Handy Roadside Assistance Cards For Premium Credit Cardholders

One benefit that a lot of premium credit cards now come with is roadside assistance. The problem is that when you actually need to use the benefits the last thing you want to be doing is searching for the relevant information to find out what is covered and what number is needed to call for assistance. Awhile ago icemule1 made some handy roadside assistance cards and shared them on reddit, I asked if we could repost them here (and sent a little gift as a way of saying thankyou) and they agreed.

If anybody has any ideas for things similar to this, please let us know in the comments. I’d love to put together more ‘at hand’ resources such as this.

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FlyingNinja (@guest_1365208)
April 14, 2022 13:47

I just called the Ritz carlton number at 866-860-7978, the distance limit is 5 miles for towing.

Brian C 🐕
Brian C 🐕 (@guest_1133683)
January 25, 2021 21:45

 William Charles this is due for a major update 🙂

Zindella (@guest_1321687)
January 26, 2022 18:08


Abhinav G.
Abhinav G. (@guest_1451144)
September 23, 2022 13:29


T (@guest_864201)
January 2, 2020 17:15

Can you please updated this since AMEX no longer offers roadside assistance.

Rob (@guest_802145)
August 23, 2019 10:09

The phone number for the chase ritz is 866 860 7978. Not 855. I just used them. Worked fine even though within 50 miles of home.

Jack (@guest_496035)
October 18, 2017 06:03

A post I and others may be interested in:
Cards to use overseas for those that spend large amounts of time and don’t just need bonuses in the travel category- a list of cards with no FTF that offer bonus categories for grocery, gas etc.

italdesign (@guest_495233)
October 16, 2017 22:42

Keep in mind, if you call the benefit center directly, it would be good to have your card # handy. I once called the Amex center without having the card on me, and it took 10-15 minutes for them to verify that I in fact have an eligible card, because the center doesn’t have access to your account. This could vary by bank, maybe some other centers can easily verify you, but it wasn’t the case with Amex Plat. With Prestige pretty sure I called the # on back of card and they were able to take care of it fairly quickly.

Sue (@guest_494949)
October 16, 2017 13:35

This is so awesome! Always good, useful stuff. Totally agree with the above suggestions about Trip Insurance/Cancellation/Delay, etc. I’m trying to collate one for myself with the partner benefits, like Citi Prestige car rental benefits are with National, Avis and Sixt. Don’t think it would all fit on a card though. 🙂

e* (@guest_494946)
October 16, 2017 13:31

I love this resource! I had this bookmarked on my phone as soon as he posted it on reddit, and it actually came in handy 3 times already!! Car battery died in a parking lot, pulled up this PDF on my phone, and called Prestige. The guy they sent was there in 5 min. So impressed! The other two times were for friends.

Greta (@guest_494910)
October 16, 2017 12:22

For CSR, does anyone know whether the towing assistance up to $50 is one time per year? Or multiple times per year?

Faisal (@guest_494867)
October 16, 2017 11:13

Wow! This is great! How about cards that cover roadside assistance when renting a car?