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bicyclep (@guest_1993760)
January 29, 2025 19:30

Any idea if you can fund a share cert of acc on GTE with a Capital 1 (business) card?

Frazz (@guest_1982858)
January 10, 2025 13:01

(Failed) DP from Pennsylvania:

2024/08/29: Submitted application.
2024/09/21: “Go Full Access” Checking, Regular Share, and Member Share accounts opened.
2024/10/31: Real DD posts to checking account ($510).
2024/11/21: Bonus should have posted by now (60 days + 10 days after account opening).
2024/11/27: Real DD posts to checking account ($510).
2024/12/23: Real DD posts to checking account ($510).
2025/01/06: Contacted customer service about the bonus status by sending a message from my account page. They confirmed that it “was a promotion valid for Florida residents only”.

Thought I’d be able to get around it by joining the Savers club, but it was not meant to be.

I’ll keep the account open and will keep DD-ing to it through March to avoid both the monthly fee and the EATF, after which I will zero out and close.

Thanks anyway, Doc.

churn (@guest_1962180)
November 30, 2024 19:12

Could you still do CC Funding?

Massy Mass
Massy Mass (@guest_1954947)
November 19, 2024 14:03

To update
Opening in branch 8/12
Real DDs 9/13 and 10/25
A bunch of $1 cash app reloads
Bonus posted 11/19 $300 to the Regular Share Account.

I didn’t see it there initially since it’s blocked in the app initial home screen unless you scroll down. To it.

I did call in a couple times, and chatter service, just to make sure the bonus was tagged to the account.
However I’m sure there is some manual reviews going on because the last time I called the rep didn’t know/see my real DDs.
I told her it was a German company, and I was actually on the job at the time wearing my company shirt and the deposits were real.
All worked out.

ryan31310 (@guest_1941348)
October 30, 2024 20:27

has anyone gotten the bonus without contacting them for a manual review?

Steve (@guest_1941461)
October 30, 2024 23:27

I hadn’t gotten mine and sent a chat on the mobile app, and they said they’ll open a ticket with marketing department. Bonus posted next day on 10/29. Looks like they’re either backed up from the hurricane or not automatically paying it out?

Brian (@guest_1940236)
October 29, 2024 07:51

Are you guys closing this account prior to the 180 day mark? I recall seeing fine print on DoC saying the bonus would be forfeited if closed within 180 days.

00100100 (@guest_1933827)
October 17, 2024 14:52

CSR confirmed the promotion is manually added by their marking department and they are a bit delayed due to the hurricane – totally understandable

They suggested giving it a few more days, so I’ll keep an eye out next week

00100100 (@guest_1937913)
October 24, 2024 18:04

Chatted again yesterday to follow up and CSR submitted a ticket to have the marketing team review. Bonus posted today into the Regular Share account! (open date July 6)

Ian Fisher
Ian Fisher (@guest_1926135)
October 5, 2024 09:08

Does anyone have a screenshot of the offer? They are saying it was $500/month but I remember it being $500 once.

00100100 (@guest_1926400)
October 5, 2024 19:23

Sorry, theyre right:
*Offer valid for Florida residents only. Member must be 18 years of age or older. Offer valid for new memberships approved between 7/1/2024 and 8/31/2024. Promo code JOIN300 must be used at the time of application. To qualify, the new member must open a Go Premium checking account with GTE Secure, Go Full Access, or Go Further within 90 days of enrollment. Offer not valid for anyone who has banked with GTE Financial in the past. Credit approval and an initial deposit of $5 member owner stock are required.

New members must also receive a recurring direct deposit totaling $500 or more per month, which must still be active on the payment date.

Direct deposit must be an electronic deposit of your paycheck, pension, or government benefits; Deposits or transfers from other accounts or financial institutions do not qualify. Person-to-person payments (such as Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal) are not considered direct deposit. If the requirements are met and the checking account remains open and in good standing for 90 days after the member’s enrollment date, the $300 incentive will be deposited into the member’s savings account at that time.

Diego (@guest_1925811)
October 4, 2024 17:42

Can anyone confirm whether GTE is still offering 5k in CC funding on new CDs? Thanks.

Brian (@guest_1925606)
October 4, 2024 13:20

anyone who opened their account in early July get their bonus yet? Specifically the $300 promo…..I’m at 6 or 7 $500 DD’s bi-weekly the past 3 months and haven’t received anything yet.

00100100 (@guest_1926407)
October 5, 2024 19:35

How early in July?
Terms say bonus will be deposited 90 days after the member’s enrollment date. I opened on July 6, but got my confirmation email on July 10th, so I expect mine to post this week.

Brian (@guest_1927458)
October 7, 2024 15:09

July 7th I opened and received the confirmation email. May inquire tomorrow about bonus as it was due October 5th (90 days from account open)

Rick (@guest_1928209)
October 8, 2024 13:51

Opened July 3, no bonus yet. Please keep us updated!

CU fan
CU fan (@guest_1928376)
October 8, 2024 17:38

They are facing a hurricane…this is probably not on the priority list.

I opened in early July, met the reqs by 9/30. Chatted with a rep yesterday, told to expect payout no later than 10/14.

Brian (@guest_1931921)
October 14, 2024 11:23

Still nothing on my end as of 10/14. You?

Massy Mass
Massy Mass (@guest_1933669)
October 17, 2024 10:44

Just call them up. Easier than to go in branch with these things.
They hit a couple of buttons then suddenly the next day we get out bonuses.

I still have time before I can start calling but you should be able to get your funds.