refund the difference. Those with a Bluebird account will get 2x the difference. More information by clicking here.
  • Check to see if there are any coupons available. Walmart has a whole section of their website dedicated to coupons, I always quickly check to see if any of the products I plan to purchase have an associated coupon. Click here to view all the coupons Walmart is offering.
  • Withdraw cash using a miles/cash earning debit card. If you make a purchase you can withdraw a maximum of $100, you could use a debit card that earns miles or one that earns cash back. Thanks to islandgoddess for this suggestion.
  • Use ShopKick to scan stuff for points. Generally the stuff they require you to scan is the same, so you can get a good quick routine down. You won’t earn much ($2 or so per visit) but it can add up and shouldn’t take too long. Thanks to seth for this suggestion.

I usually do the first and last options on my phone whilst I’m waiting in line. It’s not going to get me rich any time soon, but I love me some free and discounted goods that I already planned to purchase. Make sure you follow me on twitter as I’ll make sure I tweet out the better free products/coupons that are available.

How do you maximize your visits at Walmart? Let me know in the comments. Also if you haven’t already subscribed to the blog, do so. We’ll be posting about combining multiple programs similar to savings catcher to make a profit on your grocery store spend.

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seth (@guest_36861)
November 4, 2014 15:22

I do a ShopKick walk around Walmart every time I am in there. Takes about 5 minutes because they always have the same exact stuff to scan so I know exactly where to go. I earn about $2 in Target gift cards each time.

I don’t know if this works but I have considered adding a savings catcher strategy. I don’t know if it works, but it seems I could find random receipts laying around on the floor, near the trash and at the self check out lines. I could just upload discarded receipts into savings catcher if that would actually work.

jim (@guest_36853)
November 4, 2014 14:44

What do you mean unload at WM? Wasn’t that a thing of past? The only load you can do is with Cashiers and that is only if you are lucky cos many of these cashiers demand actual Bank issued debit cards. I know you guys advise us to show a real one and than use the visa or mc gcs but they look at how you load and will stop you once they see it. I have been unable to load at the kiosk like I used to do and it is same with many other Msers.

Giddy for Points
Giddy for Points (@guest_36890)
November 4, 2014 18:22

Unloading at WM atm hasn’t completely died yet. Still works at my WM in Houston

Hua (@guest_36959)
November 5, 2014 02:52

Hmm… I have loaded $4,000 since Nov. 1 (3k at the MC and 1k at a kiosk) and last month I did 5k plus another test with billpay that came up roses. Maybe try a different WM?

Dan (@guest_37157)
November 6, 2014 05:47

In the past three days I have unloaded $3,000 between the MC and kiosk here in Melbourne, FL.

RL (@guest_37583)
November 7, 2014 23:37

Must be your demographics. I load over 80k a month at WM.

islandgoddess (@guest_36843)
November 4, 2014 13:48

If you are going to Wally World anyway and you have a debit card which earns you miles (UFB etc) you might as well buy a pack of gum and pull out $100, thus earning 50 miles for your trip. You can always redeposit the cash if need be the next time you are at your regular bank.

Ny (@guest_36810)
November 4, 2014 10:16

If you already shop at Walmart this is great (or generally looking for coupons for things you are going to buy where ever you shop). Personally, I prefer Target and will the prepaid RedCard and Cartwheel plus coupons and stuff on sale, you can really save a bundle.