Pixel Class Settlement
Pixel Class Settlement Website
If you bought one of the First-Generation Pixel or Pixel XL smartphones in the United States for personal use (not for resale), you may be eligible to get a payment of up to $500 from a class action settlement.
The lawsuit being settled concerns first-generation Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones manufactured before January 4, 2017. Plaintiffs allege that these Pixels have a defect that leads to microphone or speaker failures. The defendant in the case, Google LLC, denies these allegations but has agreed to pay $7.25 million to settle the case.
Who Is Eligible?
You are a class member, and are included in the Settlement, if you are in the United States and bought (not for resale), a new Pixel or Pixel XL smartphone manufactured before January 4, 2017.
You are only eligible if you did not receive a replacement Pixel manufactured after January 3, 2017 or refurbished after June 5, 2017. Also excluded from the Settlement Class are (a) Google and its officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, and affiliates; (b) all judges assigned to this case and any members of their immediate families; (c) the parties’ counsel in this litigation.
How Much Can We Get?
If you didn’t experience any issues or can’t prove it, you’ll get up to $20. Those who experienced the defect will get up to $350 for one phone or up to $500 if they have multiple phones.
If you experienced the alleged audio problems described above on your first-generation Pixel or Pixel XL, you are eligible to get more money than if you did not experience those problems. After the claims deadline, the Settlement Fund will be paid out as follows. First, money will be set aside to pay up to $20 to each person who did not experience the alleged audio defect or who cannot provide any documentation to show that they experienced it. Second, people who paid an insurance deductible to receive a replacement Pixel will be refunded the amount of the deductible. Third, people who experienced the alleged audio defect on more than one Pixel will be paid $500 each. Fourth, people who experienced the alleged audio defect on one Pixel will be paid $350 each, unless there is not enough money left to make those payments, in which case the rest of the fund will be distributed to them on a pro rata basis. For more information on the Plan of Allocation, see the Case Documents page of this website. For information on how to make a claim, see Question 10 and the File Claim tab of this website.
Important Dates
- January 4, 2017 – phones manufactured until this date potentially have a defect in the microphone or speaker
- February 2018 – class lawsuit was filed
- October 7, 2019 – last day to submit a claim
- December 6, 2019 – court will decide whether to approve the settlement
- March 6, 2020 – payments will be sent out no later than this date
Our Verdict
I’m usually pretty lazy about filing these lawsuits, especially when I’m a bit unsure if I’m eligible. Yet, so often I hear friends mention that ‘I got a check for $xx for some class lawsuit I filed which I don’t even recall filing’, and these are sometimes nice checks. So it’s probably is worth filing if you’re eligible. Even just $20 isn’t bad for a few minutes of time. Obviously, it would fraudulent for someone who isn’t eligible to file a claim.
Hat tip to DDG
Is this different than
Different phone, different issues, but otherwise similar.
Hmm. I experienced defective microphone and audio but I simply turned to an alternative iphone for such tasks, and tended to use it to shot pictures. In other words, I never complained, as I assumed that was the con of the phone.
You thought they just made a phone with a microphone and audio that you couldn’t use?? Why would you assume that it wasn’t a defect?
Hrmm, I had this issue, but received the Pixel as a gift, so out of luck with no Proof of Purchase?
I was planning to just attach the order confirmation which i still had in my email from Verizon – could you ask the person who gave it to you to check?
I was also able to find a “device payment installment agreement” in my verizon documents and receipts which is probably good enough. Interestingly enough I didn’t see an order confirmation/receipt from the actual purchase even though I purchased it through their website. Perhaps the person who bought it for you could submit a support request if they can’t find it.
Of course if you ask them to do this for you then you should probably take them out to lunch when you finally receive the check!
I know when my pixel 1 was ordered but how can I tell when it was manufactured?
The date should be printed on the box.
Checked and the date is not printed on the box for me.
There is a spot on the claim form for EMEI so I assume if you put it in they would screen out those manufactured after that date. That field isn’t required an I’ve already moved on to another phone so I plan to leave it blank but I bought my phone in 2016 so am comfortable submitting as is.
*IMEI. If you still have the phone, but not the box, you can Dial *#06# to see the IMEI number on the screen.