Google To Start Offering Checking Accounts – In Partnership With Citi & BBVA, BMO & More (Google Pay Plex)

Update 8/6/20: 9 to 5 google is now reporting that there will be a total of 8 banking partners including BBVA, BMO Harris and the previously announced Citi & Standford.

Update 4/17/20: TechCrunch has obtained images of what the physical and virtual debit cards will look like. Interestingly the card will feature both the Google name and the Citi/standford branding.

Original post: According to the WSJ Google will begin to offer checking accounts to consumers, the project’s codename is ‘Cache’ and is expected to launch sometime in 2020. Google is partnering with Citigroup and Stanford credit union to offer the account. In fact the accounts will have the Citi/Stanford branding rather than the Google branding, given that they will also be responsible for the ‘financial plumbing’ and compliance it’s unclear what Google will actually bring to the table.

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Rusty (@guest_1031381)
August 6, 2020 19:41

Just waiting for Grrrrrrrrroooooogle to get into the red-hot precious metals business.

MrObvious (@guest_1031309)
August 6, 2020 18:33

It’s OK, Google will forget about this after a year. That’s been their usual new product roadmap. You’ll be stranded on the side of the road wondering what happened.

Phil (@guest_1031455)
August 6, 2020 21:28

That’s not necessarily a bad thing though. If you’re gonna fail at something, fail quickly and move on to the next thing.

Millennial Outrage
Millennial Outrage (@guest_1031516)
August 6, 2020 22:52

As long as they launch with a fat marketing budget in the form of signup bonuses, high APY, big $ referrals, then I’m ok if this smolders on the side of the road.

Ali (@guest_1354760)
March 28, 2022 17:20

This comment aged quite well lol.

sudocat (@guest_1031219)
August 6, 2020 16:28

So whose going to be on Google Fi with a Google Pixel, with a Google Wallet, Linked to a Google Citi Bank account, using a Gmail account using Google Maps to travel? All your data in one place, nice and convenient.

MrObvious (@guest_1031306)
August 6, 2020 18:32

It’s OK. Apple already has all your data.

Millennial Outrage
Millennial Outrage (@guest_1031513)
August 6, 2020 22:49

At least Apple makes an attempt to keep your data private and their business model isn’t tied to advertising.

jake (@guest_1031074)
August 6, 2020 13:27

“In Partnership With Citi”. Big red flags with this one

Jeremy (@guest_1031020)
August 6, 2020 12:16

I’m banned from Citi for high level of manufactured spending…fair to assume I’ll be banned from these Google checking accounts also?

GoodCow (@guest_1031094)
August 6, 2020 13:47

do give more details on your “high level” ms.

Bruce (@guest_1031011)
August 6, 2020 12:13

I’m assuming the customer service will be just as bad as with Google Fi. Avoid at all costs

never mind
never mind (@guest_1030987)
August 6, 2020 11:42

Why do I care unless they pay a top rate? Are they even going to pay interest?

Bob (@guest_1031082)
August 6, 2020 13:34

you should care as this might present a great opportunity to short a company that recklessly diversifies into unfamiliar fields after decades of failures doing the same, at a time when their main business is facing fierce competition in a shrinking (ad) market

you could make enough in one shot to never waste another second of your life thinking about “interest rate on checking account” any more 😉

vips (@guest_1031165)
August 6, 2020 15:11

And yet their market cap has multiplied by a factor of 5 over the last decade

J2 (@guest_1031326)
August 6, 2020 18:45

If only it was that easy.

Frank (@guest_1030984)
August 6, 2020 11:37

I for one welcome our Google overlords

MSer (@guest_1030981)
August 6, 2020 11:33

Don’t bother. Google will abandon this 18 months down the line, just like 99% of every other thing they’ve tried. Still have my old Google debit card they killed off 5 years ago.

t (@guest_1031006)
August 6, 2020 12:05

was there any fun MS path associated with it?

DD (@guest_959672)
April 18, 2020 17:43

The terms and conditions will be astronomical. I recently got an application for short-term temp jobs and it was 17 pages long.