Help Me Decide Where To Donate $1,200

Back at the start of October I asked readers if they’d like the site to continue to donate at bare minimum 10% of the sites revenue to charity or if they’d prefer that that money was given out in the form of reader competitions instead. The results of that poll were as follows:

  • Charity Contributions: 39%
  • Mixture: 34%
  • Reader Competitions: 26%

I’ve recently spent some time in South East Asia for work and more recently some time in Myanmar/Burma as part of my vacation time. I’ve also spent a lot of time in other developing countries such as Bolivia where poverty is a real day to day struggle for a lot of people. This has just reinforced how important giving to charity is for me.

I’m pleased that this blog has been able to donate $1,385 to five different charities this year but I’ve been disappointed about the level of reader involvement in helping to choose who we give money to and why. Reader, Liz, suggested having a poll each month in which readers can vote for the charity they’d like to see donations go to. I liked that idea and it’s something we’re going to use going forward. Because we have not made any donations for the months of September, October & November we’re going to donate a total of $1,200.

Here is how it’ll work:

  • Readers can submit charities as comments to this post. The only rule is that the charities must have a four star rating or higher on charity navigator.
  • We’ll compile these suggestions and then make a separate post with a poll. Readers can then vote on this poll.

At this stage I don’t think it’ll be a winner takes all situation, as the amount being donated is relatively large but I’m not sure what the exact break down will be. As well as your charity submissions, let me know why you’d like this site to donate to this charity. I’ll make sure to include a little bit on each charity in the post with the polls so people can make an informed decision.

In the coming months I should have more time to update this site more regularly, in addition to that I’d also like to make more positive changes. Below is a list of the immediate changes I’d like to make:

  • New website design that focuses on being much faster. At the moment this site is ridiculously slow to load and it’s difficult to find information easily.
  • Go carbon neutral/positive. I’d like to offset the carbon emissions this site makes (e.g running the server and possibly the power that our readers would use to access the site). I’m a greenie and a capitalist, I’m all about doing the right thing by the environment and making money at the same time.

What charity would you like us to donate $1,200 to and why? What other changes would you like to see implemented here? Let us know in the comments below.

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Georgie (@guest_47166)
December 3, 2014 16:58

Why not try the Human Fund?

icicle (@guest_43720)
November 27, 2014 23:20


It helps out rape and incest survivors. It’s very personal to me, as well.

Credit Card Joint
Credit Card Joint (@guest_42521)
November 26, 2014 01:13

A great organization. Their motto is NO CHILD WITH AN ASD DIAGNOSIS SHOULD BE RELEGATED TO A LIFE OF DISABILITY. and They also have people lose weight while fighting this!

It’s like killing 2 birds with one stone.

Audrey (@guest_41840)
November 25, 2014 00:50

Common Hope in Guatemala is a really good organization. I particularly like that the recipients of its aid have to work to participate, thereby making it more likely they make the most of what they get. I think the opportunity to earn and improve one’s life is always much preferable to handouts. They focus a lot on education. Also, their goal is always to train Guatemalans to take over the leadership roles as soon as possible, rather than keeping Americans in charge.

Ren (@guest_41792)
November 24, 2014 23:05

I like St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I did my research and I think they use their funds wisely.

Stephen (@guest_41786)
November 24, 2014 22:55

I would throw the Aga Khan Foundation into the mix:

I’ve seen some of the projects they work with throughout Central Asia, and they make huge impacts on the lives of people in rural parts of the region in education, health, sanitation, all the stuff that most of us think of as basic rights.

Robert (@guest_41693)
November 24, 2014 19:45

I am a medical student and I returned about 1 month ago from a humanitarian trip with a group called Haiti Health Initiative. We visited very rural villages in Haiti and helped them with medical, dental, and nutrition care. We also help them with running water that they could use to wash their clothes. Great program and they are definitely worthy of any donation. Here’s more info

incendia (@guest_41643)
November 24, 2014 17:43

I would suggest masbia soup kitchen

Liz (@guest_41630)
November 24, 2014 17:14

I would vote for Doctors Without Borders. And of course Charity:Water is my usual favorite. It is very cool that the blog makes donations.

Ny (@guest_41572)
November 24, 2014 15:21

Charity Water does good work too